project QadFinancials > class BSharedSetMerge > method MergeValidateRuleValidateAndUpdate


This method compares content of temporary table with shared set data to be compared and definition of validation rules.


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BSharedSetMerge.MergeValidateCompareInit

program code (program6/bsharedsetmerge.p)

/* =================================================================================================== */
/* Method      : MergeValidateRuleValidateAndUpdate                                                    */
/* Desc        : This method compares content of temporary table with shared set data to be compared   */
/*               and definition of validation rules.                                                   */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Params:  (H)  MergeValidateTable     Definiton of tables to be validated                            */
/*          (H)  MergeValidateField     Definition of fields of tables with field's rules              */
/*          (H)  MergeSharedSetData     Array of handles of temporary tables with content of shared set*/
/* =================================================================================================== */

assign oiReturnStatus = -98.

/* =================================================================================================== */
/* Validate input parameters                                                                           */
/* =================================================================================================== */
if not can-find(first tMergeValidateTable) or
   not can-find(first tMergeValidateField) 
then do:
    assign vcMessage = #T-1'Some mandatory parameters have not been passed to method GetSharedSetMergeRules.':255(63722)t-1#
           vcContext = 'tMergeValidateTable=&1|tMergeValidateField=&2':U
           vcContext = substitute(vcContext, can-find(first tMergeValidateTable), can-find(first tMergeValidateField))
           vcContext = replace(vcContext, '|':U, chr(2)).
    <M-2 run SetMessage
       (input  vcMessage (icMessage), 
        input  '':U (icArguments), 
        input  '':U (icFieldName), 
        input  '':U (icFieldValue), 
        input  'S':U (icType), 
        input  3 (iiSeverity), 
        input  '':U (icRowid), 
        input  'QadFin-6555':U (icFcMsgNumber), 
        input  '':U (icFcExplanation), 
        input  '':U (icFcIdentification), 
        input  vcContext (icFcContext), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BSharedSetMerge>
    assign oiReturnStatus = -1.

/* =================================================================================================== */
/* Validate, whether all fields retrieved from definition table are really presented in temporary      */
/* table to be compared                                                                                */
/* =================================================================================================== */
for each tMergeValidateTable:
    assign viIndex       = integer(tMergeValidateTable.tc_Rowid)
           vhTableHandle = vhMasterSharedSetData[viIndex]
           vhBuf         = vhTableHandle:default-buffer-handle.
    for each tMergeValidateField where
             tMergeValidateField.tc_ParentRowid = tMergeValidateTable.tc_Rowid:
        assign vhFld = vhBuf:buffer-field(tMergeValidateField.tcFieldName).
        if vhFld = ? or 
           not valid-handle (vhFld)
        then do:
            assign vcMessage = #T-5'The definition of validation rules for fields for merge and the structure of data to be compared do not match.':255(63723)t-5#
                   vcContext = 'tMergeValidateField.tcFieldName=&1':U
                   vcContext = substitute(vcContext, tMergeValidateField.tcFieldName).
            <M-4 run SetMessage
               (input  vcMessage (icMessage), 
                input  '':U (icArguments), 
                input  '':U (icFieldName), 
                input  '':U (icFieldValue), 
                input  'S':U (icType), 
                input  3 (iiSeverity), 
                input  '':U (icRowid), 
                input  'QadFin-6556':U (icFcMsgNumber), 
                input  '':U (icFcExplanation), 
                input  '':U (icFcIdentification), 
                input  vcContext (icFcContext), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BSharedSetMerge>
            assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
end. /* foreach tMergeValidateTable: */

/* =================================================================================================== */
/* Definitional file for validation of shared set does not contain all fields. It contains mainly      */
/* ID, Key and Mandatory fields. All other fiels are or non-mandatory or technical and records for     */
/* are created dynamically                                                                             */
/* =================================================================================================== */
for each tMergeValidateTable:
    assign viIndex       = integer(tMergeValidateTable.tc_Rowid)
           vhTableHandle = vhMasterSharedSetData[viIndex]
           vhBuf         = vhTableHandle:default-buffer-handle.

    do viFieldIndex = 1 to vhBuf:num-fields:
        assign vhFld     = vhBuf:buffer-field(viFieldIndex)
               vcFldName = vhFld:name.
        if not can-find(tMergeValidateField where
                        tMergeValidateField.tcFieldName    = vcFldName and
                        tMergeValidateField.tc_ParentRowid = tMergeValidateTable.tc_Rowid)
        then do:
            /* Create new validation rule for field */
            create tMergeValidateField.
            assign tMergeValidateField.tcFieldName      = vcFldName
                   tMergeValidateField.tlIsBlankAllowed = false
                   tMergeValidateField.tc_ParentRowid   = tMergeValidateTable.tc_Rowid.
            /* Is this one of the technical fields */
            if can-do('tc_RowID,tc_ParentRowID,tc_Status,LastModifiedDate,LastModifiedTime,LastModifiedUser':U, vcFldName) or
               index( vcFldName, 'SharedSet_ID':U) <> 0
            then assign tMergeValidateField.tiMergeType = {&SHAREDSETMERGE-FIELDTYPE-TECHNICAL}.
            else assign tMergeValidateField.tiMergeType = {&SHAREDSETMERGE-FIELDTYPE-NON-MANDATORY}.
end. /* for each tMergeValidateTable: */

/* =================================================================================================== */
/* Return                                                                                              */
/* =================================================================================================== */
if oiReturnStatus = -98 then assign oiReturnStatus = 0.