field name | data type | description |
tlPPIsUpdated | logical | Proposed Posting Is Updated true = Posting Template has been opened (updated) and saved false = Posting Template has not yet been re-saved. Initial 'false'. |
tcPPJournalCode | character | Proposed Posting Journal Code |
tiPPJournalID | integer | Proposed Posting Journal ID |
tcPPLayerCode | character | Proposed Posting Layer Code |
tiPPPeriodID | integer | Proposed Posting Period ID |
tiPPPeriodPeriod | integer | Proposed Posting Period Period |
tiPPPeriodYear | integer | Proposed Posting Period Year |
tiPPPostingID | integer | PostingID (For template) |
tcPPPostingTemplateCode | character | Proposed Posting Posting Template Code |
tiPPPostingTemplateID | integer | Proposed Posting Posting Template ID |
tcPPRecEntryFreq | character | Proposed Posting Recurring Entry Frequency |
tiPPRecEntryID | integer | Proposed Posting Recurring Entry ID |
tdPPRecEntryLineAmountLC | decimal(4) | Proposed Posting Recurring Entry Line Amount LTC |
tcPPRecEntryLineCode | character | Proposed Posting Recurring Entry Line Code |
tiPPRecEntryLineID | integer | Proposed Posting Recurring Entry Line ID |
ttPPRecEntryLinePostingDate | date | Proposed Posting Recurring Entry Line Posting Date |
ttPPRecEntryLineReversingDate | date | Proposed Posting Recurring Entry Line Reversing Date |
tcPPRecEntryUpdate | character | Proposed Posting Recurring Entry Update |
tlPPToPost | logical | Proposed Posting To Post true = Will be posted during posting (and get status posted) false = Will not be posted during posting (and get status Deleted) After Apply Filter --> Initialy put to 'Y'. |
tcPPRecEntryCode | character | PPRecEntryCode |