field name | data type | db field | description |
tdDInvoiceStageAmountCC | decimal | DInvoiceStage.DInvoiceStageAmountCC | SC Amount. CInvoiceStageAmountSC Staged payments credit terms details of the invoice. The amount to pay in SC for this stage. |
tdDInvoiceStageAmountLC | decimal | DInvoiceStage.DInvoiceStageAmountLC | BC Amount. CInvoiceStageAmountBC Staged payments credit terms details of the invoice. The amount to pay in BC for this stage. |
tdDInvoiceStageAmountTC | decimal | DInvoiceStage.DInvoiceStageAmountTC | TC Amount. CInvoiceStageAmountTC Staged payments credit terms details of the invoice. The amount to pay in TC for this stage. |
ttDInvoiceStageDueDate | date | DInvoiceStage.DInvoiceStageDueDate | Due Date. The date when this stage should end. |
tdDInvoiceStagePercentage | decimal | DInvoiceStage.DInvoiceStagePercentage | Percentage. CInvoiceStagePercent Staged payments credit terms details of the invoice. The percentage of the invoice total that this stage stands for. |
ti_sequence | integer | calculated | primary index |
tc_rowid | character | calculated | = rowid(DInvoiceStage) |