project QadFinancials > class BProjectReport > method SetAgeingPeriods


This method is called by the two report methods CreditorAgeingAnalysisByProj and DebtorAgeingAnalysisByProj. Since the report methods are not used, this method is also obsolete.


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BProjectReport.CreditorAgeingAnalysisByProj
method BProjectReport.DebtorAgeingAnalysisByProj

program code (program1/bprojectreport.p)

/*create 6 Ageing periods
period 0 = (AgeingDate, 01/01/9999) only used for "Within Terms = Yes"
period 1 = ((calc), AgeingDate>, 
period 2, 3 (calc, calc)
period 4 (calc, calc) if "Within Terms = No"
period 4 (calc, calc) if "Within Terms = No"
period 5 (01/01/0001, calc)*/
assign viSeqMax = 5
       viSeqMin = 1.
if vtDateForAgeingCalcFilter2 = ?
then assign vtDateForAgeingCalcFilter2 = today.       
/*Create the first period 'manualy' if "Within Terms = Yes"*/       
if vlInvoiceWithinTermsFilter 
then do:
    create tAgeingPeriod2.
    assign tAgeingPeriod2.tiAgeingPeriodSeq      = 1
           tAgeingPeriod2.ttAgeingPeriodFromDate = vtDateForAgeingCalcFilter2 + 1
           tAgeingPeriod2.ttAgeingPeriodToDate   = vtDateMax
           viSeqMin = 2.    
/*initial data*/
assign vtToDate = vtDateForAgeingCalcFilter2
       viOffset = abs(viAgeingOffsetFilter2)
       viDay    = day (vtToDate)
       viMonth  = month (vtToDate)
       viYear   = year (vtToDate).
/*calculate 'ToDate' of the next period; 'FromDate' of the current period is 'ToDate' + 1*/       
do viSeq = viSeqMin to viSeqMax:
    create tAgeingPeriod2.
    assign tAgeingPeriod2.tiAgeingPeriodSeq    = viSeq.
           tAgeingPeriod2.ttAgeingPeriodToDate = vtToDate.
    case vcAgeingTypeFilter2:
        /*Calculate 'ToDate' of the next period for Ageing of type 'DAYS'*/
        when {&AGEINGTYPE-DAYS}
        then assign vtToDate = tAgeingPeriod2.ttAgeingPeriodToDate - viOffset.
        /*Calculate 'ToDate' of the next period for Ageing of type 'MONTHS'*/
        when {&AGEINGTYPE-MONTHS} 
        then do:            
            /*calculate month and year*/      
            assign viIndex = 0.
            do while viIndex < viOffset:
                assign viIndex = viIndex + 1 
                       viMonth = viMonth - 1.
                if viMonth = 0  
                then assign viMonth = 12
                            viYear  = viYear - 1.
            assign vtToDate = date (viMonth, viDay, viYear) no-error.
            if error-status:error then assign vtToDate = ?.
            /*adjust day; 
            in some cases ToDate might be invalid e.g. 30/02 or 31/04 etc.
            therefor I decrease the valus of viDay and it results in the following situation:
            if the day of 'ToDate' of the first period is 31 then 
            the 'ToDate' of second period will be 30 for April, June, September, November and
            28 (or 29) for February; 
            viIndex < 5 just to be sure that it will not be an endless loop*/
            assign viIndex = 0.
            do while (vtToDate = ? and viIndex < 5):
                assign viIndex  = viIndex + 1
                       viDay    = viDay - 1
                       vtToDate = date (viMonth, viDay, viYear) no-error.
                if error-status:error then assign vtToDate = ?.
    end case.
    assign tAgeingPeriod2.ttAgeingPeriodFromDate = if viSeq = viSeqMax then vtDateMin else vtToDate + 1.           