Method to check existence of a PostingSafCombined record. Create it (and the PostingSafHist records) if it doesn't exist yet. This method receives three variables with maximum 5 saf-id's and it returns the PostingSafCombinedID.
icGLSafIDs | input | character | Comma-seperated list of Saf-id's with parent-type = GL |
icCostCentreSafIDs | input | character | Comma-seperated list of Saf-id's with parent-type = CostCentre |
icProjectSafIDs | input | character | Comma-seperated list of Saf-id's with parent-type = Project |
iiGLSafStructureID | input | integer | GLSafStructureID |
iiProjectSafStructureID | input | integer | ProjectSafStructureID |
iiCostCentreSafStructureID | input | integer | CostCentre SafStructure ID |
oiPostingSafCombinedID | output | integer | PostingSafCombined_ID |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program6/bpostingsafhist.p)
/* ============================================================================================ */
/* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! */
/* Method BHistoryDaemonProcesoor:PerformWorkItemDIRECT() and its sub-methods hold similar code */
/* with the same functionality where the same result is obtained but by using direct db actions */
/* So when chnaging some code here, the similar change has to be made in there as well */
/* ============================================================================================ */
/* ====================================================================================================== */
/* This method creates PostingSAFHist and PostingSafCombined */
/* input icCostCentreSafIDs */
/* icGLSafIDs */
/* icProjectSafIDs */
/* iiCostCentreSafStructureID */
/* iiGLSafStructureID */
/* iiProjectSafStructureID */
/* output oiPostingSafCombinedID */
/* tPostingSafCombined */
/* tPostingSafHist */
/* ====================================================================================================== */
assign oiPostingSafCombinedId = 0.
<M-2 run AddDetailLine
(input 'PostingSafCombined':U (icTable),
input '':U (icParentRowid),
output oiReturnStatus (oiReturnStatus)) in BPostingSafHist>
if oiReturnStatus <> 0
then return.
assign tPostingSafCombined.Project1Saf_ID = integer(entry(1, icProjectSafIDs))
tPostingSafCombined.Project2Saf_ID = integer(entry(2, icProjectSafIDs))
tPostingSafCombined.Project3Saf_ID = integer(entry(3, icProjectSafIDs))
tPostingSafCombined.Project4Saf_ID = integer(entry(4, icProjectSafIDs))
tPostingSafCombined.Project5Saf_ID = integer(entry(5, icProjectSafIDs))
tPostingSafCombined.CostCentre1Saf_ID = integer(entry(1, icCostCentreSafIDs))
tPostingSafCombined.CostCentre2Saf_ID = integer(entry(2, icCostCentreSafIDs))
tPostingSafCombined.CostCentre3Saf_ID = integer(entry(3, icCostCentreSafIDs))
tPostingSafCombined.CostCentre4Saf_ID = integer(entry(4, icCostCentreSafIDs))
tPostingSafCombined.CostCentre5Saf_ID = integer(entry(5, icCostCentreSafIDs))
tPostingSafCombined.GL1Saf_ID = integer(entry(1, icGLSafIDs))
tPostingSafCombined.GL2Saf_ID = integer(entry(2, icGLSafIDs))
tPostingSafCombined.GL3Saf_ID = integer(entry(3, icGLSafIDs))
tPostingSafCombined.GL4Saf_ID = integer(entry(4, icGLSafIDs))
tPostingSafCombined.GL5Saf_ID = integer(entry(5, icGLSafIDs))
tPostingSafCombined.ProjectSafStructure_ID = iiProjectSafStructureID
tPostingSafCombined.CostCentreSafStructure_ID = iiCostCentreSafStructureID
tPostingSafCombined.GLSafStructure_ID = iiGLSafStructureID
oiPostingSafCombinedId = tPostingSafCombined.PostingSafCombined_ID.
/* ProjectSafID's */
do viCount = num-entries(icProjectSafIDs) to 1 by -1:
if integer(entry(viCount, icProjectSafIDs)) > 0
then do:
<M-3 run AddDetailLine (input 'PostingSafHist':U (icTable),
input tPostingSafCombined.tc_Rowid (icParentRowid),
output oiReturnStatus (oiReturnStatus)) in BPostingSafHist>
if oiReturnStatus <> 0
then return.
assign tPostingSafHist.Saf_ID = integer(entry(viCount, icProjectSafIDs))
tPostingSafHist.PostingSafCombined_ID = tPostingSafCombined.PostingSafCombined_ID.
/* CostCentreSafID's */
do viCount = num-entries(icCostCentreSafIDs) to 1 by -1:
if integer(entry(viCount, icCostCentreSafIDs)) > 0
then do:
<M-4 run AddDetailLine (input 'PostingSafHist':U (icTable),
input tPostingSafCombined.tc_Rowid (icParentRowid),
output oiReturnStatus (oiReturnStatus)) in BPostingSafHist>
if oiReturnStatus <> 0
then return.
assign tPostingSafHist.Saf_ID = integer(entry(viCount, icCostCentreSafIDs))
tPostingSafHist.PostingSafCombined_ID = tPostingSafCombined.PostingSafCombined_ID.
/* GLSafID's */
do viCount = num-entries(icGLSafIDs) to 1 by -1:
if integer(entry(viCount, icGLSafIDs)) > 0
then do:
<M-5 run AddDetailLine (input 'PostingSafHist':U (icTable),
input tPostingSafCombined.tc_Rowid (icParentRowid),
output oiReturnStatus (oiReturnStatus)) in BPostingSafHist>
if oiReturnStatus <> 0
then return.
assign tPostingSafHist.Saf_ID = integer(entry(viCount, icGLSafIDs))
tPostingSafHist.PostingSafCombined_ID = tPostingSafCombined.PostingSafCombined_ID.