project QadFinancials > class BPeriod > method YearClosingClosePeriods
YearClosingClosePeriods: This public method will be run from BYearClosing.AdditionalUpdatesClosePeriods and will close all periods in the selected year and will set the opening period in the next year to 'LOCKED'.
iiCompanyID | input | integer | Entity ID |
iiYearClosingAccountingYear | input | integer | Year Closing Accounting Year |
icLayerTypeCode | input | character | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program6/bperiod.p)
/* ========================================= */
/* Retrieve all periods of the selected year */
/* ========================================= */
assign vcListPeriods = '':U.
<Q-1 run PeriodByYearPeriod (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input iiCompanyID, (CompanyId)
input iiYearClosingAccountingYear, (PeriodYear)
input 0, (PeriodPeriod)
input 0, (PeriodId)
output dataset tqPeriodByYearPeriod) in BPeriod >
for each tqPeriodByYearPeriod where
tqPeriodByYearPeriod.tiCompany_ID = iiCompanyID and
tqPeriodByYearPeriod.tiPeriodYear = iiYearClosingAccountingYear:
find tPeriod where
tPeriod.Period_ID = tqPeriodByYearPeriod.tiPeriod_ID
no-lock no-error.
if not available tPeriod
then assign vcListPeriods = vcListPeriods + string(tqPeriodByYearPeriod.tiPeriod_ID) + chr(4).
end. /* for each tqPeriodByYearPeriod ... */
/* =============================== */
/* Find period 0 for the next year */
/* =============================== */
if not can-find(tPeriod where
tPeriod.Company_ID = iiCompanyID and
tPeriod.PeriodYear = iiYearClosingAccountingYear + 1 and
tPeriod.PeriodPeriod = 0)
then do:
<Q-2 run PeriodPrim (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input iiCompanyID, (CompanyId)
input 0, (PeriodId)
input iiYearClosingAccountingYear + 1, (PeriodYear)
input 0, (PeriodPeriod)
output dataset tqPeriodPrim) in BPeriod >
find tqPeriodPrim where
tqPeriodPrim.tiCompany_ID = iiCompanyID and
tqPeriodPrim.tiPeriodYear = iiYearClosingAccountingYear + 1 and
tqPeriodPrim.tiPeriodPeriod = 0
no-lock no-error.
if not available tqPeriodPrim
then do:
assign vcMessage = trim(substitute(#T-3'Could not find period 0 for GL calendar year &1.':200(20432)T-3#, trim(string(iiYearClosingAccountingYear + 1)) ))
oiReturnStatus = -1.
<M-4 run SetMessage (input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'QadFin-4655':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriod>
assign vcListPeriods = vcListPeriods + string(tqPeriodPrim.tiPeriod_ID) + chr(4).
if vcListPeriods <> '':U and vcListPeriods <> ?
then assign vcListPeriods = substring(vcListPeriods, 1, length(vcListPeriods, "Character":U) - 1, "Character":U).
/* ======== */
/* DataLoad */
/* ======== */
<M-5 run DataLoad (input '':U (icRowids),
input vcListPeriods (icPkeys),
input '':U (icObjectIds),
input '':U (icFreeform),
input true (ilKeepPrevious),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriod>
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or (viFcReturnSuper > 0 and oiReturnStatus >= 0)
then do:
assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if viFcReturnSuper < 0
then return.
/* ============================================== */
/* Set all periods of the selected year to FROZEN */
/* ============================================== */
for each tPeriod where
tPeriod.Company_ID = iiCompanyID and
tPeriod.PeriodYear = iiYearClosingAccountingYear and
tPeriod.tc_Status <> 'D':U and
assign tPeriod.PeriodStatus = {&PERIODSTATUS-FROZEN}
tPeriod.PeriodIsReportChecked = true
tPeriod.tc_Status = (if tPeriod.tc_Status = '':U
then 'C':U
else tPeriod.tc_Status).
end. /* for each tPeriod ... */
/* =================================================== */
/* Set the opening period of the next year to 'LOCKED' */
/* =================================================== */
find tPeriod where
tPeriod.Company_ID = iiCompanyID and
tPeriod.PeriodYear = iiYearClosingAccountingYear + 1 and
tPeriod.PeriodPeriod = 0
if available tPeriod
then assign tPeriod.PeriodStatus = {&PERIODSTATUS-LOCKED}
tPeriod.tc_Status = (if tPeriod.tc_Status = '':U
then 'C':U
else tPeriod.tc_Status).