project QadFinancials > class BPeriod > method PeriodicCostingModuleIsActive


PeriodicCostingModuleIsActive: this function will retuirn if a the periodic-costing module is active or not for the domain specified in the input


icDomainCodeinputcharacterOptional parameter holding the domain wherefor this check is needed.
If this parameter is empty, then we will check if the current domain is enabled for Periodic-costing or not.
olPeriodicCostingModuleIsActiveoutputlogicalIndicates if the periodic-costing module has been enabled for the domain mentioned in the input or not
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BPeriod.InitialValues
method BPeriod.ValidateComponentPre
method BPeriod.ValidateComponentPrePC
method BPeriod.ValIsPostingAllowed

program code (program9/bperiod.p)

/* =============================== */
    /* Exception handling - main block */
    /* Default output                  */
    /* =============================== */
    assign oiReturnStatus                   = -98
           olPeriodicCostingModuleIsActive  = ?
           viLocalReturnStatus              = 0.
        /* ====================================================================== */
        /* In case the domain is not specified in the input; take the current one */
        /* ====================================================================== */
        if icDomainCode = "":U or 
           icDomainCode = ?
        then assign icDomainCode = vcDomainCode.
        /* ==================================================================================== */
        /* First check the MfgPro version:                                                      */
        /* If the MfgPro version is eB3.SP5 or lower then Periodidc-costing is not active as    */
        /* it is even not implemented in these older versions.                                  */
        /* If the MfgPro version if higher than eB3.SP5 then we need to check the control-file  */
        /* (pcsc_ctrl) to find out if periodic-costing has been activated for the domain or not */
        /* We can't just check the control-file straight away without taking the MfgPro-version */
        /* into account as accessing table pcsc_ctrl via the associated BMfgxxxx-class when the */
        /* table is not in the db would result in progress-errors                               */
        /* ==================================================================================== */
        <M-35 run StartCacher
           (output vhFcComponent (ohCacher), 
            output viExternalReturnStatus (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriod>
        if viExternalReturnStatus <> 0 then assign viLocalReturnStatus = viExternalReturnStatus.
        if viExternalReturnStatus < 0 
        then do :
            assign olPeriodicCostingModuleIsActive = false.
            Leave MAINPCBLOCK.
        end. /* if viExternalReturnStatus < 0  */
        <M-68 run GetIntegerValueFromSession
           (input  viSessionID (iiSessionId), 
            input  'MfgProMajorVersion' (icDataItemName), 
            output viMfgProMajorVersion (oiValue), 
            output viExternalReturnStatus (oiReturnStatus)) in Cacher>
        if viExternalReturnStatus <> 0 then assign viLocalReturnStatus = viExternalReturnStatus.
        if viExternalReturnStatus < 0 
        then do :
            assign olPeriodicCostingModuleIsActive = false.
            Leave MAINPCBLOCK.
        end. /* if viExternalReturnStatus < 0  */
        <M-46 run GetIntegerValueFromSession
           (input  viSessionID (iiSessionId), 
            input  'MfgProMinorVersion' (icDataItemName), 
            output viMfgProMinorVersion (oiValue), 
            output viExternalReturnStatus (oiReturnStatus)) in Cacher>
        if viExternalReturnStatus <> 0 then assign viLocalReturnStatus = viExternalReturnStatus.
        if viExternalReturnStatus < 0 
        then do :
            assign olPeriodicCostingModuleIsActive = false.
            Leave MAINPCBLOCK.
        end. /* if viExternalReturnStatus < 0  */
        if viMfgProMajorVersion > 3 /* Meaning eB3 */ or 
           (viMfgProMajorVersion  = 3 /* Meaning eB3 */and 
            viMfgProMinorVersion >= 6 /* Meaning SP6 */)
        then do :
            <Q-1 run PeriodicCostingControlByDomain (all) (Read) (NoCache)
               (input icDomainCode, (DomainCode)
                output dataset tqPeriodicCostingControlByDomain) in BMfgPeriodicCostingCtrl >
            Find first tqPeriodicCostingControlByDomain where 
                       tqPeriodicCostingControlByDomain.tcpcsc_domain = icDomainCode
                       no-lock no-error.
            if available tqPeriodicCostingControlByDomain and 
               tqPeriodicCostingControlByDomain.tlpcsc_enable = true
            then assign olPeriodicCostingModuleIsActive = true.
            else assign olPeriodicCostingModuleIsActive = false.
        end. /* if true /* needs to be replaced by a proper check on the MfgPro version */ */
        else assign olPeriodicCostingModuleIsActive = false.
    /* =============================== */
    /* Exception handling - main block */
    /* =============================== */
    assign oiReturnStatus = viLocalReturnStatus.