tApiPeriod | input | temp-table | Temp table like Period. |
icAction | input | character | This input parameter defines what should happen with the input data: - SAVE: Save the data if there were no errors. - SAVESTORE: Save the data if there were no errors. If there were, save as draft. - STORE: Save the data as draft. - VALIDATE: Validate the input data, but do not save the data. |
ocLstPrimKey | output | character | Char4 separated list with the primary keys of the newly created main-table records. The fields of a primkey are separated with Char2. E.g. 1<Char2>2002<Char2>100<Char4>1<Char2>2002<Char2>101 |
ocLstReturn | output | character | List of Return Status. |
ocLstRowid | output | character | List of Row ID. |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
/* =================================================== */ /* Method Info: */ /* Period will be loaded based on the Logical Key */ /* =================================================== */ /* ============================================================================ */ /* Clear the instance: */ /* this will also clear the t_s tables that were filled in ApiMaintainByDataSet */ /* ============================================================================ */ <M-1 run ClearData (output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriod> if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper. if oiReturnStatus < 0 then return. /* ==================== */ /* Set Default Return */ /* Parameter Validation */ /* ==================== */ assign oiReturnStatus = -98 vlDraftInstanceCreated = false. if icAction = ? then assign icAction = "":U. if icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-SAVESTORE} and icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-SAVE} and icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-STORE} and icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-VALIDATE} then do: assign vcPeriodMsg = trim(subst(#T-21'GL period integration: the specified action (&1) should be in the list &2.':255(3086)t-21#,trim(icAction),"{&DAEMONACTION-SAVESTORE},{&DAEMONACTION-SAVE},{&DAEMONACTION-STORE},{&DAEMONACTION-VALIDATE}":U)) oiReturnStatus = -1. <M-2 run SetMessage (input vcPeriodMsg (icMessage), input '':U (icArguments), input '':U (icFieldName), input '':U (icFieldValue), input 'E':U (icType), input 1 (iiSeverity), input '':U (icRowid), input 'QADFIN-2597':U (icFcMsgNumber), input '' (icFcExplanation), input '' (icFcIdentification), input '' (icFcContext), output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriod> return. end. /* if icAction */ /* ======================== */ /* Count main-table records */ /* ======================== */ for each tApiPeriod no-lock : assign viMainTableRecordCount = viMainTableRecordCount + 1. end. /* for each */ if viMainTableRecordCount = 0 then do: assign vcPeriodMsg = trim(#T-22'GL period integration: no main table records (GL period) found.':255(3087)T-22#) oiReturnStatus = -1. <M-3 run SetMessage (input vcPeriodMsg (icMessage), input '':U (icArguments), input '':U (icFieldName), input '':U (icFieldValue), input 'E':U (icType), input 1 (iiSeverity), input '':U (icRowid), input 'QADFIN-2598':U (icFcMsgNumber), input '' (icFcExplanation), input '' (icFcIdentification), input '' (icFcContext), output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriod> return. end. /* if viMainTableRecordCount */ /* ================================================================= */ /* Start queries */ /* ================================================================= */ <Q-4 run PeriodPrim (Start) in BPeriod > /* ================================ */ /* Start loop on main-table records */ /* ================================ */ for each tApiPeriod by tApiPeriod.tc_Rowid : MAIN-BLOCK: DO: /* ========== */ /* Initialize */ /* ========== */ assign vcPeriodMsg = "":U vcRowID = "":U vlWarningsFound = false vlSaveAsDraft = icAction = {&DAEMONACTION-STORE}. /* ======================================================= */ /* Period company_id should be the same as the viCompanyID */ /* ======================================================= */ if tApiPeriod.Company_ID <> viCompanyId and tApiPeriod.Company_ID <> ? and tApiPeriod.Company_ID <> 0 then do: assign vcPeriodMsg = trim(substitute(#T-23'The entity (ID &1) does not match the current entity.':200(2211)t-23#, trim(string(tApiPeriod.Company_ID)) )) ocLstReturn = ocLstReturn + chr(4) + (if viFcReturnSuper = 0 then "-3":U else string(viFcReturnSuper)) ocLstPrimKey = ocLstPrimKey + chr(4) + "*":U ocLstRowid = ocLstRowid + chr(4) + "*":U vlSaveAsDraft = false. <M-5 run SetMessage (input vcPeriodMsg (icMessage), input '':U (icArguments), input '':U (icFieldName), input '':U (icFieldValue), input 'E':U (icType), input 1 (iiSeverity), input '':U (icRowid), input 'QADFIN-2599':U (icFcMsgNumber), input '' (icFcExplanation), input '' (icFcIdentification), input '' (icFcContext), output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriod> leave MAIN-BLOCK. end. /* ====================================== */ /* Get the Period_ID based on the logical key */ /* ====================================== */ if (tApiPeriod.Period_ID = ? or tApiPeriod.Period_ID = 0) and tApiPeriod.PeriodYear <> ? and tApiPeriod.PeriodYear <> 0 and tApiPeriod.PeriodPeriod <> ? and tApiPeriod.PeriodPeriod <> 0 then do: if tApiPeriod.Company_ID = ? or tApiPeriod.Company_ID = 0 then assign tApiPeriod.Company_ID = viCompanyId. <Q-7 run PeriodPrim (all) (Read) (NoCache) (input tApiPeriod.Company_Id, (CompanyId) input ?, (PeriodId) input tApiPeriod.PeriodYear, (PeriodYear) input tApiPeriod.PeriodPeriod, (PeriodPeriod) output dataset tqPeriodPrim) in BPeriod > find tqPeriodPrim where tqPeriodPrim.tiCompany_ID = tApiPeriod.Company_ID and tqPeriodPrim.tiPeriodYear = tApiPeriod.PeriodYear and tqPeriodPrim.tiPeriodPeriod = tApiPeriod.PeriodPeriod no-lock no-error. if available tqPeriodPrim then assign tApiPeriod.Period_ID = tqPeriodPrim.tiPeriod_Id. end. /* ==================== */ /* Load/Create Period */ /* ==================== */ if tApiPeriod.Period_ID = ? or tApiPeriod.Period_ID = 0 then assign viFcReturnSuper = -4. else do: <M-8 run DataLoad (input ? (icRowids), input string(tApiPeriod.Period_ID) (icPkeys), input ? (icObjectIds), input ? (icFreeform), input false (ilKeepPrevious), output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriod> end. if viFcReturnSuper = -4 then do: <M-9 run DataNew (output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriod> if viFcReturnSuper < 0 then assign vcPeriodMsg = trim(subst(#T-24'Cannot create a new instance. Error number: &1.':255(308)t-24#, string(viFcReturnSuper))). find first tPeriod no-error. end. else do: if viFcReturnSuper < 0 then assign vcPeriodMsg = trim(subst(#T-25'Cannot load the instance (error number: &1, instance ID: &2).':255(289)t-25#, string(viFcReturnSuper), string(tApiPeriod.Period_ID))). else do: find tPeriod where tPeriod.Period_ID = tApiPeriod.Period_ID no-error. if not available tPeriod then assign vcPeriodMsg = trim(subst(#T-26'Cannot find the instance after it has been loaded (instance ID: &1).':255(290)t-26#, string(tApiPeriod.Period_ID))). else assign tPeriod.tc_Status = "C":U. end. end. /* NOT if viFcReturnSuper = -4*/ /* ================================================================= */ /* Check for errors in the previous block */ /* ================================================================= */ if vcPeriodMsg <> "":U then do: assign ocLstReturn = ocLstReturn + chr(4) + (if viFcReturnSuper = 0 then "-3":U else string(viFcReturnSuper)) ocLstPrimKey = ocLstPrimKey + chr(4) + "*":U ocLstRowid = ocLstRowid + chr(4) + "*":U vlSaveAsDraft = false. <M-10 run SetMessage (input vcPeriodMsg (icMessage), input '':U (icArguments), input '':U (icFieldName), input '':U (icFieldValue), input 'E':U (icType), input 1 (iiSeverity), input '':U (icRowid), input 'QADFIN-2596':U (icFcMsgNumber), input '' (icFcExplanation), input '' (icFcIdentification), input '' (icFcContext), output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriod> leave MAIN-BLOCK. end. /* ====================== */ /* Copy data for Period */ /* ====================== */ buffer-copy tApiPeriod except tApiPeriod.Period_ID tApiPeriod.tc_ParentRowid tApiPeriod.tc_Rowid tApiPeriod.tc_Status tApiPeriod.PeriodYear tApiPeriod.PeriodPeriod to tPeriod. if tPeriod.tc_Status = "N":U then assign tPeriod.PeriodYear = tApiPeriod.PeriodYear tPeriod.PeriodPeriod = tApiPeriod.PeriodPeriod. assign vcRowID = tPeriod.tc_Rowid tApiPeriod.Period_ID = tPeriod.Period_ID. /*Needed to set the prim-key after the save*/ /* =================================================== */ /* This is where it ends if only SaveAsDraft is needed */ /* =================================================== */ if vlSaveAsDraft then do: assign ocLstReturn = ocLstReturn + chr(4) + "-1":U ocLstPrimKey = ocLstPrimKey + chr(4) + "*":U ocLstRowid = ocLstRowid + chr(4) + "*":U. leave MAIN-BLOCK. end. /* =============================== */ /* Set Actvity */ /* =============================== */ if can-find (first tPeriod where tPeriod.tc_Status = "N":U) then assign vcActivityCode = "CreateAccountingYear":U. else if can-find (first tPeriod where tPeriod.tc_Status = "C":U) then assign vcActivityCode = "ModifyAccountingYear":U. /* ================= */ /* Validate the data */ /* ================= */ <M-11 run ValidateBC (output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriod> if viFcReturnSuper < 0 then do: assign ocLstReturn = ocLstReturn + chr(4) + string(viFcReturnSuper) ocLstPrimKey = ocLstPrimKey + chr(4) + "*":U ocLstRowid = ocLstRowid + chr(4) + "*":U vlSaveAsDraft = (icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-SAVE} and icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-VALIDATE}). leave main-block. end. else if viFcReturnSuper > 0 then assign vlWarningsFound = true. /* ================ */ /* External updates */ /* ================ */ <M-12 run AdditionalUpdates (output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriod> if viFcReturnSuper < 0 then do: assign ocLstReturn = ocLstReturn + chr(4) + string(viFcReturnSuper) ocLstPrimKey = ocLstPrimKey + chr(4) + "*":U ocLstRowid = ocLstRowid + chr(4) + "*":U vlSaveAsDraft = (icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-SAVE} and icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-VALIDATE}). leave main-block. end. else if viFcReturnSuper > 0 then assign vlWarningsFound = true. /* ============= */ /* Save the data */ /* ============= */ if icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-VALIDATE} then do: <M-13 run DataSave (output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriod> if viFcReturnSuper < 0 then do: assign ocLstReturn = ocLstReturn + chr(4) + string(viFcReturnSuper) ocLstPrimKey = ocLstPrimKey + chr(4) + "*":U ocLstRowid = ocLstRowid + chr(4) + "*":U vlSaveAsDraft = (icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-SAVE} and icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-VALIDATE}). leave main-block. end. else if viFcReturnSuper > 0 then assign vlWarningsFound = true. end. /*if icAction <> {&DAEMONACTION-VALIDATE}*/ /* ============================================ */ /* Indicate that everything was saved correctly */ /* ============================================ */ assign ocLstReturn = ocLstReturn + chr(4) + (if vlWarningsFound = true then "1":U else "0":U) ocLstPrimKey = ocLstPrimKey + chr(4) + string(tApiPeriod.Period_ID) ocLstRowid = ocLstRowid + chr(4) + vcRowID. END. /* MAIN-BLOCK */ /* ================================================================== */ /* Handle errors: Store if SaveAsDraft is needed */ /* Check: only 1 draft is allowed for a single bus-component instance */ /* ================================================================== */ if vlSaveAsDraft and index(substring(ocLstReturn, r-index(ocLstReturn, chr(4)) + 1, -1, "CHARACTER":U), "-":U) <> 0 /*Negative return-status for this entry*/ then do: if vlDraftInstanceCreated = true then do: assign vcPeriodMsg = trim(#T-35'Only one draft instance can be created per method call.':255(13856)T-35#) + chr(10) + trim(#T-36'This second object cannot be stored as a draft instance and so is an error.':255(13879)t-36#). <M-37 run SetMessage (input vcPeriodMsg (icMessage), input '':U (icArguments), input '':U (icFieldName), input '':U (icFieldValue), input 'E':U (icType), input 1 (iiSeverity), input '':U (icRowid), input 'QADFIN-3135':U (icFcMsgNumber), input '' (icFcExplanation), input '' (icFcIdentification), input '' (icFcContext), output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriod> next. end. /*if vlDraftInstanceCreated = true*/ assign vcStoreStateDesc = '(':U + string(tPeriod.PeriodYear) + '/':U + string(tPeriod.PeriodPeriod) + ') ':U + trim(#T-27'GL period created using an API method.':200(3088)T-27#). <M-14 run StoreState (input vcStoreStateDesc (icDescription), input ? (icUIClass), output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriod> assign vlDraftInstanceCreated = true entry(num-entries(ocLstReturn , chr(4)), ocLstReturn , chr(4)) = string(viFcReturnSuper) entry(num-entries(ocLstPrimKey, chr(4)), ocLstPrimKey, chr(4)) = string(tApiPeriod.Period_ID) entry(num-entries(ocLstRowid , chr(4)), ocLstRowid , chr(4)) = vcRowID. end. /*if vlSaveAsDraft and index*/ end. /* for each tApiPeriod */ /* ================================================================= */ /* Stop queries */ /* ================================================================= */ <Q-15 run PeriodPrim (Stop) in BPeriod > /* ============================================================ */ /* Trim the first character of ocLstReturn and primkey */ /* Check for correct number and format of the return-parameters */ /* ============================================================ */ if length(ocLstReturn,"CHARACTER":U) > 1 then assign ocLstReturn = substring(ocLstReturn,2,-1,"CHARACTER":U). if length(ocLstPrimKey,"CHARACTER":U) > 1 then assign ocLstPrimKey = substring(ocLstPrimKey,2,-1,"CHARACTER":U). if length(ocLstRowid,"CHARACTER":U) > 1 then assign ocLstRowid = substring(ocLstRowid,2,-1,"CHARACTER":U). if num-entries(ocLstReturn,chr(4)) <> viMainTableRecordCount or num-entries(ocLstPrimKey,chr(4)) <> viMainTableRecordCount or num-entries(ocLstRowid,chr(4)) <> viMainTableRecordCount then do : assign vcPeriodMsg = trim(#T-28'GL period integration: incomplete information returned by an API method. See other messages for further details.':200(3089)T-28#) + chr(10) + trim(substitute(#T-29'Main table records: &1.':255(310)T-29#,string(viMainTableRecordCount))) + chr(10) + trim(substitute(#T-30'Return Statuses: &1.':255(311)T-30#,ocLstReturn)) + chr(10) + trim(substitute(#T-31'Primary keys: &1.':255(312)T-31#,ocLstPrimKey)) + chr(10) + trim(substitute(#T-32'Row IDs: &1.':255(313)T-32#,ocLstRowid)). oiReturnStatus = -3. <M-18 run SetMessage (input vcPeriodMsg (icMessage), input '':U (icArguments), input '':U (icFieldName), input '':U (icFieldValue), input 'E':U (icType), input 1 (iiSeverity), input '':U (icRowid), input 'QADFIN-2600':U (icFcMsgNumber), input '' (icFcExplanation), input '' (icFcIdentification), input '' (icFcContext), output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriod> return. end. /* if num-entries */ /* ===================================================== */ /* Set global return status based on the individual ones */ /* ===================================================== */ if ocLstReturn = substring(fill("0":U + CHR(4),viMainTableRecordCount),1,length(ocLstReturn,"CHARACTER":U),"CHARACTER":U) then assign oiReturnStatus = 0. else do : if index(ocLstReturn,"-":U) <> 0 then do : assign vcPeriodMsg = trim(#T-33'An error has occurred while running this API method. See other error messages for more details.':255(301)T-33#) oiReturnStatus = -1. <M-19 run SetMessage (input vcPeriodMsg (icMessage), input '':U (icArguments), input '':U (icFieldName), input '':U (icFieldValue), input 'E':U (icType), input 1 (iiSeverity), input '':U (icRowid), input 'QADFIN-2601':U (icFcMsgNumber), input '' (icFcExplanation), input '' (icFcIdentification), input '' (icFcContext), output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriod> end. /* if index(ocLstReturn,"-":U) <> 0 */ else do : assign vcPeriodMsg = trim(#T-34'A warning has occurred while running this API method. See other error messages for more details.':255(302)T-34#) oiReturnStatus = +1. <M-20 run SetMessage (input vcPeriodMsg (icMessage), input '':U (icArguments), input '':U (icFieldName), input '':U (icFieldValue), input 'E':U (icType), input 1 (iiSeverity), input '':U (icRowid), input 'QADFIN-2602':U (icFcMsgNumber), input '' (icFcExplanation), input '' (icFcIdentification), input '' (icFcContext), output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPeriod> end. /* not if lookup */ end. /* not if ocLstReturn */
define temp-table ttContext no-undo field propertyQualifier as character field propertyName as character field propertyValue as character index entityContext is primary unique propertyQualifier propertyName index propertyQualifier propertyQualifier. define dataset dsContext for ttContext. define variable vhContextDS as handle no-undo. define variable vhExceptionDS as handle no-undo. define variable vhServer as handle no-undo. define variable vhInputDS as handle no-undo. define variable vhInputOutputDS as handle no-undo. define variable vhOutputDS as handle no-undo. define variable vhParameter as handle no-undo. /* Create context */ create ttContext. assign ttContext.propertyName = "programName" ttContext.propertyValue = "BPeriod". create ttContext. assign ttContext.propertyName = "methodName" ttContext.propertyValue = "ApiStdMaintainTT". create ttContext. assign ttContext.propertyName = "applicationId" ttContext.propertyValue = "fin". create ttContext. assign ttContext.propertyName = "entity" ttContext.propertyValue = "1000". create ttContext. assign ttContext.propertyName = "userName" ttContext.propertyValue = "mfg". create ttContext. assign ttContext.propertyName = "password" ttContext.propertyValue = "". /* Create input dataset */ create dataset vhInputDS. vhInputDS:read-xmlschema("file", "xml/bperiod.apistdmaintaintt.i.xsd", ?). vhParameter = vhInputDS:get-buffer-handle("tParameterI"). vhParameter:buffer-create(). assign vhParameter::icAction = <parameter value>. vhParameter = vhInputDS:get-buffer-handle("tApiPeriod"). vhParameter:buffer-create(). assign vhParameter::<field-name-1> = <field-value-1> vhParameter::<field-name-2> = <field-value-2> ... /* Connect the AppServer */ create server vhServer. vhServer:connect("-URL <appserver-url>"). if not vhServer:connected() then do: message "Could not connect AppServer" view-as alert-box error title "Error". return. end. /* Run */ assign vhContextDS = dataset dsContext:handle. run program/rpcrequestservice.p on vhServer (input-output dataset-handle vhContextDS by-reference, output dataset-handle vhExceptionDS, input dataset-handle vhInputDS by-reference, input-output dataset-handle vhInputOutputDS by-reference, output dataset-handle vhOutputDS). /* Handle output however you want, in this example, we dump it to xml */ if valid-handle(vhExceptionDS) then vhExceptionDS:write-xml("file", "Exceptions.xml", true). if valid-handle(vhOutputDS) then vhOutputDS:write-xml("file", "Output.xml", true). /* Cleanup */ vhServer:disconnect(). assign vhServer = ?. if valid-handle(vhInputDS) then delete object vhInputDS. if valid-handle(vhOutputDS) then delete object vhOutputDS. if valid-handle(vhExceptionDS) then delete object vhExceptionDS.