project QadFinancials > class BPaymentSelection > method GetToPayObjectsForCInvoiceWhtMultBanks


This method calculates WHT amount, that can be allocated by this payment. This is needed in case, we have multiple bank numbers for one supplier invoice.


bdCInvoiceAmountWhtTCinput-outputdecimalWht amount that can be allocated by the payment. At the beggining there is total pending Wht amount of the invoice. After execution of this procedure, there is assigned a WHT amount that can be allocated by this CInvoiceBank record.
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BPaymentSelection.GetToPayObjectsForCInvoice

program code (program3/bpaymentselection.p)

/* ======================================================================================================== *
 * Method     : GetToPayObjectsForCInvoiceWhtMultBanks                                                      *
 * Description: This method calculates WHT amount, that can be allocated by this payment. This is needed in *
 *              case, we have multiple bank numbers for one supplier invoice.                               *
 * Parameters :                                                                                             *
 * ======================================================================================================== */
/* Get all supplier invoice bank records of the supplier invoice */
if not can-find(first tqCInvoiceBankByCInvoiceID where
                      tqCInvoiceBankByCInvoiceID.tiCInvoice_ID = tqCInvoiceBankForPaymentV01.tiCInvoice_ID)
then do:
    <Q-62 run CInvoiceBankByCInvoiceID (all) (Read) (NoCache)
       (input tqCInvoiceBankForPaymentV01.tiCInvoice_ID, (CInvoiceId)
        output dataset tqCInvoiceBankByCInvoiceID) in BCInvoice>

/* Go through the CInvoice bank records and try to allocate the WHT from beggining */
for each  tqCInvoiceBankByCInvoiceID where
          tqCInvoiceBankByCInvoiceID.tiCInvoice_ID = tqCInvoiceBankForPaymentV01.tiCInvoice_ID                     
       by tqCInvoiceBankByCInvoiceID.tiCInvoiceBank_ID:
    /* ==================================================================================== *
     * If there is any WHT taxes in Initial status (Created by payment but not yet paid)    *
     * then these WHT taxes will be used in future for decreasing of the balance of the     *
     * CInvoiceBankToPayTC amount. An invoice movement will be created for this.            *
     * ==================================================================================== */
    assign vdCInvoiceBankToPayTC = tqCInvoiceBankByCInvoiceID.tdCInvoiceBankToPayTC.
    /* Decrease available balance about Init WHT tax */
    if vdCInvoiceBankToPayTC >= 0
    then assign vdAppliedInitWht = if idInitiallyAllocatedWHTAmntTC > vdCInvoiceBankToPayTC
                                   then vdCInvoiceBankToPayTC
                                   else idInitiallyAllocatedWHTAmntTC.
    else assign vdAppliedInitWht = if idInitiallyAllocatedWHTAmntTC < vdCInvoiceBankToPayTC
                                   then vdCInvoiceBankToPayTC
                                   else idInitiallyAllocatedWHTAmntTC.
    assign vdCInvoiceBankToPayTC         = vdCInvoiceBankToPayTC         - vdAppliedInitWht
           idInitiallyAllocatedWHTAmntTC = idInitiallyAllocatedWHTAmntTC - vdAppliedInitWht. 
    /* ==================================================================================== *
     * WHT amount that can be applied till balance of the CInvoiceBant                      *
     * ==================================================================================== */
    if vdCInvoiceBankToPayTC >= 0
    then assign vdAppliedWht = if bdCInvoiceAmountWhtTC > vdCInvoiceBankToPayTC
                               then vdCInvoiceBankToPayTC
                               else bdCInvoiceAmountWhtTC.
    else assign vdAppliedWht = if bdCInvoiceAmountWhtTC < vdCInvoiceBankToPayTC
                               then vdCInvoiceBankToPayTC
                               else bdCInvoiceAmountWhtTC.
    /* This is the CInvoiceBank record that will be paid */
    if tqCInvoiceBankForPaymentV01.tiCInvoiceBank_ID = tqCInvoiceBankByCInvoiceID.tiCInvoiceBank_ID
    then do:
        assign bdCInvoiceAmountWhtTC = vdAppliedWht
               bdCInvoiceBankToPayTC = bdCInvoiceBankToPayTC - vdAppliedInitWht.
    /* This CInvoiceBank redord is not the one to be payed */
    else assign bdCInvoiceAmountWhtTC = bdCInvoiceAmountWhtTC - vdAppliedWht.                                           