This method is supposed to prepare and realize export of detail data in Belgium abroad format.
itPayDate | input | date | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program7/bpaymentselection.p)
/* This method is supposed to be called only from */
/* BPaymentSelection.ExportBEAbroad Method - therefore */
/* the references to the data definitions not defined */
/* here are valid */
/* =================== */
/* Export Detail Lines */
/* =================== */
assign viLineCounter = 0
viLineCounter2 = 0
viMonthCounter = 0.
for each tExpFields
break by tExpFields.tcCredCreditorCode
by tExpFields.tcCredBankNumber
by tExpFields.tcBankCurrencyCode:
if first-of(tExpFields.tcCredCreditorCode) or
first-of(tExpFields.tcBankCurrencyCode) or
/* XS JirHol 21/01/2005 */
or tExpFields.tlCredIsIndividualPayment
/* XE JirHol 21/01/2005 */
then do:
empty temp-table tBLWI.
/* XS JirHol 12/01/2005 */
assign vdCreditorPayTot = 0.
/* PTW 06/10/05 when you have a creditnote and creditnotecorrection, it doesn't work good
for each btExpFields where
btExpFields.tcCredCreditorCode = tExpFields.tcCredCreditorCode and
btExpFields.tcCredBankNumber = tExpFields.tcCredBankNumber and
btExpFields.tcCredBankNumberValidation = tExpFields.tcCredBankNumberValidation and
btExpFields.tcCredBankNumberExtension = tExpFields.tcCredBankNumberExtension and
btExpFields.tcBankCurrencyCode = tExpFields.tcBankCurrencyCode:
assign vdCreditorPayTot = vdCreditorPayTot + btExpFields.tdAmountLC01.
assign vdCreditorPayTot = vdCreditorPayTot + tExpFields.tdAmountLC01.
if vdCreditorPayTot <= 0
then next.
assign viLineCounter = viLineCounter + 1
viMonthCounter = 11.
/* ========================================================== */
/* The creation of a 1-record starts identity 01 */
/* ========================================================== */
assign vcExpLine = '1':U +
string(viLineCounter,'9999':U) +
'01':U +
string(day (itPayDate),'99':U) +
string(month(itPayDate),'99':U) +
substring(string(year(itPayDate),'9999':U), 3, 2,"CHARACTER":U) +
/* ========================================================== */
/* Put the BLIW-code and the amount */
/* ========================================================== */
assign /*vdCreditorPayTot = 0
vdCreditorPayTot = tExpFields.tdAmountLC01 * 100 */
vdCreditorPayTot = vdCreditorPayTot * 100
vcExpLine = vcExpLine + string(tExpFields.tcBankCurrencyCode,'x(4)':U)
+ string(tExpFields.tcBankGroup5,'x':U)
+ string(vdCreditorPayTot,'999999999999999':U).
accumulate vdCreditorPayTot (TOTAL).
/* ========================================================== */
/* Put the account number of the company */
/* ========================================================== */
assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine
+ ' ':U
+ (if tExpFields.tcBankGroup5 = 'D':U
then string(tqBankNumberByParentID.tcCurrencyCode,'x(3)':U)
else fill (' ':U,3))
+ fill (' ':U,6)
+ string(tqBankNumberByParentID.tcBankNumber,'999999999999':U)
+ fill (' ':U,57)
viLineCounter2 = viLineCounter2 + 1.
/* ========================================================== */
/* Write the record to the file */
/* ========================================================== */
put stream sExpStream unformatted vcExpLine skip.
/* ========================================================== */
/* Part 02 of the 1-records containing the company adres */
/* ========================================================== */
assign vcExpLine = '1':U
+ string(viLineCounter,'9999':U)
+ '02':U
+ string(caps(tqCompanyPropertyByBusinessRel.tcBusinessRelationCode),'x(35)':U)
+ string(caps(tqCompanyPropertyByBusinessRel.tcAddressStreet1),'x(35)':U)
+ string(caps(tqCompanyPropertyByBusinessRel.tcAddressZip),'9999':U)
+ ' ':U
+ string(caps(tqCompanyPropertyByBusinessRel.tcAddressCity),'x(30)':U)
+ fill (' ':U,16)
viLineCounter2 = viLineCounter2 + 1.
put stream sExpStream unformatted vcExpLine skip.
/* ========================================================== */
/* Part 03 of the 1-records containing the company adres */
/* ========================================================== */
assign vcExpLine = '1':U
+ string(viLineCounter,'9999':U)
+ '03':U
+ string(caps(tqCompanyPropertyByBusinessRel.tcCountryDescription),'x(35)':U)
+ fill(' ':U,10).
if tqBankNumberByParentID.tcBankNumberSwiftCode <> ' ':U and
tqBankNumberByParentID.tcBankNumberSwiftCode <> ?
then assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine +
string(caps(tqBankNumberByParentID.tcBankNumberSwiftCode),'x(11)':U) +
fill(' ':U,65).
else assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine + fill(' ':U,76).
assign viLineCounter2 = viLineCounter2 + 1.
put stream sExpStream unformatted vcExpLine skip.
/* ========================================================== */
/* Part 04 of the 1-records left blanko */
/* ========================================================== */
assign vcExpLine = '1':U
+ string(viLineCounter,'9999':U)
+ '04':U
+ fill(' ':U,80).
if tExpFields.tcCredBankSwift <> '':U and
tExpFields.tcCredBankSwift <> ?
then assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine +
string(caps(tExpFields.tcCredBankSwift),'x(11)':U) +
fill(' ':U,24) +
'1':U +
fill(' ':U,5).
else if tExpFields.tcCredBankBusRelationCode <> '':U and
tExpFields.tcCredBankBusRelationCode <> ?
then assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine +
string(caps(tExpFields.tcCredBankBusRelationCode),'x(35)':U) +
'2':U +
fill(' ':U,5).
else assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine + fill(' ':U,41).
assign viLineCounter2 = viLineCounter2 + 1.
put stream sExpStream unformatted vcExpLine skip.
/* ========================================================== */
/* Part 05 of the 1-records */
/* ========================================================== */
assign vcExpLine = '1':U
+ string(viLineCounter,'9999':U)
+ '05':U.
if tExpFields.tcCredBankSwift <> '':U and
tExpFields.tcCredBankSwift <> ?
then assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine + fill(' ':U,121).
else if tExpFields.tcCredBankBusRelationCode <> '':U and
tExpFields.tcCredBankBusRelationCode <> ?
then assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine
+ string(caps(tExpFields.tcCredBankAddressStreet1),'x(35)':U)
+ fill (' ':U,35)
+ '*':U
+ string(caps(tExpFields.tcCredBankAddressCountry),'x(3)':U)
+ ' ':U
+ string(caps(tExpFields.tcCredBankAddressZip),'x(6)':U)
+ string(caps(tExpFields.tcCredBankAddressCity),'x(24)':U)
+ fill (' ':U,10)
+ fill (' ':U,6).
else assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine
+ fill (' ':U,115)
+ fill (' ':U,6).
assign viLineCounter2 = viLineCounter2 + 1.
put stream sExpStream unformatted vcExpLine skip.
/* ========================================================== */
/* Part 06 of the 1-records */
/* ========================================================== */
assign vcExpLine = '1':U
+ string(viLineCounter,'9999':U)
+ '06':U.
if tExpFields.tcCredBankNumberValidation = {&BANKNUMBERVALIDATION-IBAN}
then assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine +
string (tExpFields.tcCredBankNumber,'x(34)':U).
else if tExpFields.tcCredAddressCountry <> ' ':U and
tExpFields.tcCredAddressCountry <> ? and
tExpFields.tcCredBankAddressCountry = 'DE':U
then assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine +
string(tExpFields.tcCredBankAddressCountry,'x(2)':U) +
' ':U +
string(tExpFields.tcCredBankNumberExtension,'x(8)':U) +
' ':U +
else if tExpFields.tcCredAddressCountry <> ' ':U and
tExpFields.tcCredAddressCountry <> ? and
tExpFields.tcCredBankAddressCountry = 'BE':U
then assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine +
' ':U +
(if tExpFields.tcBankCurrencyCode <> tExpFields.tcCurrencyCodePay
then string(tExpFields.tcBankCurrencyCode,'x(3)':U)
else fill(' ':U,3)) +
fill (' ':U,6) +
string(tExpFields.tcCredBankNumber,'x(12)':U) +
fill (' ':U,12).
else assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine +
assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine +
string(caps(tExpFields.tcCredBusRelationCode),'x(35)':U) +
if tExpFields.tcCredBankNumberValidation = {&BANKNUMBERVALIDATION-IBAN}
then assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine + '1':U.
else if tExpFields.tcCredAddressCountry <> ' ':U and
tExpFields.tcCredAddressCountry <> ? and
tExpFields.tcCredBankAddressCountry = 'BE':U
then assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine + '2':U.
else assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine + ' ':U.
if tExpFields.tcCredAddressCountry <> ' ':U
then assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine +
string(tExpFields.tcCredAddressCountry,'x(2)':U) +
fill(' ':U,14).
else assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine + fill(' ':U,16).
assign viLineCounter2 = viLineCounter2 + 1.
put stream sExpStream unformatted vcExpLine skip.
/* ========================================================== */
/* Part 07 of the 1-records with the data of the creditor */
/* ========================================================== */
assign vcExpLine = '1':U
+ string(viLineCounter,'9999':U)
+ '07':U
+ string(caps(tExpFields.tcCredAddressZip),'x(8)':U)
+ ' ':U
+ string(caps(tExpFields.tcCredAddressCity),'x(26)':U)
+ string(caps(tExpFields.tcCredAddressCountry),'x(35)':U)
+ fill(' ':U,10).
/* ========================================================== */
/* Add the reference part1 to the file (record 07) */
/* and at the same time fill up part2 for record 08 */
/* ========================================================== */
assign viLength = length(tExpFields.tcReference1,"CHARACTER":U).
assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine + trim(tExpFields.tcReference1)
+ fill (' ':U,41 - viLength).
/* ========================================================== */
/* Put the record into the file */
/* ========================================================== */
assign viLineCounter2 = viLineCounter2 + 1.
put stream sExpStream unformatted vcExpLine skip.
/* ========================================================== */
/* Part 08 of the 1-records left blanko */
/* ========================================================== */
assign viLength = length(tExpFields.tcReference2,"CHARACTER":U).
assign vcExpLine = '1':U
+ string(viLineCounter,'9999':U)
+ '08':U
+ tExpFields.tcReference2
+ fill (' ':U, 121 - viLength).
assign viLineCounter2 = viLineCounter2 + 1.
put stream sExpStream unformatted vcExpLine skip.
/* ========================================================== */
/* Part 09 of the 1-records left blanko */
/* ========================================================== */
assign vcExpLine = '1':U
+ string(viLineCounter,'9999':U)
+ '09':U
+ fill (' ':U,121).
assign viLineCounter2 = viLineCounter2 + 1.
put stream sExpStream unformatted vcExpLine skip.
/* ========================================================== */
/* Part 10 of the 1-records containing the groupcodes */
/* ========================================================== */
assign vcExpLine = '1':U
+ string(viLineCounter,'9999':U)
+ '10':U
+ fill (' ':U,35).
if tExpFields.tcBankGroup3 = '///':U
then assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine + fill(' ':U,3).
else assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine + string(tExpFields.tcBankGroup3,'xxx':U).
assign vcExpLine = vcExpLine
+ string(tExpFields.tcBankGroup2,'xxx':U)
+ fill(' ':U,10)
+ fill('0':U,12)
+ ' ':U
+ string(tExpFields.tcBankGroup6,'xx':U)
+ fill (' ':U,55).
viLineCounter2 = viLineCounter2 + 1.
put stream sExpStream unformatted vcExpLine skip.
/* ========================================================== */
/* Part 11 of the 1-records containing the amounts */
/* ========================================================== */
find tBLWI where
tBLWI.tcBLWI = tExpFields.tcBankGroup1
if not available tBLWI
then do:
<Q-3 run PayFormatGroupPrim (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input ?, (PayFormatGroupID)
input {&PAYMENTFORMAT-BE2}, (PayFormatTypeCode)
input 1, (PayFormatGroupSequence)
output dataset tqPayFormatGroupPrim) in BPaymentFormat >
find first tqPayFormatGroupPrim no-error.
if not available tqPayFormatGroupPrim
then do:
<M-5 run SetMessage
(input #T-7'The payment format group 1 for payment format $1 is not defined in the system.':80(2977)t-7# (icMessage),
input {&PAYMENTFORMAT-BE2} (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'D':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input ? (icRowid),
input 'QADFIN-1238':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '' (icFcExplanation),
input '' (icFcIdentification),
input '' (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPaymentSelection>
assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
<Q-4 run PayFormatCodebyGroupID (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input ?, (PayFormatCodeID)
input tExpFields.tcBankGroup1, (PayFormatCode)
input tqPayFormatGroupPrim.tiPayFormatGroup_ID, (PayFormatGroupID)
output dataset tqPayFormatCodebyGroupID) in BPaymentFormat >
find first tqPayFormatCodebyGroupID no-error.
if not available tqPayFormatCodebyGroupID
then do:
<M-6 run SetMessage
(input #T-8'The payment format code $1 for group 1 of payment format $2 is not defined in the system.':80(2978)t-8# (icMessage),
input tExpFields.tcBankGroup1 + chr(2) + {&PAYMENTFORMAT-BE2} (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'D':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input ? (icRowid),
input 'QADFIN-1239':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '' (icFcExplanation),
input '' (icFcIdentification),
input '' (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPaymentSelection>
assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
create tBLWI.
assign tBLWI.tcBLWI = tqPayFormatCodebyGroupID.tcPayFormatCode
tBLWI.tcDescription = tqPayFormatCodebyGroupID.tcPayFormatCodeDescription.
assign tBLWI.tdPayAmount = tBLWI.tdPayAmount + /*tExpFields.tdAmountLC01. */ vdCreditorPayTot.
if last-of(tExpFields.tcCredCreditorCode) or
last-of(tExpFields.tcBankCurrencyCode) or
/* XS JirHol 21/01/2005 */
or tExpFields.tlCredIsIndividualPayment
/* XE JirHol 21/01/2005 */
then for each tBLWI:
assign vcExpLine = '1':U
+ string(viLineCounter,'9999':U)
+ string(viMonthCounter,'99':U)
+ string(tBLWI.tcBLWI,'xxx':U)
+ string(tBLWI.tdPayAmount * 100,'999999999999999':U)
+ fill(' ':U,6)
+ substring(caps(tBLWI.tcDescription),1,49,"CHARACTER":U)
+ fill(' ':U,48)
viLineCounter2 = viLineCounter2 + 1.
put stream sExpStream unformatted vcExpLine skip.
assign viMonthCounter = viMonthCounter + 1.
/* ========================================================== */
/* 9-record being the end record */
/* ========================================================== */
assign vcExpLine = '9':U
+ string(viLineCounter2,'999999':U)
+ string(viLineCounter,'999999':U)
+ string((accum total vdCreditorPayTot),'999999999999999':U)
+ fill (' ':U,100).
put stream sExpStream unformatted vcExpLine skip.
/* ==================== */
/* Close the stream */
/* ==================== */
output stream sExpStream close.