project QadFinancials > class BPaymentSelection > method ClearProdatasetTables


This method is only used by the BuildProdataset method to clear all the temp tables


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BPaymentSelection.BuildProDataSet

program code (program1/bpaymentselection.p)

empty temp-table tPaySelCompany.
empty temp-table tPaySelCCollection.
empty temp-table tPropertyOfCompany.
empty temp-table tCompanyBusRel.
empty temp-table tAddressOfCompany.
empty temp-table tCountryOfCompany.
empty temp-table tStateOfCompany.
empty temp-table tPaymentCreditor.
empty temp-table tCreditorBusRel.
empty temp-table tAddressOfCreditor.
empty temp-table tCountryofCreditor.
empty temp-table tStateOfCreditor.
empty temp-table tPaySelGL.
empty temp-table tGLBankBusRel.
empty temp-table tGLBankAddress.
empty temp-table tGLBankCountry.
empty temp-table tGLBankState.
empty temp-table tGLBankContact.
empty temp-table tBankNumberOfGL.
empty temp-table tCurrencyOfGL.
empty temp-table tPayment.
empty temp-table tPaymentBankNumber.
empty temp-table tCurrencyOfPayment.
empty temp-table tAddressType.
empty temp-table tPaymentBankAddress.
empty temp-table tPaymentBankBusRel.
empty temp-table tPaymentBankCountry.
empty temp-table tPaymentBankState.
empty temp-table tPaymentBankContact.
empty temp-table tPaymentCInvoice.
empty temp-table tPaymentPaySel.
empty temp-table tAPHeaderAttribute.
empty temp-table tAPPaymentAttribute.
empty temp-table tAPCInvoiceAttribute.
empty temp-table tPaymentCInvoiceStage.