API to confirm the specified Supplier Payment Selection
icPaymentSelectionCode | input | character | Payment Selection Code to confirm |
itExecutionDate | input | date | Effective Date of Payment Selection - this will default to the existing Payment Selection Execution Date. The posting is created on the execution date you specify and not the date on which you create the Supplier Payment Selection Confirm record - if these dates are different. |
iiPostingYear | input | integer | Posting Year for the selection - defaults to current year if not set |
iiPostingPeriod | input | integer | Selection Posting Period |
itPostingDate | input | date | Selection Posting Date - defaults to today if not set |
icPostingJournal | input | character | Posting Journal |
icActivityCode | input | character | Activity code, for example Register, Unconfirm. |
olEndProc | output | logical | |
oiExeCount | output | integer | |
ilDocumentPerDueDate | input | logical | |
ilCreditDirectlyOnBank | input | logical | |
ocPreviousStatus | output | character | |
t_sPaySelPayCodeRef | input | temp-table | |
icBackupPayStatus | input | character | The original PaySel status which before Confirm/Unconfirm processing. |
biMaxBatchSize | input-output | integer | Maximum batch size |
biMinBatchSize | input-output | integer | Minium batch size |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program3/bpaymentselection.p)
assign vcActivityCode = icActivityCode
vcOriginalPayStatus = icBackupPayStatus.
/* Get max and min batch size */
/*Set min batch size to 1 for reducing the payment number*/
if biMaxBatchSize <> 0 and biMaxBatchSize <> ?
then do:
assign viMaxBatchSize = biMaxBatchSize
viMinBatchSize = 1.
else do:
/* assign default value */
assign biMaxBatchSize = viMaxBatchSize
biMinBatchSize = 1.
<M-23 run ChangeStatusPaymentSelInBatch
(input icPaymentSelectionCode (icPaymentSelectionCode),
input icPostingJournal (icPostingJournal),
input iiPostingPeriod (iiPostingPeriod),
input iiPostingYear (iiPostingYear),
input itExecutionDate (itExecutionDate),
input itPostingDate (itPostingDate),
output olEndProc (olEndOfProcessing),
output oiExeCount (oiExecutedLines),
input ilDocumentPerDueDate (ilDocumentPerDueDate),
input ilCreditDirectlyOnBank (ilCreditDirectlyOnBank),
output ocPreviousStatus (ocPreviousStatus),
input t_sPaySelPayCodeRef (t_sPaySelPayCodeRef),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPaymentSelection>
assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.