field name | data type | description |
tc_Status | character | |
tiAdditionNumber | integer | AdditionNumber |
tcBankAccountExtension | character | |
tcBankAccountNumber | character | |
tiBankNumber_ID | integer | |
tcBusinessRelationCode | character | Business Relation Code |
tiCInvoiceID | integer | CInvoice |
tcCreditorCode | character | CreditorCode |
tcDiscountAmntDebitCreditAbbr | character | |
ttDiscountDueDate | date | DiscountDueDate |
tdDiscountPercentage | decimal(3) | DiscountPercentage |
tdDiscountTC | decimal(4) | DiscountTC |
tcDivisionCode | character | |
ttDueDate | date | |
tcExternalNumber | character | ExternalNumber |
tcInternalNumber | character | InternalNumber |
tcInvoiceCurrencyCode | character | InvoiceCurrencyCode |
ttInvoiceDate | date | InvoiceDate |
tdInvoiceRate | decimal | |
tdInvoiceRateScale | decimal(10) | Invoice Rate Scale |
tiInvoiceSeq | integer | |
tlIsMultiple | logical | Flag which says if the line is one of multiple lines related to one invoice. |
tiMaster_ID | integer | |
tiNumDecTC | integer | |
tiObject_ID | integer | Object ID |
tcObjectType | character | Object Type |
tcOpenInvAmntDebitCreditAbbr | character | |
tdOpenInvoiceAmountTC | decimal(4) | OpenInvoiceAmountTC |
tdOpenPaymentInvoiceAmountTC | decimal | |
tdOpenAmountTCSigned | decimal | |
tdOriginalInvoiceAmountNetTC | decimal | |
tdOriginalInvoiceAmountTC | decimal(4) | OriginalInvoiceAmountTC |
tcOriginInvAmntDebitCreditAbbr | character | |
tcOriginInvAmntSign | character | |
tcPaymentAmntBCDebitCreditAbbr | character | |
tcPaymentAmntDebitCreditAbbr | character | |
tdPaymentAmountBC | decimal(4) | PaymentAmountBC |
tdPaymentAmountSignBC | decimal(10) | |
tdPaymentAmountTC | decimal(4) | PaymentAmountTC |
tdPaymentSignedAmtTC | decimal(4) | TC Payment Signed Amount.Positive for DR payments, negative for CR payment. As a result the user can set the Sum function on this new column and get the correct total paid |
tdPaymentAmountBank | decimal | Payment Amount in Bank's Currency |
tiProposedLine_ID | integer | ProposedLine_ID |
tlProposedLineCanBeSelected | logical | ProposedLineCanBeSelected |
tlProposedLineIsSelected | logical | ProposedLineIsSelected |
tdTotalAmountTC | decimal(4) | TotalAmountTC |
tcTSM | character | TSM |
tcValidationMask | character | |
tcVatCountryCode | character | |
tdHoldAmountTC | decimal | |
tcCorporateGroupCode | character | Group Name |
tcBusinessRelationName1 | character | |
tcInvoiceCompanyCode | character | |
tdNonDiscAmtTC | decimal | Non Discount Amount |
tdCInvoiceVatTC | decimal | Vat TC |
tlCInvoiceIsDiscTaxAtPaym | logical | Discount Tax At Payment |
tdOriginalPaymentAmountTC | decimal | |
tdOriginalPaymentAmountBC | decimal | |
tdWHTAmtTC | decimal(4) | WHT Amount TC |
tdWHTTaxableFeeTC | decimal(4) | WHT Taxable Fee TC |
tdWHTTCLCExchangeRate | decimal(10) | WHT Exchange Rate |
tdWHTTCLCRateScale | decimal(10) | WHT Rate Scale |
tdWHTTCCCExchangeRate | decimal(10) | SC Exchange Rate |
tdWHTTCCCRateScale | decimal(10) | SC Rate Scale |
tdTotWHTAmtTC | decimal(4) | Total WHT TC |
tdTotWHTAmtLC | decimal(4) | Total WHT LC |
tdCInvoiceTotWHTBaseTC | decimal(4) | Total WHT Base TC |
tdWHTPerc | decimal(2) | WHT % |
tlUpdateTax | logical | Update Tax |
tlCreditorIsWHT | logical | |
tdWHTAmtLC | decimal | |
tdWHTAmtCC | decimal | |
tdCInvoiceWHTAmtTC | decimal | |
tdCInvoiceOriginalTC | decimal | |
tdCInvoiceTotWHTTC | decimal(4) | Tot SI WHT TC |
tdAllocatedAmount | decimal | |
tdCInvoiceWHTUnpaidAmtTC | decimal | |
tdCInvoiceVatBaseTC | decimal | |
tdWHTWHTAmtTC | decimal | withholding tax amount of withholding tax table |
tcWHTAmntDebitCreditAbbr | character | |
tdInitiallyAllocatedWHTAmntTC | decimal(4) | Withholding tax amount in TC that is allocated but not yet paid in withholding tax |
tdInterestTC | decimal | |
tlConfirmed | logical | |
tdCInvoiceBankToPayTC | decimal | cinvoicebanktopaytc |
tdCInvoiceDiscountTC | decimal | total discount of the invoice |
tiInvoiceCompany_ID | integer | |