project QadFinancials > class BPaymentCondition > method CalculateDueDiscountDateNoRead


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BCInvoice.CreateCInvoicesPayment
method BCInvoice.DefaultValuesPaymentCondition
method BDInvoice.DefaultDuedatesForDeduction
method BDInvoice.DefaultValuesDueDates
method BDInvoice.DefaultValuesPaymentCondition
method BPaymentCondition.CalculateDueDiscountDate

method BCInvoice.ApiGetStagedPaymentConditions

program code (program3/bpaymentcondition.p)

/* ================================ */
    /* Check for the correct input type */
    /* ================================ */
    if icPaymentConditionPeriodType <> {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-DAYS}      and
       icPaymentConditionPeriodType <> {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-MONTHS}    and
       icPaymentConditionPeriodType <> {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-FORTNIGHT} and
       icPaymentConditionPeriodType <> {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-WEEK}
    then do:
        <M-6 run SetMessage
           (input  trim(#T-13'The credit terms period type $1 is invalid.':250(65283)t-13#) (icMessage), 
            input  icPaymentConditionPeriodType (icArguments), 
            input  '':U (icFieldName), 
            input  '':U (icFieldValue), 
            input  'E':U (icType), 
            input  3 (iiSeverity), 
            input  '':U (icRowid), 
            input  'QadFin-6984':U (icFcMsgNumber), 
            input  '':U (icFcExplanation), 
            input  '':U (icFcIdentification), 
            input  '':U (icFcContext), 
            output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPaymentCondition>  
        assign otDueDate      = 12/31/9999
               otDiscountDate = 12/31/9999
               oiReturnStatus = -1.
    end. /* if icPaymentConditionPeriodType <> {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-DAYS}      and */
    /* ===================================== */
    /* Set the StartDate to calculation from */
    /* ===================================== */
    assign vtStartDate = itInvoiceDate.
    if itInvoiceDate              <> ? and
       itPaymentConditionBaseDate <> ?
    then do:
        if itInvoiceDate < itPaymentConditionBaseDate
        then assign vtStartDate = itPaymentConditionBaseDate.
    end. /* if itInvoiceDate              <> ? and */
    else if itPaymentConditionBaseDate <> ? and
            itInvoiceDate               = ?
         then assign vtStartDate = itPaymentConditionBaseDate.
    if vtStartDate = ?
    then do:
        assign oiReturnStatus  = -1.
    end. /* if vtStartDate = ? */
    /* ================ */
    /* Set the Due Date */
    /* ================ */
    if icPaymentConditionPeriodType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-MONTHS}
    then do :
        if itPaymentConditionBaseDate   <> ? and 
           iiPaymentConditionDaysMonths = 0  and 
           iiPaymentConditionSupplDays  = 0 and 
           iiPaymentConditionBaseDays   = 0
        then assign vtStartDate = itPaymentConditionBaseDate 
                    otDueDate   = itPaymentConditionBaseDate.
        /* Set the start date to the end of the month */
        else assign vtStartDate = date((iiPaymentConditionDaysMonths + month(vtStartDate)) modulo 12 + 1,
                                      int(year(vtStartDate) + (iiPaymentConditionDaysMonths + month(vtStartDate) - (iiPaymentConditionDaysMonths + month(vtStartDate)) modulo 12) / 12))
                    vtStartDate = vtStartDate - 1
                    otDueDate   = vtStartDate + iiPaymentConditionSupplDays + iiPaymentConditionBaseDays.
    end. /* if icPaymentConditionPeriodType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-MONTHS} */
    else do :
        if icPaymentConditionPeriodType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-FORTNIGHT}
        then do:
            if itPaymentConditionBaseDate   <> ? and 
               iiPaymentConditionDaysMonths = 0  and 
               iiPaymentConditionSupplDays  = 0 and 
               iiPaymentConditionBaseDays   = 0
            then assign vtStartDate = itPaymentConditionBaseDate
                        otDueDate   = itPaymentConditionBaseDate.
            /* If due date start at the end of the fortnight, the system uses the 15th of the  month */
            /* to calculate the due date when the transaction date is between days 1 and 15 of the   */
            /* month. Otherwise the system uses the end of the month.                                */
            else do :
                if day(vtStartDate) <= 15
                then /* Due date is the 15th */
                     assign vtStartDate = date(month(vtStartDate), 15, year(vtStartDate)).
                else /* Set to end date of the month (first of next month  - 1) */
                     assign vtStartDate = date((month(vtStartDate) modulo 12) + 1, 1, year(vtStartDate) + if month(vtStartDate) = 12 then 1 else 0)
                            vtStartDate = vtStartDate - 1.
                assign otDueDate = vtStartDate + (iiPaymentConditionDaysMonths * 14) + iiPaymentConditionBaseDays.
            end. /* Not if itPaymentConditionBaseDate   <> ? and */
        end. /* if icPaymentConditionPeriodType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-FORTNIGHT} */
        else if icPaymentConditionPeriodType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-WEEK}
             then do :
                if itPaymentConditionBaseDate   <> ? and 
                   iiPaymentConditionDaysMonths = 0  and 
                   iiPaymentConditionSupplDays  = 0 and 
                   iiPaymentConditionBaseDays   = 0
                then assign vtStartDate = itPaymentConditionBaseDate
                            otDueDate   = itPaymentConditionBaseDate.
                /* Set the due date to the next Saturday */
                else assign vtStartDate = vtStartDate + 7 - weekday(vtStartDate)
                            otDueDate   = vtStartDate + iiPaymentConditionDaysMonths * 7 + iiPaymentConditionBaseDays.
             end. /* if icPaymentConditionPeriodType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-WEEK} */
             else /* PaymentConditionPaymentTyp = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-DAYS} */
                  if itPaymentConditionBaseDate   <> ? and 
                     iiPaymentConditionDaysMonths = 0  and 
                     iiPaymentConditionSupplDays  = 0 and 
                     iiPaymentConditionBaseDays   = 0
                  then assign vtStartDate = itPaymentConditionBaseDate
                              otDueDate = itPaymentConditionBaseDate.
                  /* Start date is the later of invoice date and base date           */
                  else assign otDueDate = vtStartDate + iiPaymentConditionDaysMonths + iiPaymentConditionBaseDays.
    end. /* Not if icPaymentConditionPeriodType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-MONTHS} */

    /* =========================================================================================================== */
    /* Take the Minimum # days between invoice date and due date into account and increase the DueDate when needed */
    /* =========================================================================================================== */
    if itPaymentConditionBaseDate   <> ? and 
       iiPaymentConditionDaysMonths = 0  and 
       iiPaymentConditionSupplDays  = 0 and 
       iiPaymentConditionBaseDays   = 0
    then assign otDueDate = otDueDate.
    else do : 
        assign viCurrentDay = day(otDueDate).    
        if icPaymentConditionPeriodType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-MONTHS}    or
           icPaymentConditionPeriodType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-FORTNIGHT} or
           icPaymentConditionPeriodType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-WEEK}
        then do while (otDuedate - itinvoicedate) < iiPaymentConditionDueDays:
            if icPaymentConditionPeriodType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-MONTHS}
            then assign otDueDate = otDueDate - iiPaymentConditionSupplDays - iiPaymentConditionBaseDays + 1
                        /* Add a month */
                        otDueDate = date(month(otDueDate) modulo 12 + 1,
                                         year(otDueDate) + if month(otDueDate) = 12 then 1 else 0)
                        otDueDate = otDueDate  - 1
                        otDueDate = otDueDate + iiPaymentConditionSupplDays + iiPaymentConditionBaseDays.
            if icPaymentConditionPeriodType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-FORTNIGHT}
            then do:
                /* Add a fortnight */
                assign otDueDate = otDueDate - iiPaymentConditionDaysMonths - iiPaymentConditionBaseDays.
                if day(otDueDate) = 15
                then /* Set due date to the end of the month */
                     assign otDueDate = date(month(otDueDate) modulo 12 + 1,
                                             year(otDueDate) + if month(otDueDate) = 12 then 1 else 0)
                            otDueDate = otDueDate - 1.
                else /* Due date is end of the month           */
                     /* Set due date to the 15th of next month */
                     assign otDueDate = date(month(otDueDate) modulo 12 + 1,
                                             year(otDueDate) + if month(otDueDate) = 12 then 1 else 0).
                assign otDueDate = otDueDate + iiPaymentConditionDaysMonths + iiPaymentConditionBaseDays.
            end. /* if icPaymentConditionPeriodType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-FORTNIGHT} */
            else /* Add a week */
                 assign otDueDate = otDueDate + 7.
        end. /* if icPaymentConditionPeriodType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-MONTHS}    or */
        else if otDuedate - itInvoiceDate < iiPaymentConditionDueDays
             then assign otDueDate = itInvoiceDate + iiPaymentConditionDueDays.
    end. /* Not if itPaymentConditionBaseDate   <> ? and  */
    /* ========================= */
    /* Set the Discount Due Date */
    /* ========================= */
    assign vtStartDate = if itPaymentConditionBaseDate = ?
                         then itInvoiceDate
                         else itPaymentConditionBaseDate.
    if vtStartDate = ?
    then do:
        <M-9 run SetMessage
           (input  trim(#T-11'Invalid Invoice Date':20(57418)T-11#) (icMessage), 
            input  '':U (icArguments), 
            input  '':U (icFieldName), 
            input  '':U (icFieldValue), 
            input  'E':U (icType), 
            input  3 (iiSeverity), 
            input  '':U (icRowid), 
            input  'QadFin-6985':U (icFcMsgNumber), 
            input  '':U (icFcExplanation), 
            input  '':U (icFcIdentification), 
            input  '':U (icFcContext), 
            output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BPaymentCondition>
        assign otDiscountDate = 12/31/9999
               oiReturnStatus = -1.
    end. /* if vtStartDate = ? */
    if icPaymentConditionpDiscType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-MONTHS}
    then do :
        if itPaymentConditionBaseDate   <> ? and 
           iiPaymentConditionDayMthDisc  = 0 and 
           iiPaymentConditionSupDayDisc  = 0 and 
           iiPaymentConditionBaseDays    = 0
        then do :
            assign vtStartDate    = itPaymentConditionBaseDate 
                   otDiscountDate = itPaymentConditionBaseDate.
        end. /* if itPaymentConditionBaseDate   <> ? and */
        else do :
            /* Set the start date to the end of the month */
            assign vtStartDate    = date((iiPaymentConditionDayMthDisc + month(vtStartDate)) modulo 12 + 1,  
                                         int(year(vtStartDate) + (iiPaymentConditionDayMthDisc + month(vtStartDate) - (iiPaymentConditionDayMthDisc + month(vtStartDate)) modulo 12) / 12))
                   vtStartDate    = vtStartDate - 1
                   otDiscountDate = vtStartDate + iiPaymentConditionSupDayDisc + iiPaymentConditionBaseDays.
        end. /* Not if itPaymentConditionBaseDate   <> ? and */
    end. /* if icPaymentConditionpDiscType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-MONTHS} */
    else if icPaymentConditionpDiscType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-FORTNIGHT}
         then do:
             /* If discount date start at the end of the fortnight, the system uses the 15th of the  month */
             /* to calculate the discount date when the transaction date is between days 1 and 15 of the   */
             /* month. Otherwise the system uses the end of the month.                                     */
             if day(vtStartDate) <= 15
             then /* Discount date is the 15th */
                  assign vtStartDate = date(month(vtStartDate), 15, year(vtStartDate)).
             else /* Set to end date of the month */
                  assign vtStartDate = date((month(vtStartDate) modulo 12) + 1,
                                            year(vtStartDate) + if month(vtStartDate) = 12 then 1 else 0)
                         vtStartDate = vtStartDate - 1.
             assign otDiscountDate = vtStartDate + (iiPaymentConditionDayMthDisc  * 14) + iiPaymentConditionBaseDays.
         end. /* if icPaymentConditionpDiscType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-FORTNIGHT} */
         else if icPaymentConditionpDiscType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-WEEK}
              then assign vtStartDate    = vtStartDate + 7 - weekday(vtStartDate)
                          otDiscountDate = vtStartDate + (iiPaymentConditionDayMthDisc  * 7) + iiPaymentConditionBaseDays.
              else /* PaymentConditionPaymentTyp = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPERIODTYPE-DAYS} */
                  /* Start date is invoice date or base date                         */
                   assign otDiscountDate = vtStartDate + iiPaymentConditionDayMthDisc + iiPaymentConditionBaseDays.