field name | data type | description |
tcCredDebEmplCode | character | CredDebEmplCode |
tcBusinessRelationCode | character | BusinesRelationCode |
tcCInvoiceReference | character | |
tcInvoiceNumberReference | character | InvoiceNumberReference |
tcInvoiceType | character | Invoice Type. This field identifies the invoice type. The value can be Invoice Correction and Credit Note Correction type only when the appropriate daybook types have already been defined. |
ttInvoiceDate | date | InvoiceDate |
tdInvoiceBalanceTC | decimal(4) | InvoiceBalanceTC |
tcInvoiceBalanceCrDt | character | InvoiceBalanceCrDt |
tlIsFullAdjustment | logical | |
tdNewBalanceTC | decimal(4) | NewBalTC |
tcNewBalanceCrDt | character | NewBalanceCrDt |
tdAdjustmentAmountTC | decimal(4) | AdjustmentAmountTC |
tcAdjustmentCrDt | character | |
tcInvoiceOrigin | character | InvoiceOrigin |
tcInvoiceDescription | character | Invoice Description |
tcInvoiceProjectCode | character | Invoice Project Code |
ttInvoiceDiscountDueDate | date | InvoiceDiscountDueDate |
ttInvoiceNormalDueDate | date | InvoiceNormalDueDate |
tcInvoiceDivisonCode | character | |
tcInvoiceCostCentreCode | character | Invoice Cost Centre Code |
tcInvoiceCurrencyCode | character | InvoiceCurrencyCode |
tdInvoiceExchangeRate | decimal(10) | InvoiceExchangeRate |
tdInvoiceExchangeRateScale | decimal(10) | |
tdInvoiceDiscountPercentage | decimal | |
tdInvoiceOriginalBalanceTC | decimal | |
tdAdjustmentDiscountAmountTC | decimal | |
tdTaxDiscountAmountTC | decimal | |
tcCompanyCode | character | |
tlIsNewOpenItem | logical | IsNewOpenItem |
tcReasonCode | character | Reason Code |
tlIsOverAllocated | logical | |
tlIsStagedPaymentCondition | logical | |
tlIsDiscountTaxAtPayment | logical | |
tcCorporateGroupCode | character | |
tcInvoiceControlGLCode | character | |
tiInvMovementPostingLineID | integer | |
tdAdjustmentAmountLC | decimal(4) | AdjustmentAmountLC |
tdAdjustmentExchangeRate | decimal(10) | AdjustmentExchangeRate |
tdAdjustmentExchangeRateScale | decimal(10) | |
tdTaxDiscountAmountLC | decimal | |
tdInvoiceBalanceLC | decimal | |
tdCInvoiceHoldAmountTC | decimal(4) | |
tc_Rowid | character | Use this data item to add as a field in public temp-tables (with index). |
tiCompanyId | integer | Internal ID of the active company. |
tiInvoiceID | integer | InvoiceID |
tdAdjustmentDiscountAmountLC | decimal | |
tiInvoicePostingID | integer | |
tcCreatedDiscountPostingLines | character | |
tdAdjustmentPaidTC | decimal(4) | TC Balance Amount CR. This field displays the sum of the credit amounts of all posting lines in transaction currency. |
tdVatTC | decimal | Vat |
tdNonDiscountableAmountTC | decimal | Non Discount Amount |
tlCompIsCompens | logical | |
tlBusinessRelationIsCompens | logical | |
tcCompOINetRest | character | |
tdAdjustmentWHTAmountTC | decimal | TC WHT Amount |
tdAdjustmentWHTAmountLC | decimal | BC WHT Amount |
tdAdjustmentWHTTaxFeeTC | decimal | TC WHT Fee Amount |
tdAdjustmentWHTCCRate | decimal | WHT CC Exchange Rate |
tdAdjustmentWHTCCScale | decimal | WHT CC Rate Scale |
tdCInvoiceTotWHTBaseTC | decimal | Total WHT Base TC |
tdCInvoiceWHTUnpaidAmtTC | decimal | SI WHT Unpaid TC |
tlUpdateTax | logical | Update Tax |
tdCInvoiceTotWHTTC | decimal | SI WHT TC |
tdWHTBalanceTC | decimal | Open SI WHT TC |
tdInitiallyAllocatedWHTAmtTC | decimal | Pending WHT TC |
tlCreditorIsWHT | logical | Supplier WHT |
tdAdjustmentWHTLCRate | decimal | |
tdAdjustmentWHTLCScale | decimal | |
tdAdjustmentWHTPerc | decimal | |
tdDefaultDiscountAmountTC | decimal | |
tdDefaultPaymentAmountTC | decimal | |
tiOIAdjustLnId | integer | |
tdAdjustmentCCExchangeRate | decimal | |
tdAdjustmentCCExchangeScale | decimal | |
tdOriginalInvoiceAmountNetTC | decimal | Original NET Invoice Amount, so without Taxes |
tiBillNumberOIA | integer | |
tiBillYearOIA | integer | |
tcBillStatusOIA | character | |
tcDInvoiceDIText | character | |
tcShipperAndGTInfo | character | Store the Shipper ID and Golden Tax Invoice Number for DInvoiceOpInfoType(SALESORDER and GOLDENTAX). |
tcInvoiceOpInfoType | character |