This method converts long char into simple temp table. This is because of long char maximum size and size of the char.
Internal usage
program code (program1/bmulticyprocessor.p)
/* =============================================================================================== */
/* This method stores text in the longchar input parameter into the temp-table, that has just */
/* character variables */
/* =============================================================================================== */
empty temp-table tAsyncInstanceDataSerialized.
assign viSegmentSize = 1024
viIndex = 0
viTextSize = length(ipLongText, "CHARACTER").
do while true:
assign viStartIndex = viIndex * viSegmentSize + 1.
/* if the size of the string is less then starting index, nothing more to do */
if (viTextSize < viStartIndex) then leave.
/* Put the segment of the XML into temp-table */
create tAsyncInstanceDataSerialized.
assign viIndex = viIndex + 1
tAsyncInstanceDataSerialized.ti_Sequence = viIndex
tAsyncInstanceDataSerialized.tcXMLSegment = substring(ipLongText, viStartIndex, min(viSegmentSize, viTextSize - viStartIndex + 1), "CHARACTER").
end. /* do while true: */