project QadFinancials > class BMultiCyProcessor > method ConvertLongCharToTempTable


This method converts long char into simple temp table. This is because of long char maximum size and size of the char.


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BMultiCyProcessor.ProcessRequestAsyncInit

program code (program1/bmulticyprocessor.p)

/* =============================================================================================== */
/* This method stores text in the longchar input parameter into the temp-table, that has just      */
/* character variables                                                                             */
/* =============================================================================================== */

empty temp-table tAsyncInstanceDataSerialized.

assign viSegmentSize = 1024
       viIndex       = 0
       viTextSize    = length(ipLongText, "CHARACTER").
do while true:
    assign viStartIndex = viIndex * viSegmentSize + 1.
    /* if the size of the string is less then starting index, nothing more to do */
    if (viTextSize < viStartIndex) then leave.
    /* Put the segment of the XML into temp-table */
    create tAsyncInstanceDataSerialized.
    assign viIndex                                   = viIndex + 1
           tAsyncInstanceDataSerialized.ti_Sequence  = viIndex
           tAsyncInstanceDataSerialized.tcXMLSegment = substring(ipLongText, viStartIndex, min(viSegmentSize, viTextSize - viStartIndex + 1), "CHARACTER").
end. /* do while true: */