project QadFinancials > class BMfgWorkOrder > business logic query WorkOrderRoutingByDomLotOper
icDomainCode | character | |
icLot | character | |
ilAccountingClosed | logical | |
iiOperation | integer | |
icWorkOrderNumber | character | WorkOrderNumber |
query condition
each wo_mstr where
wo_mstr.wo_domain = icDomainCode AND
wo_mstr.wo_lot = icLot AND
wo_mstr.wo_acct_close = ilAccountingClosed AND
wo_mstr.wo_nbr = icWorkOrderNumber
each wr_route (inner-join) where
wr_route.wr_domain = wo_mstr.wo_domain AND
wr_route.wr_lot = wo_mstr.wo_lot AND
wr_route.wr_nbr = wo_mstr.wo_nbr AND
wr_route.wr_op = iiOperation
query resultset tqWorkOrderRoutingByDomLotOper
field name | data type | db field | description |
tcwo_nbr | character | wo_mstr.wo_nbr | Work Order |
tcwo_part | character | wo_mstr.wo_part | Item Number |
tcwo_type | character | wo_mstr.wo_type | Type |
tcwo_loc | character | wo_mstr.wo_loc | Location |
tdoid_wo_mstr | decimal | wo_mstr.oid_wo_mstr | |
tcwo_acct | character | wo_mstr.wo_acct | Account |
tlwo_acct_close | logical | wo_mstr.wo_acct_close | Accounting Closed |
tcwo_cc | character | wo_mstr.wo_cc | Cost Center |
tcwo_domain | character | wo_mstr.wo_domain | Domain |
tcwo_line | character | wo_mstr.wo_line | Production Line |
tcwo_lot | character | wo_mstr.wo_lot | ID |
tcwo_sub | character | wo_mstr.wo_sub | Sub-Account |
tdoid_wr_route | decimal | wr_route.oid_wr_route | |
tcwr_domain | character | wr_route.wr_domain | Domain |
tcwr_lot | character | wr_route.wr_lot | ID |
tcwr_nbr | character | wr_route.wr_nbr | Work Order |
tiwr_op | integer | wr_route.wr_op | Operation |
ti_sequence | integer | calculated | primary index |
tc_rowid | character | calculated | = rowid(wo_mstr),rowid(wr_route) |
Internal usage