field name | data type | mnd. | description |
soc_on_ord | logical | no | Qty avail include qty on order |
soc_req | logical | no | Required qty reduce qty avail |
soc_all | logical | no | Qty All reduce qty Available |
soc_pick | logical | no | Pick Only Allocated Lines |
soc__qad01 | logical | no | |
soc__qad02 | logical | no | |
soc_inv | integer | no | Next Invoice |
soc_so | integer | no | Next Sales Order |
soc_all_days | integer | no | Allocate Days into Future |
soc_all_avl | logical | no | Limit allocate to avail only |
soc_ln_fmt | logical | no | Ln Format S/M |
soc_jrnl | integer | no | Next Journal |
soc_so_hist | logical | no | Keep Booking History |
soc_shp_lead | integer | no | Shipping Lead Time |
soc_print | logical | no | Are Sales Orders Printed |
soc_ar | logical | no | Integrate with AR |
soc_company | character(80) | no | Company Address |
soc_fob | character(30) | no | F.O.B. |
soc_hcmmts | logical | no | Sales Order Header Comments |
soc_lcmmts | logical | no | Sales Order Line Comments |
soc_sa | logical | no | Integrate with SA |
soc_fcst_fwd | integer | no | Consume Fwd |
soc_fcst_bck | integer | no | Consume Back |
soc_inv_hist | logical | no | Keep Invoice History |
soc_ln_inv | logical | no | Print Only Lines to Invoice |
soc_confirm | logical | no | Confirmed Orders |
soc__qad03 | integer | no | |
soc_det_all | logical | no | Detail Allocations |
soc_fysm | integer | no | Fiscal Start Month |
soc_user1 | character(80) | no | Ufld1 |
soc_user2 | character(80) | no | Ufld2 |
soc_index1 | integer | no | Index |
soc_next_abl | integer | no | Next ASN/BOL |
soc_next_cid | integer | no | Next Cntnr Nbr |
soc_fr_by_site | logical | no | Calculate Freight by Site |
soc_inv_pre | character(30) | no | Invoice Prefix |
soc_so_pre | character(30) | no | Sales Order Prefix |
soc_margin | logical | no | Comm on Margin not Sales |
soc_cr_hold | logical | no | Hold Orders Over Credit Limit |
soc_pl_req | logical | no | Price List Required |
soc_min_ship | decimal(0) | no | Minimum Shipment Amount |
soc_inv_min | decimal(10) | no | Minimum Invoice Amount |
soc_fr_shp_calc | logical | no | Recalc Freight at Ship Time |
soc_frc_returns | character(30) | no | Sales Returns Freight Calculation |
soc_crtacc_acct | character(80) | no | SO Interest Accrued Acct |
soc_crtacc_cc | character(30) | no | SO Interest Accrued CC |
soc_crtapp_acct | character(80) | no | SO Interest Applied Account |
soc_crtapp_cc | character(30) | no | SO Interest Applied Cost Center |
soc_edit_isb | logical | no | SO Edit ISB Defaults |
soc_min_shpamt | decimal(10) | no | Minimum Shipment Amount |
soc_pc_line | logical | no | Price by SO Line Due Date |
soc_pim_isb | logical | no | Pend Inv Edit ISB |
soc_print_id | character(80) | no | Confirmation Printer |
soc_pt_req | logical | no | Price Table Required |
soc_batch | logical | no | Auto Batch Confirmation |
soc_batch_id | character(80) | no | Confirmation Batch ID |
soc_returns_isb | logical | no | SO Returns Update ISB |
soc__qadl02 | logical | no | Check Customer Item Nbr First |
soc__qadl03 | logical | no | QAD Field |
soc__qadc01 | character(80) | no | QAD Field |
soc__qadc02 | character(80) | no | QAD Field |
soc__qadc03 | character(80) | no | QAD Field |
soc__qadi01 | integer | no | QAD Field |
soc__qadi02 | integer | no | QAD Field |
soc_apm | logical | no | Integrate with APM |
soc_btb_type | character(30) | no | EMT Type |
soc_due_calc | logical | no | Calculate Due Date |
soc_btb_all | logical | no | Direct Allocation |
soc_btb_sel | character(30) | no | EMT Sequence |
soc_use_btb | logical | no | Use Enterprise Material Transfer |
soc_dum_loc | character(80) | no | Direct Shipment Location |
soc_mlevel_btb | logical | no | Multiple Level EMT |
soc_ex_ratetype | character(80) | no | Rate Type |
soc_use_frt_trl_cd | logical | no | Use SO Frt List Trailer Code |
soc_crtapp_sub | character(80) | no | SO Int Accrued Sub |
soc_crtacc_sub | character(80) | no | SO Int Accrued Sub |
soc_pass_curr | logical | no | Use Customer Currency on PO |
soc_auto_chg | logical | no | Auto Accept Supplier Changes |
soc_atp_enabled | logical | no | ATP Enforcement Enabled |
soc_calc_promise_date | logical | no | Calc Promise Date |
soc_horizon | integer | no | ATP Horizon |
soc_crn_next | integer | no | Next Correction Invoice Nbr |
soc_crn_pre | character(30) | no | Correction Invoice Prefix |
soc_domain | character(8) | yes | Domain |
oid_soc_ctrl | decimal(10) | no | |
soc_use_corr_inv | logical | no | Use Correction Invoices |
soc_print_ship | logical | no | Shipper On Invoice |
soc_dflt_dybkset | character(8) | no | Default Daybook Set |
soc_maintain_reviewed | logical | no | Allow Maintenance of Reviewed Orders |
soc_valueorders_by | character(8) | no | Value Orders Using |
soc_dybkset_by_site | logical | no | Use Daybook Set by Site |
soc_gst_pst | logical | no | Print Tax ID on Invoice |
soc_rnd_flag | logical | no | Enable Rounding Function |
soc_use_fnbr | logical | no | Use Fiscal Number |
soc_fnbr_seq | character(8) | no | Default Fiscal Number Sequence |
tc_Rowid | character | yes | primary index |
tc_ParentRowid | character | no | empty string |
tc_Status | character | no | update status |