project QadFinancials > class BMfgPO > business logic query PurchaseOrderDetailForTax
icDomain | character | domain |
icPoNbr | character | Po number |
query condition
each po_mstr where
po_mstr.po_domain = icDomain AND
po_mstr.po_nbr = icPoNbr
each pod_det (inner-join) where
pod_det.pod_domain = po_mstr.po_domain AND
pod_det.pod_nbr = po_mstr.po_nbr AND
first tx2d_det (conditional-join) where
tx2d_det.tx2d_domain = pod_det.pod_domain AND
tx2d_det.tx2d_ref = pod_det.pod_nbr AND
tx2d_det.tx2d_line = pod_det.pod_line AND
first tx2_mstr (conditional-join) where
tx2_mstr.tx2_domain = tx2d_det.tx2d_domain AND
tx2_mstr.tx2_tax_code = tx2d_det.tx2d_tax_code AND
query resultset tqPurchaseOrderDetailForTax
field name | data type | db field | description |
tcpo_domain | character | po_mstr.po_domain | Domain |
tcpo_nbr | character | po_mstr.po_nbr | Purchase Order |
tcpod_domain | character | pod_det.pod_domain | Domain |
tipod_line | integer | pod_det.pod_line | Line |
tcpod_nbr | character | pod_det.pod_nbr | Purchase Order |
tltx2_rcpt_tax_point | logical | tx2_mstr.tx2_rcpt_tax_point | Accrue Tax at Receipt |
tltx2_usage_tax_point | logical | tx2_mstr.tx2_usage_tax_point | Accrue Tax At Usage |
tctx2d_domain | character | tx2d_det.tx2d_domain | Domain |
titx2d_line | integer | tx2d_det.tx2d_line | Line |
tctx2d_ref | character | tx2d_det.tx2d_ref | Reference |
tctx2d_tr_type | character | tx2d_det.tx2d_tr_type | Transaction Type |
ti_sequence | integer | calculated | primary index |
tc_rowid | character | calculated | = rowid(po_mstr),rowid(pod_det),rowid(tx2d_det),rowid(tx2_mstr) |
Internal usage