icMfgTableName | input | character | Name of the MFG/PRO table name that is currently being processed. This is used to determine which logic to execute within the method in the cases where one business component maps to multiple tables in MFG/PRO. |
icFinancialTableName | input | character | Name of the current financials table being processed, used to determine which logic to execute. |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
<ANCESTOR-CODE> /* ====================================================== */ /* Set the return status to unexpected system error (-98) */ /* ====================================================== */ assign oiReturnStatus = -98. /* =========================================================================== */ /* An implementation of this method is required as this table belongs to */ /* a domain and we cannot use cascading deletes from the financials as it */ /* would delete all record for the account and shared set. */ /* */ /* This could probably be achieved with the cascading deletes as we actually */ /* want to delete all MFG/PRO accounts when the GL is deleted. Should this be */ /* done using the automated features of the Financials data relations. */ /* =========================================================================== */ assign tnr_mstr.tc_status = tJournalBook.tc_Status. /* ====================================================== */ /* Set the return status = OK */ /* ====================================================== */ if oiReturnStatus = -98 then assign oiReturnStatus = 0.