Query to find the pending vouchers records associated with a logistics accounting detail record.
icInternalReference | character | logistics accounting detail internal reference. |
icDomain | character | Domain code |
query condition
each lacd_det where
lacd_det.lacd_internal_ref = icInternalReference AND
lacd_det.lacd_domain = icDomain
each pvo_mstr (inner-join) where
pvo_mstr.pvo_internal_ref_type = lacd_det.lacd_internal_ref_type AND
pvo_mstr.pvo_internal_ref = lacd_det.lacd_internal_ref AND
pvo_mstr.pvo_domain = lacd_det.lacd_domain AND
pvo_mstr.pvo_lc_charge = lacd_det.lacd_lc_charge AND
(('' <> lacd_det.lacd_log_supplier AND
pvo_mstr.pvo_shipfrom = lacd_det.lacd_log_supplier ) OR
(pvo_mstr.pvo_shipfrom = lacd_det.lacd_shipfrom ))
each pvod_det (inner-join) where
pvod_det.pvod_domain = pvo_mstr.pvo_domain AND
pvod_det.pvod_id = pvo_mstr.pvo_id AND
first vd_mstr (inner-join) where
vd_mstr.vd_addr = pvo_mstr.pvo_supplier AND
vd_mstr.vd_domain = pvo_mstr.pvo_domain AND
query resultset tqLogAcctPendingVoucherForERS
field name | data type | db field | description |
tclacd_domain | character | lacd_det.lacd_domain | Domain |
tclacd_internal_ref | character | lacd_det.lacd_internal_ref | Internal Reference |
tclacd_log_supplier | character | lacd_det.lacd_log_supplier | Supplier |
tdoid_pvo_mstr | decimal | pvo_mstr.oid_pvo_mstr | |
tcpvo_curr | character | pvo_mstr.pvo_curr | Currency |
tcpvo_domain | character | pvo_mstr.pvo_domain | Domain |
ttpvo_eff_date | date | pvo_mstr.pvo_eff_date | GL Effective Date |
tipvo_ers_opt | integer | pvo_mstr.pvo_ers_opt | ERS Option |
tipvo_ers_price_lst_opt | integer | pvo_mstr.pvo_ers_price_lst_opt | ERS Price List Option |
tipvo_ers_status | integer | pvo_mstr.pvo_ers_status | ERS Status |
tcpvo_external_ref | character | pvo_mstr.pvo_external_ref | External Reference |
tipvo_id | integer | pvo_mstr.pvo_id | Pending Voucher ID |
tcpvo_internal_ref | character | pvo_mstr.pvo_internal_ref | Internal Reference |
tcpvo_internal_ref_type | character | pvo_mstr.pvo_internal_ref_type | Internal Reference Type |
tcpvo_lc_charge | character | pvo_mstr.pvo_lc_charge | Logistics Charge Code |
tipvo_line | integer | pvo_mstr.pvo_line | Line |
tcpvo_order | character | pvo_mstr.pvo_order | Order |
tcpvo_order_type | character | pvo_mstr.pvo_order_type | Order Type |
tcpvo_part | character | pvo_mstr.pvo_part | Item Number |
tcpvo_project | character | pvo_mstr.pvo_project | Project |
tcpvo_shipfrom | character | pvo_mstr.pvo_shipfrom | Ship-From |
tcpvo_shipto | character | pvo_mstr.pvo_shipto | Ship-To |
tcpvo_supplier | character | pvo_mstr.pvo_supplier | Supplier |
tcpvo_tax_env | character | pvo_mstr.pvo_tax_env | Tax Environment |
tlpvo_tax_in | logical | pvo_mstr.pvo_tax_in | Tax In |
tcpvo_tax_usage | character | pvo_mstr.pvo_tax_usage | Tax Usage |
tlpvo_taxable | logical | pvo_mstr.pvo_taxable | Taxable |
tcpvo_taxc | character | pvo_mstr.pvo_taxc | Tax Class |
ttpvo_trans_date | date | pvo_mstr.pvo_trans_date | Transaction Date |
tdpvo_trans_qty | decimal | pvo_mstr.pvo_trans_qty | Transaction Qty |
tdpvo_vouchered_amt | decimal | pvo_mstr.pvo_vouchered_amt | Vouchered Amt |
tdpvo_vouchered_qty | decimal | pvo_mstr.pvo_vouchered_qty | Vouchered Qty |
tdpvod_accrued_amt | decimal | pvod_det.pvod_accrued_amt | Accrued Amount |
tipvod_id_line | integer | pvod_det.pvod_id_line | Line |
tdpvod_vouchered_amt | decimal | pvod_det.pvod_vouchered_amt | Vouchered Amount |
tcvd_daybookset | character | vd_mstr.vd_daybookset | Daybook Set |
Internal usage