This procedure retrieves details for legal documents, that can be used later on by Receiver matching or by ERS.
icLgdDomain | input | character | Legal document domain |
icLgdNbr | input | character | |
icLgdSupplier | input | character | Ship-from, normally this is Supplier (for material) |
itLgdEffDate | input | date | Legal document effective issue date |
icInvSupplier | input | character | Supplier invoice supplier |
odLgdTaxBaseLC | output | decimal | |
odLgdTaxLC | output | decimal | |
odLgdTotalAmountLC | output | decimal | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program5/bmfglegaldocument.p)
/* ====================================================================================== *
* Method : GetLegalDocumentAmount *
* Description : This method does calculation of the Legal document amount. This system *
* calculates amount for a certain Invoice supplier. Material on the legal *
* document is always invoices the the same supplier as supplier on the *
* legal document. But logistical charges are invoices for the logistical *
* supplier defined normally on the purchase order. *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Parameters : LgdDomain Legal document domain (mandatory) *
* LgdNbr Legal document number (mandatory) *
* LgdSupplier Legal document supplier (mandatory) *
* LgdEffDate Legal document effective issue date (mandatory) *
* InvSupplier Supplier invoice supplier (mandatory) *
* O LgdTaxBaseLC Base amount of the legal document. *
* O LgdTaxLC Total tax amount of the legal document *
* O LgdTotalAmountLC Total amount of the legal document *
* ====================================================================================== */
define variable doLegalDocumentDetail as com.qad.eefin.bmfglegaldocument.LegalDocumentDetail.
do on error undo, throw:
/* Normalize parameters */
if icLgdDomain = "":U then assign icLgdDomain = ?.
if icLgdNbr = "":U then assign icLgdNbr = ?.
if icLgdSupplier = "":U then assign icLgdSupplier = ?.
if icInvSupplier = "":U then assign icInvSupplier = ?.
/* Default output parameters */
assign odLgdTaxBaseLC = 0
odLgdTaxLC = 0
odLgdTotalAmountLC = 0.
/* Pre-validation block */
if icLgdDomain = ? or
icLgdNbr = ? or
itLgdEffDate = ? or
icLgdSupplier = ? or
icInvSupplier = ?
then do:
assign vcMessage = #T-34'Not all mandatory input parameters are populated or they have wrong value.':255(999890330)T-34#
vcContext = "icLgdDomain=&1|icLgdNbr=&2|itLgdEffDate=&3|icLgdSupplier=&4|icInvSupplier=&5":U
vcContext = substitute(vcContext, icLgdDomain, icLgdNbr, itLgdEffDate, icLgdSupplier, icInvSupplier)
vcContext = replace(vcContext, "|":U, chr(2)).
<M-54 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'S':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-577830':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input vcContext (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BMFGLegalDocument>
assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
end. /* Pre-validation block */
/* =============================================================================================== *
* Get Legal document header details *
* We use total legal document amoutns for calculation *
* =============================================================================================== */
assign doLegalDocumentDetail = new com.qad.eefin.bmfglegaldocument.LegalDocumentDetail (
if not doLegalDocumentDetail:available
then do:
assign vcMessage = #T-42'Cannot find Legal document based upon Domain, Number, Supplier and Effective date (&1, &2, &3, &4).':255(951856427)T-42#
vcMessage = substitute(vcMessage, icLgdDomain, icLgdSupplier, icLgdNbr, itLgdEffDate)
vcContext = "icLgdDomain=&1|icLgdSupplier=&2|icLgdNbr=&3|itLgdEffDate=&4":U
vcContext = substitute(vcContext, icLgdDomain, icLgdSupplier, icLgdNbr, itLgdEffDate)
vcContext = replace(vcContext, "|":U, chr(2)).
<M-40 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'S':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-708477':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input vcContext (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BMFGLegalDocument>
assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
/* Get all taxes for the legal document */
<M-84 run GetLegalDocumentDetForAPMatching
(input icLgdDomain (icLgdDomain),
input icLgdNbr (icLgdNbr),
input icLgdSupplier (icLgdSuppl),
input itLgdEffDate (itLgdEffDate),
input icInvSupplier (icInvSuppl),
input ? (iiLgddLine),
input ? (icLgddDocType),
input ? (icLgddOrder),
input ? (iiLgddOrderLine),
output tLgddDetMatForAPM (tLgddDetMatForAPM),
output tLgddDetLCForAPM (tLgddDetLCForAPM),
output tLgddDetLCDistForAPM (tLgddDetLCDistForAPM),
output tLgddDetTaxForAPM (tLgddDetTaxForAPM),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BMFGLegalDocument>
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or viFcReturnSuper > 0 and oiReturnStatus = 0 then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0 then return.
/* =============================================================================================== *
* Set the actual supplier to be used to check the legal document and calculate the invoice total. *
* This supplier will change depending on whether or not this is a PO receipt or PO return. *
* =============================================================================================== */
if doLegalDocumentDetail:im_tr_type = {&TRANSACTION-TYPE-ISS-PRV} then assign vcActualSupplier = doLegalDocumentDetail:lgd_shipto_site.
else vcActualSupplier = icLgdSupplier.
/* =============================================================================================== *
* Calculate amount of the Legal document for material *
* =============================================================================================== */
if vcActualSupplier = icInvSupplier
then do:
assign odLgdTaxBaseLC = doLegalDocumentDetail:lgd_goods_amt - vdGoodsAmtToRemove
odLgdTaxLC = 0
odLgdTotalAmountLC = doLegalDocumentDetail:lgd_goods_amt - vdGoodsAmtToRemove.
for each tLgddDetMatForAPM where
tLgddDetMatForAPM.tclgd_domain = icLgdDomain and
tLgddDetMatForAPM.tclgd_nbr = icLgdNbr and
tLgddDetMatForAPM.tcSupplier = vcActualSupplier and
tLgddDetMatForAPM.ttlgd_effdate = itLgdEffDate,
each tLgddDetTaxForAPM where
tLgddDetTaxForAPM.tc_ParentRowid = tLgddDetMatForAPM.tc_Rowid:
/* Skip WHT taxes */
if tLgddDetTaxForAPM.tctx2d_tr_type = {&VATTAXTRANSACTIONTYPE-APWHT} then next.
/* Retained taxes */
if tLgddDetTaxForAPM.tdtx2d_abs_ret_amt <> 0
then do:
if tLgddDetTaxForAPM.tltx2d_tax_in
then assign odLgdTotalAmountLC = odLgdTotalAmountLC + tLgddDetTaxForAPM.tdtx2d_cur_abs_ret_amt.
/* Normal taxes */
else do:
/* Cumulate tax amount */
assign odLgdTaxLC = odLgdTaxLC + tLgddDetTaxForAPM.tdtx2d_tax_amt.
/* Calculate legal document base and total amount */
if tLgddDetTaxForAPM.tltx2d_tax_in
then assign odLgdTaxBaseLC = odLgdTaxBaseLC - tLgddDetTaxForAPM.tdtx2d_tax_amt.
else assign odLgdTotalAmountLC = odLgdTotalAmountLC + tLgddDetTaxForAPM.tdtx2d_tax_amt.
end. /* Normal taxes */
end. /* for each tLgddDetMatForAPM where */
end. /* if icLgdSupplier = icInvSupplier */
/* =============================================================================================== *
* Calculate amount of the legal document for logistical charges *
* =============================================================================================== */
for each tLgddDetLCForAPM where
tLgddDetLCForAPM.tclgd_domain = icLgdDomain and
tLgddDetLCForAPM.tclgd_nbr = icLgdNbr and
tLgddDetLCForAPM.tclgd_shipfrom = icLgdSupplier and
tLgddDetLCForAPM.ttlgd_effdate = itLgdEffDate:
/* If the logistic charge was not invoices by this invoice, skip legal document line */
if not can-find(first tLgddDetLCDistForAPM where
tLgddDetLCDistForAPM.tc_ParentRowid = tLgddDetLCForAPM.tc_Rowid and
tLgddDetLCDistForAPM.tcSupplier = icInvSupplier)
then next.
assign vdLgdLCLineTaxLC = 0.
for each tLgddDetLCDistForAPM where
tLgddDetLCDistForAPM.tc_ParentRowid = tLgddDetLCForAPM.tc_Rowid,
each tLgddDetTaxForAPM where
tLgddDetTaxForAPM.tc_ParentRowid = tLgddDetLCDistForAPM.tc_Rowid:
/* Skip WHT taxes */
if tLgddDetTaxForAPM.tctx2d_tr_type = {&VATTAXTRANSACTIONTYPE-APWHT} then next.
/* Retained taxes */
if tLgddDetTaxForAPM.tdtx2d_abs_ret_amt <> 0
then do:
if tLgddDetTaxForAPM.tltx2d_tax_in
then assign odLgdTaxBaseLC = odLgdTaxBaseLC + tLgddDetTaxForAPM.tdtx2d_cur_abs_ret_amt.
/* Normal taxes */
else assign vdLgdLCLineTaxLC = vdLgdLCLineTaxLC + tLgddDetTaxForAPM.tdtx2d_tax_amt.
assign odLgdTaxBaseLC = odLgdTaxBaseLC + tLgddDetLCForAPM.tdamount_base
odLgdTaxLC = odLgdTaxLC + vdLgdLCLineTaxLC
odLgdTotalAmountLC = odLgdTotalAmountLC + tLgddDetLCForAPM.tdamount_base + vdLgdLCLineTaxLC.
end. /* for each tLgddDetLCForAPM */
/* =============================================================================================== *
* If we are getting details for legal document created during Purchase return, *
* all amounts has to be oposite. So it is the same as if we have negative *
* purchase order receipt *
* =============================================================================================== */
assign vlIsPOReturn = false. /* po receipt */
if doLegalDocumentDetail:im_tr_type = {&TRANSACTION-TYPE-ISS-PRV} then assign vlIsPOReturn = true. /* po return */
if vlIsPOReturn = true /* Purchase order return */
then assign odLgdTaxBaseLC = - odLgdTaxBaseLC
odLgdTaxLC = - odLgdTaxLC
odLgdTotalAmountLC = - odLgdTotalAmountLC.
/* Finally block */
if valid-object(doLegalDocumentDetail) then delete object doLegalDocumentDetail no-error.
end. /* MAIN_BLOCK */