field name | data type | mnd. | description |
pt_part | character(30) | yes | Item Number |
pt_desc1 | character(80) | no | Description |
pt_desc2 | character(80) | no | Description |
pt_um | character(30) | no | UM |
pt__qad13 | character(30) | no | Incorp Rev |
pt__qad12 | decimal(10) | no | |
pt_draw | character(30) | no | Drawing |
pt_prod_line | character(30) | no | Prod Line |
pt_group | character(80) | no | Group |
pt_part_type | character(80) | no | Item Type |
pt_status | character(80) | no | Status |
pt_abc | character(30) | no | ABC Class |
pt_iss_pol | logical | no | Issue Policy |
pt_phantom | logical | no | Phantom |
pt_loc | character(80) | no | Location |
pt__qad01 | decimal(10) | no | |
pt__qad02 | decimal(10) | no | |
pt_abc_amt | decimal(10) | no | ABC Value |
pt__qad03 | decimal(10) | no | |
pt__qad04 | decimal(10) | no | |
pt_avg_int | integer | no | Avg Int |
pt__qad05 | date | no | |
pt_cyc_int | integer | no | Cyc Cnt Int |
pt__qad06 | date | no | |
pt__qad07 | date | no | |
pt__qad08 | date | no | |
pt_ms | logical | no | Master Sched |
pt_plan_ord | logical | no | Plan Orders |
pt_mrp | logical | no | MRP Required |
pt_ord_pol | character(30) | no | Order Policy |
pt_ord_qty | decimal(10) | no | Order Qty |
pt_ord_per | integer | no | Order Period |
pt_sfty_stk | decimal(0) | no | Safety Stk |
pt_sfty_time | decimal(0) | no | Safety Time |
pt_rop | decimal(0) | no | Reorder Point |
pt_buyer | character(80) | no | Buyer/Planner |
pt_vend | character(80) | no | Supplier |
pt__qad09 | decimal(10) | no | |
pt_pm_code | character(30) | no | Pur/Mfg |
pt_mfg_lead | decimal(0) | no | Mfg LT |
pt_pur_lead | integer | no | Pur LT |
pt_insp_rqd | logical | no | Inspect |
pt_insp_lead | integer | no | Ins LT |
pt_cum_lead | integer | no | Cum LT |
pt_ord_min | decimal(0) | no | Min Ord |
pt_ord_max | decimal(0) | no | Max Ord |
pt_ord_mult | decimal(0) | no | Ord Mult |
pt_yield_pct | decimal(10) | no | Yield% |
pt__qad16 | decimal(0) | no | |
pt_setup | decimal(10) | no | Setup Time |
pt_setup_ll | decimal(10) | no | Setup LL |
pt_run_ll | decimal(10) | no | Run LL |
pt_run | decimal(10) | no | Run Time |
pt_price | decimal(10) | no | Price |
pt_xmtl_tl | decimal(10) | no | Cur Matl TL |
pt_xlbr_tl | decimal(10) | no | Cur Labor TL |
pt_xbdn_tl | decimal(10) | no | Cur Burden TL |
pt_xsub_tl | decimal(10) | no | Cur Sub TL |
pt_xmtl_ll | decimal(10) | no | Cur Matl LL |
pt_xlbr_ll | decimal(10) | no | Cur Labor LL |
pt_xbdn_ll | decimal(10) | no | Cur Burden LL |
pt_xsub_ll | decimal(10) | no | Cur Sub LL |
pt_xtot_cur | decimal(10) | no | Total TL & LL |
pt_cur_date | date | no | Cur Cost Update |
pt_xmtl_stdtl | decimal(10) | no | Std Matl TL |
pt_xlbr_stdtl | decimal(10) | no | Std Labor TL |
pt_xbdn_stdtl | decimal(10) | no | Std Burden TL |
pt_xsub_stdtl | decimal(10) | no | Std Sub TL |
pt_xtot_std | decimal(10) | no | Std Total |
pt_std_date | date | no | Std Cost Update |
pt_ll_code | integer | no | Low Level |
pt_abc_qty | decimal(10) | no | ABC Quantity |
pt__qad10 | decimal(10) | no | |
pt__qad11 | decimal(10) | no | |
pt_routing | character(30) | no | Routing Code |
pt_lot_ser | character(30) | no | Lot/Serial Control |
pt_timefence | integer | no | Time Fence |
pt_xmtl_stdll | decimal(10) | no | Std Mtl LL |
pt_xlbr_stdll | decimal(10) | no | Std Lbr LL |
pt_xbdn_stdll | decimal(10) | no | Std Burden LL |
pt_xsub_stdll | decimal(10) | no | Std Sub LL |
pt_rev | character(30) | no | Rev |
pt_last_eco | date | no | Last ECO |
pt__qad15 | logical | no | |
pt__qad17 | logical | no | |
pt_qc_lead | integer | no | QC LT |
pt_auto_lot | logical | no | Auto Lot Numbers |
pt_assay | decimal(10) | no | Assay % |
pt_batch | decimal(10) | no | Batch Qty |
pt__qad14 | date | no | |
pt_user3 | character(80) | no | User3 |
pt_user1 | character(80) | no | Ufld1 |
pt_user2 | character(80) | no | Ufld2 |
pt_net_wt | decimal(10) | no | Net Weight |
pt_net_wt_um | character(30) | no | Net Weight UM |
pt_size | decimal(10) | no | Size |
pt_size_um | character(30) | no | Size UM |
pt_taxable | logical | no | Tax |
pt_taxc | character(30) | no | Tax Class |
pt_rollup | logical | no | Rollup Reqd |
pt_xovh_ll | decimal(10) | no | Cur Ovhead LL |
pt_xovh_tl | decimal(10) | no | Cur Ovhead TL |
pt_xovh_stdll | decimal(10) | no | Std Ovhead LL |
pt_xovh_stdtl | decimal(10) | no | Std Ovhead TL |
pt_site | character(80) | no | Site |
pt_shelflife | integer | no | Shelf Life |
pt_critical | logical | no | Key Item |
pt_sngl_lot | logical | no | Allocate Single Lot |
pt_upc | character(30) | no | UPC |
pt_hazard | character(80) | no | Hazard |
pt_added | date | no | Added |
pt__chr01 | character(80) | no | |
pt__chr02 | character(80) | no | |
pt__chr03 | character(80) | no | |
pt__chr04 | character(80) | no | |
pt__chr05 | character(80) | no | |
pt__chr06 | character(80) | no | |
pt__chr07 | character(80) | no | |
pt__chr08 | character(80) | no | |
pt__chr09 | character(80) | no | |
pt__chr10 | character(80) | no | |
pt__dte01 | date | no | |
pt__dte02 | date | no | |
pt__dec01 | decimal(10) | no | |
pt__dec02 | decimal(10) | no | |
pt__log01 | logical | no | |
pt__log02 | logical | no | |
pt__qad18 | decimal(10) | no | |
pt__qad21 | decimal(10) | no | |
pt__qad19 | decimal(10) | no | |
pt__qad20 | decimal(10) | no | |
pt_length | decimal(10) | no | Length |
pt_height | decimal(10) | no | Height |
pt_width | decimal(10) | no | Width |
pt_dim_um | character(30) | no | Dimensns UM |
pt_pkg_code | character(30) | no | Pkg Code |
pt_network | character(30) | no | Network Code |
pt_ll_drp | integer | no | DRP Low Level |
pt_fr_class | character(80) | no | Freight Class |
pt_spec_hdlg | character(80) | no | Special Handling Code |
pt_bom_code | character(30) | no | BOM/Formula |
pt_loc_type | character(80) | no | Location Type |
pt_transtype | character(80) | no | Transport Type |
pt_cover | character(30) | no | Coverage |
pt_unit_isb | logical | no | Isb Unit Quantity |
pt_article | character(30) | no | Article Number |
pt_po_site | character(80) | no | PO Site |
pt_ship_wt | decimal(10) | no | Ship Weight |
pt_ship_wt_um | character(30) | no | Ship Weight UM |
pt_formula | logical | no | Formula |
pt_dea | logical | no | DEA Controlled |
pt__qad26 | logical | no | |
pt__qad22 | logical | no | |
pt__qad25 | integer | no | |
pt__qad24 | integer | no | |
pt__qad23 | integer | no | |
pt_comm_code | character(80) | no | Commodity Code |
pt_inst_call | logical | no | Install |
pt_sys_type | character(30) | no | System Type |
pt_tariff | character(80) | no | Tariff |
pt_origin | character(30) | no | Country of Origin |
pt_sttr | decimal(10) | no | STTR |
pt_mfg_mtbf | decimal(10) | no | MFG MTBF |
pt_mfg_mttr | decimal(10) | no | MFG MTTR |
pt_fru | logical | no | FRU |
pt_ven_warr | logical | no | Supplier Warranty |
pt_svc_group | character(80) | no | Service Group |
pt_svc_type | character(30) | no | Service Type |
pt_mtbf | decimal(10) | no | MTBF |
pt_mttr | decimal(10) | no | MTTR |
pt_isb | logical | no | Installed Base |
pt_pvm_days | integer | no | Days Between PM |
pt_warr_cd | character(80) | no | Warranty Code |
pt_mod_date | date | no | Modified Date |
pt_userid | character(80) | no | User ID |
pt_obs_date | date | no | Obsolete Date |
pt_pvm_bom | character(30) | no | PM BOM |
pt_pvm_route | character(30) | no | PM Routing |
pt_pvm_um | character(30) | no | UM |
pt_rp_bom | character(30) | no | Repair BOM |
pt_rp_route | character(30) | no | Repair Routing |
pt_rp_vendor | character(80) | no | Repair Supplier |
pt_rctpo_status | character(80) | no | PO Rcpt Status |
pt_rollup_id | character(80) | no | Rollup ID |
pt_spec_grav | decimal(10) | no | Specific Gravity |
pt_joint_type | character(30) | no | Co/By Type |
pt_mfg_pct | decimal(10) | no | Manufactured |
pt_pur_pct | decimal(10) | no | Purchased |
pt_drp_pct | decimal(10) | no | DRP |
pt_pou_code | character(30) | no | Point of Use Code |
pt_wks_avg | decimal(10) | no | Average Weeks of Coverage |
pt_wks_max | decimal(10) | no | Maximum Weeks of Coverage |
pt_wks_min | decimal(10) | no | Minimum Weeks of Coverage |
pt_pick_logic | integer | no | Pick Logic |
pt_fiscal_class | character(30) | no | Fiscal Class |
pt_dsgn_grp | character(80) | no | Design Group |
pt_drwg_loc | character(80) | no | Drawing Loc |
pt_ecn_rev | character(30) | no | ECN Rev |
pt_drwg_size | character(30) | no | Drwg Size |
pt_model | character(30) | no | Model |
pt_repairable | logical | no | Repairable |
pt_rctwo_status | character(80) | no | WO Rcpt Status |
pt_lot_grp | character(80) | no | Lot Group |
pt_rctpo_active | logical | no | Active |
pt_rctwo_active | logical | no | Active |
pt_break_cat | character(30) | no | Price Break Cat |
pt_fsc_code | character(80) | no | Service Category |
pt_trace_active | logical | no | Trace Active |
pt_trace_detail | logical | no | Trace Detail |
pt_pm_mrp | logical | no | Need PM MRP |
pt_ins_call_type | character(80) | no | Installation Call Type |
pt_ins_bom | character(30) | no | Installation BOM |
pt_ins_route | character(30) | no | Installation Routing |
pt_promo | character(80) | no | Promotion Group |
pt_meter_interval | decimal(10) | no | Meter Interval |
pt_meter_um | character(30) | no | Meter UM |
pt_wh | logical | no | Warehoused Item |
pt_btb_type | character(30) | no | EMT Type |
pt_cfg_type | character(30) | no | Configuration |
pt_app_owner | character(30) | no | Owner Application |
pt_op_yield | logical | no | Op Based Yield |
pt_run_seq1 | character(80) | no | Run Seq 1 |
pt_run_seq2 | character(80) | no | 2 |
pt_atp_enforcement | character(30) | no | ATP Enforcement |
pt_atp_family | logical | no | Family ATP |
pt_domain | character(8) | yes | Domain |
oid_pt_mstr | decimal(10) | no | |
pt_classification | character(12) | no | Classification |
pt_memo_type | character(1) | no | Memo Order Type |
pt_um_group | character(16) | no | UM Group |
pt_opc_threshold | decimal(10) | no | OPC Threshold |
pt_pop_code | character(16) | no | Popularity |
pt_whse_part_type | character(16) | no | Warehouse Item Type |
pt_issue_method | character(16) | no | Issue Method |
pt_rep_type | character(16) | no | Replenishment Type |
pt_crit_days | integer | no | Critical Days |
pt_shelf_offset | integer | no | Shelf Life Offset |
pt_single_trans | logical | no | Single Put-Away Transactions |
pt_print_id | logical | no | Print ID |
pt_id_qty | integer | no | ID Quantity |
pt_insp_req | logical | no | Inspection Required |
pt_sample_qty | integer | no | Sample Quantity |
pt_sample_pct | integer | no | Sample % |
pt_insp_freq | integer | no | Insp Frequency |
pt_destructive | logical | no | Destructive |
pt_insp_days | integer | no | Insp Frequency (Days) |
pt_barcode1 | character(80) | no | Barcode 1 |
pt_barcode2 | character(80) | no | Barcode 2 |
pt_insp_ref | logical | no | Ref |
pt_random_insp_pct | decimal(10) | no | Random Inspection % |
pt_atp_horizon | integer | no | ATP Horizon |
pt_gcfg_type | character(8) | no | Configuration Type |
tc_Rowid | character | yes | primary index |
tc_ParentRowid | character | no | empty string |
tc_Status | character | no | update status |