project QadFinancials > class BMfgGLCalendar > method ProcessDomainToMfg


Controls the processing of the update to data from the Financials into MFG/PRO.


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BMfgGLCalendar.PerformMfgUpdate

program code (program1/bmfgglcalendar.p)

/* ====================================================== */
/* Set the return status to unexpected system error (-98) */
/* ====================================================== */
assign oiReturnStatus = -98.

/* ============================================================================= */
/* Build the temp table that contains the list of buffer handles that we need to */
/* during the processing of the financial table.                                 */
/* ============================================================================= */
<M-1 run CreateMfgTableToUpdate (input  icMfgBufferHandleList (icMfgBufferHandleList), 
                                 output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BMfgGLCalendar>

if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
then oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.

if viFcReturnSuper < 0
then return.

/* ===================================================================== */
/* Build a query that will loop though the Data that has been passed     */
/* in from the finnancial application that we are going to loop through  */
/* and copy to the MFG/PRO application database.                         */
/* ===================================================================== */
create query vhFinancialDataQuery in widget-pool "non-persistent".
vhFinancialDataQuery:query-prepare("for each ":U + 
                                   ihFinancialDataBuffer:name + 
                                   " where ":U + ihFinancialDataBuffer:name + ".tc_status <> ''":U).

/* ================================================================================ */
/* Loop through all of the financial records returned from the query created above. */
/* The query will only process record that have had changes applied to the record,  */
/* we determine this by only processing records with a tc_status field that is not  */
/* blank.                                                                           */
/* ================================================================================ */
do while not vhFinancialDataQuery:query-off-end:

    /* ================================================================================ */
    /* Determine whether or not the current row from the financial buffer should        */
    /* be processed and if it shouldn't then get the next row from the query and        */
    /* start the next iteration of the FinancialDataLoop.                               */
    /* ================================================================================ */
    if not <M-2 ProcessRow (input  ihFinancialDataBuffer (ihFinancialDataBuffer)) in BMfgGLCalendar>
    then do:
        next FinancialDataLoop.

    /* =================================================================== */
    /* Synchronize the static buffer with the buffer handle to ensure that */
    /* both are pointing to the same record.  Otherwise the static buffer  */
    /* record will not be available in the overriden method such as        */
    /* LoadMfgData.                                                        */
    /* =================================================================== */
    assign viCalendarDomainId = ihFinancialDataBuffer:buffer-field('Domain_ID':U):buffer-value
           viCalendarYear     = ihFinancialDataBuffer:buffer-field('GLCalendarYear':U):buffer-value
           viCalendarPeriod   = ihFinancialDataBuffer:buffer-field('GLCalendarPeriod':U):buffer-value.

    find first tGLCalendar1 where
               tGLCalendar1.Domain_ID = viCalendarDomainId and
               tGLCalendar1.GLCalendarYear = viCalendarYear and
               tGLCalendar1.GLCalendarPeriod = viCalendarPeriod
    /* ============================================================= */
    /* Process each of the MFG/PRO buffers that have been passed in  */
    /* as they all have to be populated with data from the current   */
    /* table in the financials that we are processing. This save us  */
    /* having to loop through the finacials table multiple times to  */
    /* ============================================================= */
    for each tMfgTableToUpdate:

            /* ============================================================================================ */
            /* Get the name of the MFG/PRO & Financial table that we are processing.                        */
            /* If the name starts with "t_"                                                                 */
            /* then we remove the first 3 characters so something like t_oac_mstr becomes ac_mstr etc...    */
            /* else we remove the first 1 character so something like tCostCentre becomes CostCentre etc... */  
            /* ============================================================================================ */
            assign vhCurrentMfgBuffer      = tMfgTableToUpdate.thMfgBuffer
                   vcCurrentMfgTable       = if vhCurrentMfgBuffer:name begins "t_":U
                                             then substring(vhCurrentMfgBuffer:name,4,-1,"CHARACTER":U)
                                             else if vhCurrentMfgBuffer:name begins "tCopy":U
                                                  then substring(vhCurrentMfgBuffer:name,6,-1,"CHARACTER":U)
                                                  else substring(vhCurrentMfgBuffer:name,2,-1,"CHARACTER":U)
                   vcCurrentFinancialTable = if ihFinancialDataBuffer:name begins "t_":U
                                             then substring(ihFinancialDataBuffer:name,4,-1,"CHARACTER":U)
                                             else if ihFinancialDataBuffer:name begins "tCopy":U
                                                  then substring(ihFinancialDataBuffer:name,6,-1,"CHARACTER":U)
                                                  else substring(ihFinancialDataBuffer:name,2,-1,"CHARACTER":U).

        /* ============================================================================================ */
        /* In case of Change or Delete:                                                                 */
        /* Load the MFG/PRO Data that matches the current row in the financial table.                   */
        /* ============================================================================================ */
        if ihFinancialDataBuffer:buffer-field("tc_status":U) <> ? and 
           (ihFinancialDataBuffer:buffer-field("tc_status":U):buffer-value = "C":U or 
            ihFinancialDataBuffer:buffer-field("tc_status":U):buffer-value = "D":U)
        then do :
            <M-3 run LoadMfgData (input  vcDomainCode (icMfgDomain), 
                          input  vcCurrentMfgTable (icMfgTableName), 
                          input  vcCurrentFinancialTable (icFinancialTableName), 
                          output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BMfgGLCalendar>

            if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
            then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
            if viFcReturnSuper < 0
            then do :
                vhFinancialDataQuery:query-close() no-error.
                delete object vhFinancialDataQuery no-error.
            end. /* if viFcReturnSuper < 0 */
        end. /* if ihFinancialDataBuffer:buffer-field("tc_status":U) <> ? and */

        /* ============================================================================================ */
        /* Now we have the mfg table we are processing the next thing we need to is invoke he general   */
        /* processing of the record that is common to shared set & system wide table in MFG/PRO.        */
        /* ============================================================================================ */
        <M-4 run ProcessMfgData (input  ihFinancialDataBuffer (ihFinancialDataBuffer), 
                         input  vhCurrentMfgBuffer (ihMfgDataBuffer), 
                         input  vcDomainCode (icMfgDomain), 
                         input  vcCurrentMfgTable (icMfgTableName), 
                         input  vcCurrentFinancialTable (icFinancialTableName), 
                         output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BMfgGLCalendar>
        if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
        then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
        if viFcReturnSuper < 0
        then do :
            vhFinancialDataQuery:query-close() no-error.
            delete object vhFinancialDataQuery no-error.
         end. /* if viFcReturnSuper < 0 */

    end. /* each t_sMfgTableToUpdate */


end. /* not vhFinancialDataQuery:query-off-end */

/* ===================================================================================== */
/* Close and delete the query object so that they get removed from the progress session. */  
/* ===================================================================================== */
vhFinancialDataQuery:query-close() no-error.
delete object vhFinancialDataQuery no-error.

/* ======================== */
/* Set ReturnStatus = OK    */
/* ======================== */
if oiReturnStatus = -98
then assign oiReturnStatus = 0.