icDomainCode | character | DomainCode: the code of the domain |
icCodeFldName | character | CodeFldName: this is normaly the area wherefor the security is setup. Possible value "GLUSERID":U |
icCodeValue | character | CodeValue: in caase of the security, this paramater can contain a user-login |
field name | data type | db field | description |
tccode_domain | character | code_mstr.code_domain | Domain |
tccode_fldname | character | code_mstr.code_fldname | Field Name |
tccode_value | character | code_mstr.code_value | Value |
tccode_cmmt | character | code_mstr.code_cmmt | Comments |
tccode_desc | character | code_mstr.code_desc | Description |
ti_sequence | integer | calculated | primary index |
tc_rowid | character | calculated | = rowid(code_mstr) |