field name | data type | description |
Employee_ID | integer | |
Company_ID | integer | |
Creditor_ID | integer | |
Currency_ID | integer | |
Usr_ID | integer | |
BusinessRelation_ID | integer | |
CostCentre_ID | integer | |
Division_ID | integer | |
ActivityCode_ID | integer | |
ExpenseCode_ID | integer | |
Project_ID | integer | |
EmployeeCode | character | Employee Code. A code that identifies an employee. The code cannot match any other employee in the current entity or any other entities in the current domain. If you leave the Employee Code field blank, the system automatically generates a number for the record based on the sequence defined in Employee Autonumber Create. |
EmployeeIsActive | logical | Active: This field indicates if this is an active record. |
api annotation: | PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to true | |
EmployeeIsActiveExpNotes | logical | Obsolete field |
EmployeeIsActiveTimeReg | logical | Obsolete field |
EmployeeIsExternal | logical | External Employee: Indicate if the employee is a contractor or not employed directly by your organization. |
api annotation: | PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to false | |
EmployeeIsUser | logical | User: Indicate if this employee is also defined as a valid user in User Maintenance. |
api annotation: | PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to false | |
EmployeeStartDate | date | Start Date: The date this employee was hired. This field is for reference and filtering report data. |
api annotation: | PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to the date the record was created | |
EmployeeEndDate | date | End Date: The date when this employee terminated employment at your company. This field is for reference and filtering report data. |
EmployeeIsTravelOverSalary | logical | |
api annotation: | PartialUpdate = yes - defaults to false | |
EmployeeDepartmentCode | character | Department Code: The department in which this employee normally works. |
EmployeeJobTitle | character | Job Title: An optional job title for this employee. This field is for reference only and useful in sorting browses. |
ObsoleteClaimPriceList_ID | integer | |
ObsoleteActCstPriceList_ID | integer | |
tcActivityCodeType | character | |
tcExpenseCodeType | character | |
tcCreditorCode | character | |
tcCurrencyCode | character | |
tcBusinessRelationCode | character | |
tlBusinessRelationIsInterco | logical | |
tcCostCentreCode | character | |
tcActivityCode | character | |
tcDivisionCode | character | |
tcExpenseCode | character | |
tcProjectCode | character | |
tcUsrLogin | character | |
CustomShort0 | character | |
CustomShort1 | character | |
CustomShort2 | character | |
CustomShort3 | character | |
CustomShort4 | character | |
CustomShort5 | character | |
CustomShort6 | character | |
CustomShort7 | character | |
CustomShort8 | character | |
CustomShort9 | character | |
CustomCombo0 | character | |
CustomCombo1 | character | |
CustomCombo2 | character | |
CustomCombo3 | character | |
CustomCombo4 | character | |
CustomCombo5 | character | |
CustomCombo6 | character | |
CustomCombo7 | character | |
CustomCombo8 | character | |
CustomCombo9 | character | |
CustomLong0 | character | |
CustomLong1 | character | |
CustomNote | character | |
CustomDate0 | date | |
CustomDate1 | date | |
CustomDate2 | date | |
CustomDate3 | date | |
CustomDate4 | date | |
CustomInteger0 | integer | |
CustomInteger1 | integer | |
CustomInteger2 | integer | |
CustomInteger3 | integer | |
CustomInteger4 | integer | |
CustomDecimal0 | decimal(4) | |
CustomDecimal1 | decimal(4) | |
CustomDecimal2 | decimal(4) | |
CustomDecimal3 | decimal(4) | |
CustomDecimal4 | decimal(4) | |
LastModifiedDate | date | |
LastModifiedTime | integer | |
LastModifiedUser | character | |
QADC01 | character | unused QAD reserved field |
QADC02 | character | unused QAD reserved field |
QADT01 | date | unused QAD reserved field |
QADD01 | decimal(10) | unused QAD reserved field |
tc_Rowid | character | |
tc_ParentRowid | character | |
tc_Status | character |