project QadFinancials > class BMfgDomain > method AdditionalUpdatesCopyDomainCtrlTables
Copies records from a list of tables from one domain to another.
icSourceDomain | input | character | |
icTargetDomain | input | character | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program1/bmfgdomain.p)
empty temp-table tWriteCopyMfgDomain.
<Q-3 assign vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = DomainsByCode (NoCache)
(input ?, (DomainID)
input icSourceDomain, (DomainCode)) in BDomain >
if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable <> true
then do:
assign vcMessageText = #T-5'The domain code &1 cannot be found.':75(31228)T-5#
oiReturnStatus = -1.
<M-4 run SetMessage (input vcMessageText (icMessage),
input icSourceDomain (icArguments),
input '' (icFieldName),
input '' (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 1 (iiSeverity),
input '' (icRowid),
input 'QadFin-4730':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '' (icFcExplanation),
input '' (icFcIdentification),
input '' (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BMfgDomain>
/* **********************************************************************************/
/* This is the value of the {&DOMAINCTRLCOPYLIST} on 14 may 2008 */
/* It is put here in comments so it is found when searching/scanning the code */
/* acdf_mstr,bic_ctrl,bl_ctrl,cac_ctrl,caq_mstr,cas_mstr,cd_det */
/* clc_ctrl,co_ctrl,code_mstr,cs_mstr,drp_ctrl,egc_ctrl,emc_ctrl,es_mstr,esc_ctrl */
/* esh_mstr,ess_mstr,fac_ctrl,famt_mstr,gl_ctrl,iao_mstr,iaod_det,icc_ctrl,iec_ctrl */
/* mfc_ctrl,mrpc_ctrl,opc_ctrl,pcc_ctrl,pgc_ctrl,pic_ctrl,pl_mstr,poc_ctrl,qcc_ctrl */
/* qoc_ctrl,rmc_ctrl,rpc_ctrl,rsn_ref,sac_ctrl,sbc_mstr,sc_mstr,shop_cal,soc_ctrl */
/* spc_ctrl,src_ctrl,sroc_ctrl,sv_mstr,svc_ctrl,trl_mstr,tx2_mstr */
/* txc_ctrl,woc_ctrl */
/* */
/* The AIM tables must be treated differently. These tables do not use a */
/* <table-name_prefix>_doamin field but a field called 'domain'. These tables must */
/* use a different query to the other tables. */
/* The tables are stored in the value of the preprocessor {&AIMCOPYLIST} */
/* AlgoM, AlgoTypeM, TaskM, TransTypeM */
/* **********************************************************************************/
/* AIM tables */
do viIndex = 1 to num-entries({&AIMCOPYLIST}):
/* Create a write copy record for every table in the list. The fields that need to change are the OID
and the xxx_domain field. At the moment the domain field name is got from the start of the table name
+ '_domain' - however, this is a temporary measure and will be got from the field list of the table */
create tWriteCopyMfgDomain.
assign vcTempCopyTable = entry(viIndex,{&AIMCOPYLIST})
tWriteCopyMfgDomain.tcWriteCopyTable = vcTempCopyTable
/* for each gl_ctrl where gl_domain = <icSourceDomain> */
tWriteCopyMfgDomain.tcWriteCopyPrepare =
"for each ":U
+ vcTempCopyTable
+ " where ":U + vcTempCopyTable
+ ".":U
+ "domain = '":U + icSourceDomain + "'":U
/* gl_domain, oid_gl_ctrl */
tWriteCopyMfgDomain.tcWriteCopyField = "domain":U
+ ",":U
+ "oid_":U + vcTempCopyTable
tWriteCopyMfgDomain.tcWriteCopyValue = icTargetDomain + chr(2) + "Sequence:MfgOid":U.
/* Standard MFG/PRO tables */
do viIndex = 1 to num-entries({&DOMAINCTRLCOPYLIST}):
/* Create a write copy record for every table in the list. The fields that need to change are the OID
and the xxx_domain field. At the moment the domain field name is got from the start of the table name
+ '_domain' - however, this is a temporary measure and will be got from the field list of the table */
create tWriteCopyMfgDomain.
assign vcTempCopyTable = entry(viIndex,{&DOMAINCTRLCOPYLIST})
tWriteCopyMfgDomain.tcWriteCopyTable = vcTempCopyTable
/* for each gl_ctrl where gl_domain = <icSourceDomain> */
tWriteCopyMfgDomain.tcWriteCopyPrepare =
"for each ":U
+ vcTempCopyTable
+ " where ":U + vcTempCopyTable
+ ".":U
+ substring(vcTempCopyTable, 1, index(vcTempCopyTable, "_":U),"CHARACTER":U)
+ "domain = '":U + icSourceDomain + "'":U
/* gl_domain, oid_gl_ctrl */
tWriteCopyMfgDomain.tcWriteCopyField =
substring(vcTempCopyTable, 1, index(vcTempCopyTable, "_":U),"CHARACTER":U)
+ "domain":U
+ ",":U
+ "oid_":U + vcTempCopyTable
tWriteCopyMfgDomain.tcWriteCopyValue = icTargetDomain + chr(2) + "Sequence:MfgOid":U.
/* Code to insert Language and Currency record in gl_ctrl */
if entry(viIndex,{&DOMAINCTRLCOPYLIST}) EQ "gl_ctrl":U
then do:
find first tCopyDomains where
tCopyDomains.DomainCode = icTargetDomain AND
tCopyDomains.tc_Status = 'N':U
if available tCopyDomains
then do:
find first tCopyDomainProperty where
tCopyDomainProperty.Domain_ID = tCopyDomains.Domain_ID AND
tCopyDomainProperty.tc_Status = 'N':U
if available tCopyDomainProperty
then do:
<Q-7 run CurrencyByCurrRoundingMethod (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input ?, (CurrencyID)
input tCopyDomainProperty.tcCurrencyCode, (CurrencyCode)
input ?, (RoundingMethodCode)
output dataset tqCurrencyByCurrRoundingMethod) in BCurrency >
find first tqCurrencyByCurrRoundingMethod no-error.
assign tWriteCopyMfgDomain.tcWriteCopyField =
+ ",gl_lang":U
+ ",gl_base_curr":U
+ ",gl_rnd_mthd":U
+ ",gl_entity":U
tWriteCopyMfgDomain.tcWriteCopyValue =
+ chr(2) + tCopyDomains.tclngcode
+ chr(2) + tCopyDomainProperty.tcCurrencyCode
+ chr(2)
+ (if available tqCurrencyByCurrRoundingMethod
then tqCurrencyByCurrRoundingMethod.tcRoundingMethodCode
else "":U)
+ chr(2) + tCopyDomains.tcCompanyCode.
end. /* available tCopyDomainProperty */
end. /* if available tCopyDomains */
end. /* if entry */
else if entry(viIndex,{&DOMAINCTRLCOPYLIST}) EQ "acdf_mstr":U
then do:
assign tWriteCopyMfgDomain.tcWriteCopyPrepare = tWriteCopyMfgDomain.tcWriteCopyPrepare + " and acdf_type <> 'ICO_ACCT'":U.
end. /* if entry */
if entry(viIndex,{&DOMAINCTRLCOPYLIST}) EQ "tx2_mstr":U
then do:
assign tWriteCopyMfgDomain.tcWriteCopyPrepare = tWriteCopyMfgDomain.tcWriteCopyPrepare + " and tx2_tax_type = 'NON-TAX'":U.
end. /* do viIndex */