icJournalGroupCode | character | The Code of the JournalGroup that you want to retrieve. Specify '?' if you are specifying an id in the iiJournalGroup parameter. |
iiJournalGroupId | integer | The idof the JournalGroup that you want to retrieve. Specify '?' if you are specifying a code in the icJournalGroupCode parameter. |
ilJournalGroupIsActive | logical | Specify if you want to retrieve journal groups that are active (true) or inactive (false) Specify '?' to retrieve all. |
iiCompanyId | integer | Company id |
field name | data type | db field | description |
tiJournalGroup_ID | integer | JournalGroup.JournalGroup_ID | Record ID |
tcJournalGroupCode | character | JournalGroup.JournalGroupCode | Daybook Group Code |
tlJournalGroupIsActive | logical | JournalGroup.JournalGroupIsActive | Active |