field name | data type | db field | description |
tcGLCode | character | GL.GLCode | A code identifying the GL account. |
tcJournalCode | character | Journal.JournalCode | A daybook code (maximum eight characters). |
tcJournalTypeCode | character | Journal.JournalTypeCode | A daybook type code. |
| api annotation: | | Value for this field defaults to "Journal Entries". |
tiPostingLine_ID | integer | PostingVat.PostingLine_ID | Link to PostingLine |
tiGL_ID | integer | PostingLine.GL_ID | GL Description |
tiPosting_ID | integer | PostingLine.Posting_ID | Link to Posting |
tiPostingLineSequence | integer | PostingLine.PostingLineSequence | Sequence |
tiJournal_ID | integer | Posting.Journal_ID | Daybook Code |
tiPostingVoucher | integer | Posting.PostingVoucher | Voucher is a sequential number that uniquely identifies the journal entry (within the combination of an entity and a daybook code). |
| api annotation: | | In create mode,enter 0 in this field - the voucher number is generated by the system. In Modify/Delete, the correct voucher number must be entered because this identifies the record. |
tiPostingYear | integer | Posting.PostingYear | The GL calendar year for the posting. |
tiAbsorbedCreditNVatGroup_ID | integer | VatRule.AbsorbedCreditNVatGroup_ID | Tax Group Code |
tiAbsorbedInvoiceVatGroup_ID | integer | VatRule.AbsorbedInvoiceVatGroup_ID | Tax Group Code |
tiCreditNoteVatGroup_ID | integer | VatRule.CreditNoteVatGroup_ID | Credit Note Tax Group |
tiInvoiceVatGroup_ID | integer | VatRule.InvoiceVatGroup_ID | Invoice Tax Group |
tiRetainCVoucherVatGroup_ID | integer | VatRule.RetainCVoucherVatGroup_ID | Tax Group Code |
tiRetainVoucherVatGroup_ID | integer | VatRule.RetainVoucherVatGroup_ID | Tax Group Code |
tiVatRuleSequence | integer | VatRule.VatRuleSequence | Sequence |
tlVatIsAbsorbed | logical | Vat.VatIsAbsorbed | Absorbed |
tlVatIsRetained | logical | Vat.VatIsRetained | Retained |
tiPostingVat_ID | integer | PostingVat.PostingVat_ID | Record ID |
tcPostingVatInOut | character | PostingVat.PostingVatInOut | In/Out? |
| api annotation: | | Aivalable value for this field: "INPUT" represents purchases, "OUTPUT" represents sales. |
tiVat_ID | integer | PostingVat.Vat_ID | Tax Code |
tiVatGroup_ID | integer | PostingVat.VatGroup_ID | Tax Group Code |
tiVatPeriod_ID | integer | PostingVat.VatPeriod_ID | Link to VatPeriod |
tiVatRule_ID | integer | PostingVat.VatRule_ID | Link to VatRule |
tcVatGroupCode | character | VatGroup.VatGroupCode | Tax Group Code |
tiVatPeriodPeriod | integer | VatPeriod.VatPeriodPeriod | Tax Period |
tiVatPeriodYear | integer | VatPeriod.VatPeriodYear | Tax Year |
tcVatCode | character | Vat.VatCode | Tax Code |