project QadFinancials > class BJournalEntry > method MarkInstanceDataAsDeletedExtended


MarkInstanceDataAsDeletedExtended: This method allows you to remove some postings and some posting-lines from a BJournalEntry instance.


icPostingIDToDeleteinputcharacterPostingIDToDelete; Posting-IDs of the postings that need to be marked as deleted.
The list Comma-separated,
icPostingLineIDToDeleteinputcharacterPostingLineIDToDelete; PostingLine-IDs of the posting-lines that need to be marked as deleted. Note that the vat information of the posting-line will be deleted as well.
The list Comma-separated,
icPostingIDToKeepinputcharacterPostingIDToKeep; Comma-separated list of PostingIDs.
if this paramater is filled than all Postings with a Posting-ID that cannot be found in this list will be deleted.
If you keep this parameter empty, than no action will be taken on this parameter.
The list Comma-separated,
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BAPMatching.StopExternalInstances

program code (program7/bjournalentry.p)

/* ================================= */
    /* Set default return status         */
    /* ================================= */
    assign oiReturnStatus = -98.
    /* ================================= */
    /* Initialise all unknown paramaters */
    /* ================================= */
    if icPostingIDToDelete = ? then assign icPostingIDToDelete = "":U.
    if icPostingLineIDToDelete = ? then assign icPostingLineIDToDelete = "":U.
    if icPostingIDToKeep = ? then assign icPostingIDToKeep = "":U.
    /* =========================================================================== */
    /* Call a submethod that performs the required actions for paramaters          */
    /* icPostingIDToDelete and icPostingLineIDToDelete                             */
    /* =========================================================================== */
    <M-1 run MarkInstanceDataAsDeleted
       (input  icPostingIDToDelete (icPostingIDToDelete), 
        input  icPostingLineIDToDelete (icPostingLineIDToDelete), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BJournalEntry>
    if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 
    then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
    if viFcReturnSuper < 0 
    then return.
    /* =========================================================================== */
    /* Set all Postings that are not in the list of Postings-To-Keep, as deleted  */
    /* =========================================================================== */
    if icPostingIDToKeep <> "":U
    then do :
        for each tPosting :
            if lookup(string(tPosting.Posting_ID),icPostingIDToKeep) = 0
            then do:
                for each tPostingLine where 
                         tPostingLine.tc_ParentRowid = tPosting.tc_Rowid :
                    for each tPostingVat where 
                             tPostingVat.tc_ParentRowid  = tPostingLine.tc_Rowid :
                        IF tPostingVat.tc_Status = "N":U
                        THEN DELETE tPostingVat.
                        ELSE assign tPostingVat.tc_Status = "D":U.
                    end. /* for each tPostingVat where */
                    for each tPostingWHT where 
                             tPostingWHT.tc_ParentRowid  = tPostingLine.tc_Rowid :
                        IF tPostingWHT.tc_Status = "N":U
                        THEN DELETE tPostingWHT.
                        ELSE assign tPostingWHT.tc_Status = "D":U.
                    end. /* for each tPostingWHT where */
                    for each tPostingVatDelay where 
                             tPostingVatDelay.tc_ParentRowid  = tPostingLine.tc_Rowid :
                        IF tPostingVatDelay.tc_Status = "N":U
                        THEN DELETE tPostingVatDelay.
                        ELSE assign tPostingVatDelay.tc_Status = "D":U.
                    end. /* for each tPostingVatDelay where */
                    for each tPostingSaf where 
                             tPostingSaf.tc_ParentRowid  = tPostingLine.tc_Rowid :
                        IF tPostingSaf.tc_Status = "N":U
                        THEN DELETE tPostingSaf.
                        ELSE assign tPostingSaf.tc_Status = "D":U.
                    end. /* for each tPostingSaf where */
                    IF tPostingLine.tc_Status = "N":U
                    THEN DELETE tPostingLine.
                    ELSE assign tPostingLine.tc_Status = "D":U.
                end. /* for each tPostingLine where  */
                IF tPosting.tc_Status = "N":U
                THEN DELETE tPosting.
                ELSE assign tPosting.tc_Status = "D":U.
            end. /* if lookup */
        end. /* for each tPosting : */
    end. /* if icPostingIDToKeep <> "":U */
    /* ================================= */
    /* Set return status = ok            */
    /* ================================= */
    if oiReturnStatus = -98
    then assign oiReturnStatus = 0.