icPostingtcRowid | input | character | tposting.tc_Rowid |
icGLCode | input | character | gl account |
icDivisionCode | input | character | Sub-Account |
icCostCentreCode | input | character | cost centre |
icCostCentreText | input | character | Text |
icProjectCode | input | character | project |
icProjectText | input | character | Text |
icIntercoBusinessRelationCode | input | character | interco |
icCurrencyCode | input | character | currency |
idDebitTC | input | decimal | DebitTC |
idDebitLC | input | decimal | DebitLC (use NULL if value should be calculated) |
idDebitCC | input | decimal | DebitCC (use NULL if value should be calculated) |
idDebitPC | input | decimal | DebitPC (use NULL if value should be calculated) |
idCreditTC | input | decimal | CreditTC |
idCreditLC | input | decimal | CreditLC (use NULL if value should be calculated) |
idCreditCC | input | decimal | CreditCC (use NULL if value should be calculated) |
idCreditPC | input | decimal | CreditPC (use NULL if value should be calculated) |
idQty | input | decimal | Quantity |
icLineText | input | character | Text |
icSafText | input | character | Text |
tDefaultSafs | input | temp-table | default saf's |
icExchangeRateType | input | character | exchange rate type |
idExchangeRate | input | decimal | |
idExchangeRateScale | input | decimal | |
idPostingLineCCRate | input | decimal | |
idPostingLineCCScale | input | decimal | |
oiPostingLineId | output | integer | Posting Line ID |
iiSafStructureId | input | integer | Saf Structure ID : necessary for posting on project, cost centre, .. so that you knows which saf structure you must take, if this is blank, then the first one will be taken |
icSafStructureCode | input | character | Saf Structure Code : necessary for posting on project, cost centre, .. so that you knows which saf structure you must take, if this is blank, then the first one will be taken |
icAllocationKey | input | character | |
ilLinkedCrCyDaemonReqExists | input | logical | |
itExchangeRateDate | input | date | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
<ANCESTOR-CODE> /* ======================================= */ /* Return in case ancestor returned errors */ /* ======================================= */ if oiReturnStatus < 0 then return. /* ==================================================================================================== */ /* Create enabling information based upon tqGLForPostingLineCreationCopy (available from ancestor-code) */ /* ==================================================================================================== */ find first tqGLForPostingLineCreationCpy. if tqGLForPostingLineCreationCpy.tlGLIsAutomaticAccount = false then do : create tPostingLineEnabling. assign tPostingLineEnabling.tc_Rowid = tPostingLine.tc_Rowid tPostingLineEnabling.tcBusinessFieldName = "tPostingLine.tcDivisionCode":U tPostingLineEnabling.tlEnabled = tqGLForPostingLineCreationCpy.tlGLIsDivisionAccount. create tPostingLineEnabling. assign tPostingLineEnabling.tc_Rowid = tPostingLine.tc_Rowid tPostingLineEnabling.tcBusinessFieldName = "tPostingLine.tcCostCentreCode":U tPostingLineEnabling.tlEnabled = tqGLForPostingLineCreationCpy.tlGLIsCostCentreAccount. create tPostingLineEnabling. assign tPostingLineEnabling.tc_Rowid = tPostingLine.tc_Rowid tPostingLineEnabling.tcBusinessFieldName = "tPostingLine.tcProjectCode":U tPostingLineEnabling.tlEnabled = tqGLForPostingLineCreationCpy.tlGLIsProjectAccount. create tPostingLineEnabling. assign tPostingLineEnabling.tc_Rowid = tPostingLine.tc_Rowid tPostingLineEnabling.tcBusinessFieldName = "tPostingLine.tcIntercoBusinessRelationCode":U tPostingLineEnabling.tlEnabled = tqGLForPostingLineCreationCpy.tlGLIsIntercoAccount and tqGLForPostingLineCreationCpy.tlGLIsFixedInterco = false. create tPostingLineEnabling. assign tPostingLineEnabling.tc_Rowid = tPostingLine.tc_Rowid tPostingLineEnabling.tcBusinessFieldName = "tPostingLine.PostingLineQTY":U tPostingLineEnabling.tlEnabled = tqGLForPostingLineCreationCpy.tlGLIsQuantityAccount. create tPostingLineEnabling. assign tPostingLineEnabling.tc_Rowid = tPostingLine.tc_Rowid tPostingLineEnabling.tcBusinessFieldName = "tPostingLine.tcCurrencyCode":U tPostingLineEnabling.tlEnabled = tqGLForPostingLineCreationCpy.tiCurrency_ID = 0 and tqGLForPostingLineCreationCpy.tlGLIsLocalCurrency = false. end. /* if tqGLForPostingLineCreation.tlGLIsAutomaticAccount = false */