ihLocalHandleToThePersistence | input | handle | |
itDateForCube | input | date | |
iiTimeForCube | input | integer | |
igETimeForCube | input | int64 | |
iiPostingHistIDForCube | input | integer | |
oiNbrOfCreatedQFRWCube | output | integer | |
oiNbrOfCreatedQFRWCubeSaf | output | integer | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program1/bhistorydaemonprocessor.p)
/* ================================================================================ */
/* Prerequisite: */
/* The calling methods has to make sure a QpostingLine is available */
/* Purpose of this method: */
/* Create the required QFRWCube and QFRWCubeSaf records for that QPostingLine */
/* ================================================================================ */
/* Indicate Direct db-access (find, update and create) is done here */
/* ============================================================================== */
/* Prerequisite: The calling methods has to make sure a QpostingLine is available */
/* ============================================================================== */
if not available QpostingLine
then do :
assign oiReturnStatus = -3
vcMsgHist = trim(substitute(#T-23'Internal error: mandatory information in the program code is not accessible; see below for more details.':255(70321)T-23#)) + chr(10) +
trim(substitute(#T-15'Record for table &1 is not available in method &2.':255(587056425)T-15#,"QpostingLine":U,"PerformWorkItemDIRECTUpdPHistFRW":U)).
<M-45 run SetMessage
(input vcMsgHist (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-433354':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BHistoryDaemonProcessor>
end. /* if not available QpostingLine */
/* ================================================================================================= */
/* Create QFRWCube and QFRWCubeSaf records */
/* If the QPostingLines are from the Rebuild Account Balance then do not create the QFRWCube Records */
/* ================================================================================================= */
if can-find (first FRWCube) and
QPostingLine.QPostingLineIsAccountRebuild = no
then do:
/* Create the actual records */
/* Now the logic is changed to create QFRWCube records for each Operational FRWCube */
for each FRWCube where FRWCube.FRWCubeIsAllowedCreateQFRWCube no-lock:
create QFRWCube.
assign oiNbrOfCreatedQFRWCube = oiNbrOfCreatedQFRWCube + 1
vhFcComponent = ihLocalHandleToThePersistence
QFRWCube.QFRWCube_ID = <M-38 GetNextValue (input 'ObjectNumber':U (icSequence)) in Progress>
QFRWCube.Company_ID = QPostingLine.Company_ID
QFRWCube.GL_ID = QPostingLine.GL_ID
QFRWCube.Journal_ID = QPostingLine.Journal_ID
QFRWCube.Layer_ID = QPostingLine.Layer_ID
QFRWCube.Currency_ID = QPostingLine.Currency_ID
QFRWCube.Division_ID = QPostingLine.Division_ID
QFRWCube.Project_ID = QPostingLine.Project_ID
QFRWCube.CostCentre_ID = QPostingLine.CostCentre_ID
QFRWCube.Layer_ID = QPostingLine.Layer_ID
QFRWCube.IntercoBusinessRelation_ID = QPostingLine.IntercoBusinessRelation_ID
QFRWCube.Period_ID = QPostingLine.Period_ID
QFRWCube.PeriodYearPeriod = QPostingLine.PeriodYearPeriod
QFRWCube.QFRWCubeDebitTC = QPostingLine.QPostingLineDebitTC
QFRWCube.QFRWCubeDebitLC = QPostingLine.QPostingLineDebitLC
QFRWCube.QFRWCubeDebitCC = QPostingLine.QPostingLineDebitCC
QFRWCube.QFRWCubeCreditTC = QPostingLine.QPostingLineCreditTC
QFRWCube.QFRWCubeCreditLC = QPostingLine.QPostingLineCreditLC
QFRWCube.QFRWCubeCreditCC = QPostingLine.QPostingLineCreditCC
QFRWCube.JournalTypeCode = QPostingLine.JournalTypeCode
QFRWCube.QFRWCubeInfo = QPostingLine.QPostingLineInfo
QFRWCube.QFRWCubeQTY = QPostingLine.QPostingLineQTY
QFRWCube.PostingHist_ID = iiPostingHistIDForCube
QFRWCube.QFRWCubePostingDate = QPostingLine.QPostingDate
QFRWCube.QFRWCubePHLastModifiedDate = itDateForCube
QFRWCube.QFRWCubePHLastModifiedTime = iiTimeForCube
QFRWCube.QFRWCubeETime = igETimeForCube.
for each QPostingSaf no-lock where
QPostingSaf.QPostingLine_ID = QPostingLine.QPostingLine_ID
on error undo, throw:
create QFRWCubeSaf.
assign oiNbrOfCreatedQFRWCubeSAF = oiNbrOfCreatedQFRWCubeSAF + 1
vhFcComponent = ihLocalHandleToThePersistence
QFRWCubeSaf.QFRWCubeSaf_ID = <M-78 GetNextValue (input 'ObjectNumber':U (icSequence)) in Progress>
QFRWCubeSaf.QFRWCubeSafInputSequence = QPostingSaf.QPostingSafInputSequence
QFRWCubeSaf.QFRWCubeSafParentType = QPostingSaf.QPostingSafParentType
QFRWCubeSaf.Saf_ID = QPostingSaf.Saf_ID
QFRWCubeSaf.SafStructure_ID = QPostingSaf.SafStructure_ID.
end. /* for each QPostingSaf */
end. /* for each FRWCube */
end. /* if can-find (first FRWCube) and */
/* ==================== */
/* Release used buffers */
/* ==================== */
release QFRWCube.
release QFRWCubeSaf.