project QadFinancials > class BHistoryDaemonProcessor > method PerformWorkItemDIRECT


Submethod of PerformWorkItem that performans direct db-access


iiDaemonQueueIDinputintegerID of the daemon queue record that indicates the work that needs to be done.
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BHistoryDaemonProcessor.PerformWorkItem

program code (program1/bhistorydaemonprocessor.p)

/* ================================================================================= */
/* This method should be called when the QPostingLine and QPostingSaf records must   */
/* be processed.  The QPostingLine- (and QPostingSaf-)records will be deleted and    */
/* the PostingHist, PostingSafCombined and PostingSafHist will be updated            */
/* Linked to this, also QFRXCube and QFRWCubeSaf records will be created             */
/* ================================================================================= */
/* Program structure :                                                               */
/*    PerformWorkItemDIRECT                                                          */
/*       --> PerformWorkItemDIRECTCreatePostingSafCombined                           */
/*       --> PerformWorkItemDIRECTUpdatePostingHist                                  */
/*            --> PerformWorkItemDIRECTUpdatePostingHistBalances                     */
/*       --> PerformWorkItemDIRECTUpdateFcDaemonQueue                                */
/*                                                                                   */
/* - PerformWorkItemDIRECT: this method treats all QPostingLines one by one and is   */
/*        the main loop                                                              */
/* - PerformWorkItemDIRECTCreatePostingSafCombined: creates PostingSAFCombined and   */
/*          PostingSAFHist when it is a new combination                              */
/* - PerformWorkItemDIRECTUpdatePostingHist: updates or creates the PostingHist      */
/*          record of the given period                                               */
/* - PerformWorkItemDIRECTUpdatePostingHistBalances: updates the balances of all     */
/*          PostingHist records which are > given period                             */
/* ================================================================================= */
/* Tables which are impacted in this flow                                            */
/*    - QPostingLine and QPostingSaf (delete)                                        */
/*    - PostingHist (create and/or update)                                           */
/*    - PostingSafCombined and PostingSafHist (create)                               */
/*    - QFRWCube and QFRWCubeSaf                                                     */
/*    - fcDaemonQueue (update)                                                       */
/* ================================================================================= */
/* High-Level Program Flow :                                                         */
/*    for each QpostingLine :                                                        */
/*           lock the record                                                         */
/*           get the PostingSafCombined_ID                                           */
/*           create PostingSafCombined and PostingSafHist if needed                  */
/*           update PostingHist and create QFRWCube                                  */
/*           delete QPostingLine                                                     */
/*           Keep a trace in DaemonQueue                                             */
/*    end.                                                                           */
/* ================================================================================= */

/* =============================== */
/* Local definitions outside of CB */
/* =============================== */
define variable vtTimeStarted as DATETIME-TZ no-undo.
define buffer bQPostingLine for QPostingLine.

/* =============================================================================================================================================== */
/* Start the persistenceLayer once so it can be used to get new db-sequences in all sub-methods as we will pass in the handle to these sub-methods */
/* =============================================================================================================================================== */
<M-61 run StartPersistence
   (output vhLocalHandleToThePersistence (ohPersistence), 
    output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BHistoryDaemonProcessor>  
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 
then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 
then Return.

/* ====================================================================== */
/* Keep track of the current time - taken the time-zones etc into account */
/* This is needed for storing the avg-processing time                     */
/* ====================================================================== */
assign vtTimeStarted = now.

/* ====================================================================== */
/* Keep the ID of the last QPostingLine record to make sure we do not     */
/* handle records that are created while we are processing others here    */
/* ====================================================================== */
assign viLastQPostingLineID = 0.
find last QPostingLine 
          no-lock no-error.
if available QPostingLine 
then assign viLastQPostingLineID = QPostingLine.QPostingLine_ID.          

/* =================== */
/* Initialise counters */
/* =================== */
assign viProcessingCounterForReference  = 0
       oiNbrOfDeletedQPostingLine       = 0
       oiNbrOfDeletedQPostingSAF        = 0.

/* ==================================================================================================== */
/* Process all the existing QPostingLine that were available to be processed when entering this method  */
/* We are using 1 transaction block per Q-record                                                        */
/* We read bQpostingLine with no-lock, we read QPostingLine with exclusive-lock                         */
/* QPostingLine is availabale in the underlying code                                                    */
/* ==================================================================================================== */
for each bQPostingLine where
         bQPostingLine.QPostingLine_ID <= viLastQPostingLineID
         on error undo, throw :
    /* ========================================= */
    /* Skip QPostingLine records that are locked */
    /* ========================================= */
    Find QPostingLine where
         rowid(QPostingLine) = rowid (bQPostingLine)
         exclusive-lock no-wait no-error.
    if not available QPostingLine
    then next.
    /* ============================================================================ */
    /* Be sure we don't have unknown values                                         */
    /* ============================================================================ */
    if QPostingLine.Company_ID = ?    then assign QPostingLine.Company_ID = 0.
    if QPostingLine.GL_ID = ?         then assign QPostingLine.GL_ID = 0.
    if QPostingLine.Journal_ID = ?    then assign QPostingLine.Journal_ID = 0.
    if QPostingLine.Layer_ID = ?      then assign QPostingLine.Layer_ID = 0.
    if QPostingLine.Currency_ID = ?   then assign QPostingLine.Currency_ID = 0.
    if QPostingLine.Division_ID = ?   then assign QPostingLine.Division_ID = 0.
    if QPostingLine.CostCentre_ID = ? then assign QPostingLine.CostCentre_ID = 0.
    if QPostingLine.Project_ID = ?    then assign QPostingLine.Project_ID = 0.
    if QPostingLine.IntercoBusinessRelation_ID = ? then assign QPostingLine.IntercoBusinessRelation_ID = 0.
    /* ============================================================================================================================= */
    /* Set viPostingSafCombinedID in case there are SAFs used and there is already a matching PostingSafCombined record              */
    /* If there is no such PostingSafCombined record yet then we create it and set viPostingSafCombinedID based upon this new record */
    /* ============================================================================================================================= */
    assign vlSafUsed                  = false
           viPostingSafCombinedID     = 0
           viGLSafIDs                 = 0
           viCostCentreSafIDs         = 0
           viProjectSafIDs            = 0
           viCostCentreSafStructureID = 0
           viProjectSafStructureID    = 0
           viGLSafStructureID         = 0.
    for each QPostingSaf of QPostingLine 
             on error undo, throw :
        assign vlSafUsed = true.
        if QPostingSaf.QPostingSafParentType = {&POSTINGSAFPARENTTYPE-GL} and QPostingSafInputSequence >= 1 and QPostingSafInputSequence <=5
        then assign viGLSafIDs [QPostingSafInputSequence] = QPostingSaf.Saf_ID.
        if QPostingSaf.QPostingSafParentType = {&POSTINGSAFPARENTTYPE-COSTCENTRE} and QPostingSafInputSequence >= 1 and QPostingSafInputSequence <=5
        then assign viCostCentreSafIDs [QPostingSaf.QPostingSafInputSequence] = QPostingSaf.Saf_ID.
        if QPostingSaf.QPostingSafParentType = {&POSTINGSAFPARENTTYPE-PROJECT} and QPostingSafInputSequence >= 1 and QPostingSafInputSequence <=5
        then assign viProjectSafIDs [QPostingSaf.QPostingSafInputSequence] = QPostingSaf.Saf_ID.
        if viCostCentreSafStructureID                    = 0 and
           QPostingSaf.QPostingSafParentType = {&POSTINGSAFPARENTTYPE-COSTCENTRE}
        then assign viCostCentreSafStructureID = QPostingSaf.SafStructure_ID.
        if viProjectSafStructureID                       = 0 and
           QPostingSaf.QPostingSafParentType = {&POSTINGSAFPARENTTYPE-PROJECT}
        then assign viProjectSafStructureID = QPostingSaf.SafStructure_ID.
        if viGLSafStructureID                            = 0 and
           QPostingSaf.QPostingSafParentType = {&POSTINGSAFPARENTTYPE-GL}
        then assign viGLSafStructureID = QPostingSaf.SafStructure_ID.
    end. /* for each QPostingSaf */
    if vlSafUsed = true
    then do:
        for each PostingSafCombined where
                 PostingSafCombined.Project1Saf_ID             = viProjectSafIDs [1] and
                 PostingSafCombined.Project2Saf_ID             = viProjectSafIDs [2] and
                 PostingSafCombined.Project3Saf_ID             = viProjectSafIDs [3] and
                 PostingSafCombined.Project4Saf_ID             = viProjectSafIDs [4] and
                 PostingSafCombined.Project5Saf_ID             = viProjectSafIDs [5] and
                 PostingSafCombined.CostCentre1Saf_ID          = viCostCentreSafIDs [1] and
                 PostingSafCombined.CostCentre2Saf_ID          = viCostCentreSafIDs [2] and
                 PostingSafCombined.CostCentre3Saf_ID          = viCostCentreSafIDs [3] and
                 PostingSafCombined.CostCentre4Saf_ID          = viCostCentreSafIDs [4] and
                 PostingSafCombined.CostCentre5Saf_ID          = viCostCentreSafIDs [5] and
                 PostingSafCombined.GL1Saf_ID                  = viGLSafIDs [1] and
                 PostingSafCombined.GL2Saf_ID                  = viGLSafIDs [2] and
                 PostingSafCombined.GL3Saf_ID                  = viGLSafIDs [3] and
                 PostingSafCombined.GL4Saf_ID                  = viGLSafIDs [4] and
                 PostingSafCombined.GL5Saf_ID                  = viGLSafIDs [5] and
                 PostingSafCombined.ProjectSafStructure_ID     = viProjectSafStructureID    and
                 PostingSafCombined.CostCentreSafStructure_ID  = viCostCentreSafStructureID and
                 PostingSafCombined.GLSafStructure_ID          = viGLSafStructureID
                 on error undo, throw :    
            assign viPostingSafCombinedID = PostingSafCombined.PostingSafCombined_ID.        
        end. /* for each PostingSafCombined */
        /* ===================================================================================== */
        /* Create the new PostingSafCombined record and return viPostingSafCombinedID to be used */
        /* ===================================================================================== */
        if viPostingSafCombinedID = 0
        then do :
            <M-58 run PerformWorkItemDIRECTCreatePostingSafCombined
               (input  vhLocalHandleToThePersistence (ihLocalHandleToThePersistence), 
                input  viGLSafIDs [1] (iiGL1SafID), 
                input  viGLSafIDs [2] (iiGL2SafID), 
                input  viGLSafIDs [3] (iiGL3SafID), 
                input  viGLSafIDs [4] (iiGL4SafID), 
                input  viGLSafIDs [5] (iiGL5SafID), 
                input  viCostCentreSafIDs [1] (iiCostCentre1SafID), 
                input  viCostCentreSafIDs [2] (iiCostCentre2SafID), 
                input  viCostCentreSafIDs [3] (iiCostCentre3SafID), 
                input  viCostCentreSafIDs [4] (iiCostCentre4SafID), 
                input  viCostCentreSafIDs [5] (iiCostCentre5SafID), 
                input  viProjectSafIDs [1] (iiProject1SafID), 
                input  viProjectSafIDs [2] (iiProject2SafID), 
                input  viProjectSafIDs [3] (iiProject3SafID), 
                input  viProjectSafIDs [4] (iiProject4SafID), 
                input  viProjectSafIDs [5] (iiProject5SafID), 
                input  viGLSafStructureID (iiGLSafStructureID), 
                input  viCostCentreSafStructureID (iiCostCentreSafStructureID), 
                input  viProjectSafStructureID (iiProjectSafStructureID), 
                output viPostingSafCombinedID (oiNewPostingSafCombinedID), 
                output viDummy (oiNbrOfCreatedPostingSAFCombined), 
                output viDummy (oiNbrOfCreatedPostingSAFHist), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BHistoryDaemonProcessor>
            if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 
            then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
            if viFcReturnSuper < 0 
            then Return.
        end. /* if viPostingSafCombinedID = 0 */
    end. /* if vlSafUsed = true*/
    /* ============================================================================== */
    /* Run the Update to PostingHist, input is QPostingLine which is exclusive-locked */
    /* ============================================================================== */
    <M-40 run PerformWorkItemDIRECTUpdPHist
       (input  vhLocalHandleToThePersistence (ihLocalHandleToThePersistence), 
        input  viPostingSafCombinedID (iiPostingSafCombinedID), 
        output viDummy (oiNbrOfCreatedPostingHist), 
        output viDummy (oiNbrOfUpdatedPostingHist), 
        output viDummy (oiNbrOfCreatedQFRWCube), 
        output viDummy (oiNbrOfCreatedQFRWCubeSaf), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BHistoryDaemonProcessor>
    if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 
    then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
    if viFcReturnSuper < 0 
    then Return.
    /* =========================================================================================== */
    /* Remove the QPostingLine record and its underlying SAFs as it has been processed now         */
    /* =========================================================================================== */
    for each QPostingSAF of QPostingLine
             on error undo, throw : 
        assign oiNbrOfDeletedQPostingSAF = oiNbrOfDeletedQPostingSAF + 1.
        delete QPostingSAF. 
    end. /* for each QPostingSAF of QPostingLine */
    assign oiNbrOfDeletedQPostingLine      = oiNbrOfDeletedQPostingLine + 1
           viProcessingCounterForReference = viProcessingCounterForReference + 1.
    delete QPostingLine.
    /* =============================================================================================== */
    /* After 250 records, update the reference in fcDaemonQueue using viProcessingCounterForReference  */
    /* =============================================================================================== */
    if viProcessingCounterForReference >= 250
    then do :   
        <M-44 run PerformWorkItemDIRECTUpdFcDaemonQueue
           (input  vhLocalHandleToThePersistence (ihLocalHandleToThePersistence), 
            input  iiDaemonQueueID (iiDaemonQueueID), 
            input  if oiNbrOfDeletedQPostingLine = 0 then (now - vtTimeStarted) else (now - vtTimeStarted) / oiNbrOfDeletedQPostingLine (iiAvgProcesingTime), 
            input  oiNbrOfDeletedQPostingLine (iiNbrQPostingLinesProcessed), 
            output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BHistoryDaemonProcessor>
        assign viProcessingCounterForReference = 0.
        if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 
        then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
        if viFcReturnSuper < 0 
        then Return.
    end. /* if viProcessingCounterForReference >= 250 */
end. /* for each QPostingLine */

/* ========================================================================================================= */
/* After processing everything, update the reference in fcDaemonQueue using viProcessingCounterForReference  */
/* ========================================================================================================= */
do Transaction on error undo, throw:
    <M-47 run PerformWorkItemDIRECTUpdFcDaemonQueue
       (input  vhLocalHandleToThePersistence (ihLocalHandleToThePersistence), 
        input  iiDaemonQueueID (iiDaemonQueueID), 
        input  if oiNbrOfDeletedQPostingLine = 0 then (now - vtTimeStarted) else (now - vtTimeStarted) / oiNbrOfDeletedQPostingLine (iiAvgProcesingTime), 
        input  oiNbrOfDeletedQPostingLine (iiNbrQPostingLinesProcessed), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BHistoryDaemonProcessor>
    assign viProcessingCounterForReference = 0.
    if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 
    then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
    if viFcReturnSuper < 0 
    then Return.
end. /* do Transaction */

/* ======================== */
/* Release the used buffers */
/* ======================== */
release bQPostingLine.
release QPostingLine.
release QPostingSAF.