ilCostCentreNotNull | logical | The CostCentre_ID is filled for this GL Mask Only one query can be set different to ? at once. |
ilProjectNotNull | logical | The Project_ID is filled for this GL Mask Only one query can be set different to ? at once. |
ilGLNotNull | logical | The GL_ID is filled for this GL Mask Only one query can be set different to ? at once. |
ilDivisionNotNull | logical | The Division_ID is filled for this GL Mask Only one query can be set different to ? at once. |
iiDomainID | integer |
field name | data type | db field | description |
tiCostCentre_ID | integer | GLMask.CostCentre_ID | Cost Center Code |
tiDivision_ID | integer | GLMask.Division_ID | Sub-Account Code |
tiDomain_ID | integer | GLMask.Domain_ID | Domain |
tiGL_ID | integer | GLMask.GL_ID | GL Account |
tiGLMask_ID | integer | GLMask.GLMask_ID | Record ID |
tiProject_ID | integer | GLMask.Project_ID | Project Code |