project QadFinancials > class BGLMask > business logic query GLMaskByAnalysisFilled


Only one query can be set different to ? at once.


ilCostCentreNotNulllogicalThe CostCentre_ID is filled for this GL Mask
Only one query can be set different to ? at once.
ilProjectNotNulllogicalThe Project_ID is filled for this GL Mask
Only one query can be set different to ? at once.
ilGLNotNulllogicalThe GL_ID is filled for this GL Mask
Only one query can be set different to ? at once.
ilDivisionNotNulllogicalThe Division_ID is filled for this GL Mask
Only one query can be set different to ? at once.

query condition

  each GLMask where
GLMask.CostCentre_ID <> (if ilCostCentreNotNull = true then 0 else -1) AND
GLMask.Division_ID <> (if ilDivisionNotNull = true then 0 else -1) AND
GLMask.GL_ID <> (if ilGLNotNull = true then 0 else -1) AND
GLMask.Project_ID <> (if ilProjectNotNull = true then 0 else -1) AND
GLMask.Domain_ID = iiDomainID

query resultset tqGLMaskByAnalysisFilled

field namedata typedb fielddescription
tiCostCentre_IDintegerGLMask.CostCentre_IDCost Center Code
tiDivision_IDintegerGLMask.Division_IDSub-Account Code
tiGL_IDintegerGLMask.GL_IDGL Account
tiGLMask_IDintegerGLMask.GLMask_IDRecord ID
tiProject_IDintegerGLMask.Project_IDProject Code

Internal usage

method BDomain.AdditionalUpdates