project QadFinancials > class BFRWChart > method GetDomainSharedSetsByDomain


Get domain shared sets by domain code


icDomainCodeinputcharacterDomain code
ocReturnValueoutputcharacterReturn a string value contain expected result.
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage


program code (program1/bfrwchart.p)

/* This method will get all shared sets code (GL, Division, CostCenter, Project) for a given domian */
do on error undo, throw:

    assign vcGLSharedSet  = '':U
           vcDivSharedSet = '':U
           vcCCSharedSet  = '':U
           vcProSharedSet = '':U
           vcDomainDesc   = '':U
           ocReturnValue  = vcDomainDesc + ",":U + vcGLSharedSet + ",":U + vcDivSharedSet + ",":U + vcCCSharedSet + ",":U + vcProSharedSet
           oiDomainId = 0.
    if icDomainCode = ? or icDomainCode = "":U
    then return.
    <Q-94 run DomainPropertyByDomainCodeID (all) (Read) (NoCache)
       (input icDomainCode, (DomainCode)
        input ?, (DomainID)
        output dataset tqDomainPropertyByDomainCodeID) in BDomainProperty>
    find first tqDomainPropertyByDomainCodeID no-error.
    if available tqDomainPropertyByDomainCodeID 
    then do:
        assign vcDomainDesc = tqDomainPropertyByDomainCodeID.tcDomainPropertyName
               oiDomainId = tqDomainPropertyByDomainCodeID.tiDomain_ID.
    <Q-4 run DomainForSharedSet (all) (Read) (NoCache)
       (input ?, (DomainID)
        input icDomainCode, (DomainCode)
        output dataset tqDomainForSharedSet) in BDomain>
    for each tqDomainForSharedSet where tlSharedSetIsActive = yes:
        if tqDomainForSharedSet.tcSharedSetTypeCode = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-GL}
        then assign vcGLSharedSet = tqDomainForSharedSet.tcSharedSetCode + chr(2) +  tqDomainForSharedSet.tcSharedSetDescription + chr(2) + string(tqDomainForSharedSet.tiSharedSet_ID).
        else if tqDomainForSharedSet.tcSharedSetTypeCode = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-DIVISION}
        then assign vcDivSharedSet = tqDomainForSharedSet.tcSharedSetCode + chr(2) +  tqDomainForSharedSet.tcSharedSetDescription + chr(2) + string(tqDomainForSharedSet.tiSharedSet_ID).
        else if tqDomainForSharedSet.tcSharedSetTypeCode = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-COSTCENTRE}
        then assign vcCCSharedSet = tqDomainForSharedSet.tcSharedSetCode + chr(2) +  tqDomainForSharedSet.tcSharedSetDescription + chr(2) + string(tqDomainForSharedSet.tiSharedSet_ID).
        else if tqDomainForSharedSet.tcSharedSetTypeCode = {&SHAREDSETTYPE-PROJECT}
        then assign vcProSharedSet = tqDomainForSharedSet.tcSharedSetCode + chr(2) +  tqDomainForSharedSet.tcSharedSetDescription + chr(2) + string(tqDomainForSharedSet.tiSharedSet_ID).
    assign ocReturnValue  = vcDomainDesc + ",":U + vcGLSharedSet + ",":U + vcDivSharedSet + ",":U + vcCCSharedSet + ",":U + vcProSharedSet.
end. /* do on error undo, throw: */