field name | data type | db field | description |
tiExpNote_ID | integer | ExpNoteCInvoice.ExpNote_ID | Link to ExpNote |
tdExpNoteCInvoiceDeductLC | decimal | ExpNoteCInvoice.ExpNoteCInvoiceDeductLC | BC Deductible |
tdExpNoteCInvoiceDeductTC | decimal | ExpNoteCInvoice.ExpNoteCInvoiceDeductTC | TC Deductible |
tcExpNoteCInvoiceStatusCode | character | ExpNoteCInvoice.ExpNoteCInvoiceStatusCode | Status Code |
tdExpNoteCInvoiceToReturnTC | decimal | ExpNoteCInvoice.ExpNoteCInvoiceToReturnTC | TC To Return |
tcExpNoteCInvoiceTypeCode | character | ExpNoteCInvoice.ExpNoteCInvoiceTypeCode | Type Code |
ttExpNoteConfirmationDate | date | ExpNote.ExpNoteConfirmationDate | Confirmation Date |
tiExpNoteNumber | integer | ExpNote.ExpNoteNumber | Number |
ttExpNoteRegistrationDate | date | ExpNote.ExpNoteRegistrationDate | Registration Date |
tiExpNoteYear | integer | ExpNote.ExpNoteYear | Year |
ti_sequence | integer | calculated | primary index |
tc_rowid | character | calculated | = rowid(ExpNoteCInvoice),rowid(ExpNote) |