project QadFinancials > class BExchangeRate > method DefaultValuesValidDateTill


This remoting method will return the default value of the default Valid Date Till, based on the Exchange Rate Type and Valid Date From.


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage


program code (program9/bexchangerate.p)

/* initial output parameters */
assign olShowValidDateTill = false
       otValidDateTill     = ?.

/* validate the input paraemters */
if icRowid            = "":U or
   itValidDateFrom    = ?    or
   icExchangeRateType = "":U or
   icExchangeRateType = ?    or
   icFromCurrencyCode = "":U or
   icFromCurrencyCode = ?    or
   icToCurrencyCode   = "":U or
   icToCurrencyCode   = ?
then return.

/* find the Exchange Rate in instance by row id */
find first tExchangeRate where tExchangeRate.tc_Rowid = icRowid no-error.
if available tExchangeRate
then do: 
    /* check whether the exchange rate type support Till Date */
    <Q-1 run ExchangeRateTypeByCode (all) (Read) (NoCache)
       (input icExchangeRateType, (ExchangeRateTypeCode)
        output dataset tqExchangeRateTypeByCode) in BExchangeRateType >
    find first tqExchangeRateTypeByCode no-error.

    /* check whether there is record in database has greater from date */
    /* no need to input the company ID because exchange rate is by sharedset and will be handled by query itself */
    <Q-2 run ExchangeRateByGreaterFromDate (all) (Read) (NoCache)
       (input itValidDateFrom, (ValidDateFrom)
        input ?, (FromCurrencyId)
        input ?, (ToCurrencyId)
        input ?, (ExchangeRateTypeId)
        input ?, (CompanyId)
        input icFromCurrencyCode, (FromCurrencyCode)
        input icToCurrencyCode, (ToCurrencyCode)
        input icExchangeRateType, (ExchangeRateTypeCode)
        input tExchangeRate.SharedSet_ID, (SharedSetId)
        output dataset tqExchangeRateByGreaterFromDate) in BExchangeRate >
    find first tqExchangeRateByGreaterFromDate no-error.

    /* check the current instance, bExchangerate is for t_s table */
    find first bExchangeRate where 
               bExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateFrom > tExchangeRate.ExchangeRateValidDateFrom and
               bExchangeRate.tcFromCurrencyCode        = tExchangeRate.tcFromCurrencyCode and
               bExchangeRate.tcToCurrencyCode          = tExchangeRate.tcToCurrencyCode and
               bExchangeRate.tcExchangeRateTypeCode    = tExchangeRate.tcExchangeRateTypeCode 

    /* to enable the date till when the type allow and can not find next exchange rate */
    if available tqExchangeRateTypeByCode and
                 tqExchangeRateTypeByCode.tlExchangeRateTypeIsTillDate = true and
       not available tqExchangeRateByGreaterFromDate and
       not available bExchangeRate
    then assign olShowValidDateTill = true.

    /* assign the Till Date by different situations */
    if available tqExchangeRateByGreaterFromDate
    then assign otValidDateTill = tqExchangeRateByGreaterFromDate.ttExchangeRateValidDateFrom - 1.
    else if olShowValidDateTill = true
    then assign otValidDateTill = itValidDateFrom + tqExchangeRateTypeByCode.tiExchangeRateTypeValidity - 1.
    /* else assign otValidDateTill = vtBiggestDate. */
end. /* end of if available tExchangeRate */