project QadFinancials > class BExchangeRate > dataset tApiDerivedExchangeRate

table tApiDerivedExchangeRate

field namedata typedescription
tcFromCurrencyCodecharacterFrom Currency Code. The first currency of the exchange rate relationship.
The From Currency Code cannot be the same as the To Currency Code.
tcToCurrencyCodecharacterTo Currency Code. The second currency of the exchange rate relationship.
The To Currency Code cannot be the same as the From Currency Code.
tdExchangeRatedecimal(10)Exchange Rate: This number is specified as the amount by which you multiply a single unit of a From Currency to reach the equivalent number of the To Currency units.
tdExchangeRateScaledecimal(10)Scale Factor: A number used in the exchange rate calculation to adjust the amount of the From Currency.
Typically used in hyperinflationary environments when the differences between currency values is large.
api annotation:Value for this field defaults to 1.0000000 .
tlIsDerivedlogicalWhen a database object is in external control, this flag will be set to true in method CheckActivityEnabling.

Internal usage

method BExchangeRate.ApiCalculateDerivedExchangeRates
method BExchangeRate.ApiSaveDerivedExchangeRates