bcLegalDocumentFrom | input-output | character | Filtering parameter: start value for the legal document numbers. |
bcLegalDocumentTo | input-output | character | Filtering parameter: end value for the legal document numbers. |
ocLegalDocument | output | character | Filtering parameter: literial value for the legal document numbers. |
btEffIssueDateFrom | input-output | date | Filtering parameter: beginning date for the effective issue dates. |
btEffIssueDateTo | input-output | date | Filtering parameter: ending date for the effective issue dates. |
otEffIssueDate | output | date | Filtering parameter: literial date for the effective issue dates. |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
assign oiReturnStatus = -98. /* =================================================================================================== */ /* Legal Document */ /* =================================================================================================== */ if bcLegalDocumentFrom = "":U then assign bcLegalDocumentFrom = ?. if bcLegalDocumentTo = "":U then assign bcLegalDocumentTo = ?. if bcLegalDocumentFrom = bcLegalDocumentTo then assign ocLegalDocument = bcLegalDocumentFrom bcLegalDocumentFrom = ? bcLegalDocumentTo = ?. else assign ocLegalDocument = ?. /* =================================================================================================== */ /* ReceiptDate */ /* =================================================================================================== */ if btEffIssueDateFrom = btEffIssueDateTo then assign otEffIssueDate = btEffIssueDateFrom btEffIssueDateFrom = ? btEffIssueDateTo = ?. else assign otEffIssueDate = ?. /* =================================================================================================== */ /* Return */ /* =================================================================================================== */ if oiReturnStatus = -98 then assign oiReturnStatus = 0.