project QadFinancials > class BERSProcessor > method GetERSLegalDocumentsNoLCQtyDist
Sub-method that finds the pending vouchers attached to a legal document.
icDomainCode | input | character | |
icLegalDocumentNumber | input | character | |
itEffectiveDate | input | date | |
icSupplier | input | character | |
icPurchaseOrder | input | character | |
iiPurchaseOrderLine | input | integer | |
ocQtyDistMethod | output | character | |
oiMaxPrecission | output | integer | |
odTotalReceiptQuantity | output | decimal | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program5/bersprocessor.p)
/* ====================================================================================== *
* Method : GetERSLegalDocumentsForLCQtyDist *
* Description : This method decides the way, how the quantity entered on the legal *
* document is distributed agaist purchase receipts *
* - BASED_RECEIPT_QTY (PREFERRED - more precise, less roudning issues) *
* - PRO_RATA *
* ====================================================================================== */
define buffer btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS for tqLegalDocumentPendVoucherForERS.
do on error undo, throw:
/* Default output parameters */
oiMaxPrecission = 0
odTotalReceiptQuantity = 0.
/* Execution block */
for each btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS where
btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS.tclgd_domain = icDomainCode and
btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS.tclgd_nbr = icLegalDocumentNumber and
btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS.ttlgd_effdate = itEffectiveDate and
btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS.tcpvo_supplier = icSupplier and
btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS.tclgdd_order = icPurchaseOrder and
btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS.tilgdd_order_line = iiPurchaseOrderLine
break by btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS.tclgd_domain
by btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS.tclgd_nbr
by btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS.ttlgd_effdate
by btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS.tcpvo_supplier
by btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS.tclgdd_order
by btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS.tilgdd_order_line
by btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS.tipvo_id
by btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS.tipvod_id_line:
/* Simulate, like if we would do distribution by "BASED_RECEIPT_QTY" approach */
if first-of(btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS.tilgdd_order_line)
then assign vdTotalInvoiceQuantity = tLgddDetMatForAPMERS.tdlgdd_qty_item_po_uom.
assign vdInvoiceQuantity = btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS.tdpvod_trans_qty
vdTotalInvoiceQuantity = vdTotalInvoiceQuantity - vdInvoiceQuantity
odTotalReceiptQuantity = odTotalReceiptQuantity + btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS.tdpvod_trans_qty.
if last-of(btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS.tilgdd_order_line)
then assign vdInvoiceQuantity = vdInvoiceQuantity + vdTotalInvoiceQuantity
vdTotalInvoiceQuantity = 0.
/* If there is calculated zero quantity, switch to PRO_RATA approach */
if vdInvoiceQuantity = 0
then assign ocQtyDistMethod = {&ERSPROCESSOR-QTY-DIST-PRO-RATA}.
/* Calculate quantity precission */
assign vcInvoiceQuantityString = string(vdInvoiceQuantity)
vcInvoiceQuantityString = replace(vcInvoiceQuantityString,session:numeric-separator, "":U)
viCommaSeparatorIndex = index(vcInvoiceQuantityString, session:numeric-decimal-point)
viPrecission = if viCommaSeparatorIndex > 0
then length(substring(vcInvoiceQuantityString, viCommaSeparatorIndex, -1, "CHARACTER"), "CHARACTER":U)
else 0
oiMaxPrecission = max(oiMaxPrecission, viPrecission).
end. /* for each btqLegalDocPendVoucherForERS where */
end. /* MAIN_BLOCK */