Add code here to initialize the calculated fields of a 'new' record (= a record that must be created in the application database) in a class temp-table.
icTableName | input | character | Name of the database table of which a record is created in the class temp-table. |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | |
Internal usage
program code (program/bemployee.p)
/* Employee */
if icTableName = "Employee":U
then do:
assign tEmployee.Company_ID = viCompanyId
tEmployee.EmployeeIsActive = true
/* hide project functionality : give it false as initial value iso true */
tEmployee.EmployeeIsActiveExpNotes = false
tEmployee.EmployeeIsActiveTimeReg = false
tEmployee.EmployeeIsExternal = false
tEmployee.Currency_ID = viCompanyLCId
tEmployee.EmployeeIsUser = false
tEmployee.EmployeeStartDate = today
tEmployee.tlBusinessRelationIsInterco = no.
/* HPF
/* Employee Regulation */
else if icTableName = "EmployeeRegulation":U
then do:
find bEmployee where
bEmployee.tc_Rowid = tEmployeeRegulation.tc_ParentRowid no-error.
if available bEmployee
then assign tEmployeeRegulation.EmployeeRegulationValFrom = bEmployee.EmployeeStartDate.