project QadFinancials > class BDPaymentSelection > business logic query DPaySelLineStageByDInvoiceStage
iiCompanyId | integer | Company id |
iiDInvoiceStageID | integer | |
icLineStageStatus | character | |
query condition
each DPaySelLineStg where
DPaySelLineStg.DInvoiceStage_ID = iiDInvoiceStageID AND
DPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStageStatus <> icLineStageStatus
first DPaySelLine (inner-join) where
DPaySelLine.DPaySelLine_ID = DPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLine_ID AND
first DPaySel (inner-join) where
DPaySel.Company_Id = iiCompanyId AND
DPaySel.DPaySel_ID = DPaySelLine.DPaySel_ID AND
query resultset tqDPaySelLineStageByDInvoiceStg
field name | data type | db field | description |
tiDInvoiceStage_ID | integer | DPaySelLineStg.DInvoiceStage_ID | Link to DInvoiceStage |
tcDPaySelCode | character | DPaySel.DPaySelCode | Payment Selection |
tiDPaySelLine_ID | integer | DPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLine_ID | Link to DPaySel |
Internal usage