project QadFinancials > class BDPaymentSelection > method ValidateComponentPre

validation procedure


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BDPaymentSelection.ValidateComponent

program code (program1/bdpaymentselection.p)

/* update or create payment selection hader attributes */
for each t_sDPaySel where
         t_sDPaySel.tc_Status <> "D":U,
    each tDPaySelPayCodeRef where
         tDPaySelPayCodeRef.tc_ParentRowid = t_sDPaySel.tc_Rowid:
    /* find existing tPaySel record */
    find first t_sDPaySelPayCode where
               t_sDPaySelPayCode.PayFormatGroup_ID = tDPaySelPayCodeRef.PayFormatGroup_ID no-error.
    /* if this is new header payment attribute, create it */
    if not available t_sDPaySelPayCode
    then do:        
        <M-91 run AddDetailLine
           (input  'DPaySelPayCode':U (icTable), 
            input  t_sDPaySel.tc_Rowid (icParentRowid), 
            output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
        create t_sDPaySelPayCode.
        buffer-copy tDPaySelPayCode to t_sDPaySelPayCode.
    end. /* if not available tPaySelPayCode */
    /* update existing values */    
    buffer-copy tDPaySelPayCodeRef except DPaySel_ID DPaySelPayCode_ID tc_Rowid tc_ParentRowid tc_status to t_sDPaySelPayCode.
    assign t_sDPaySelPayCode.DPaySelPayCodeValue = tDPaySelPayCodeRef.tcPayFormatCode
           t_sDPaySelPayCode.tcPayFormatCode = tDPaySelPayCodeRef.tcPayFormatCode /*FIN_3198*/
           t_sDPaySelPayCode.tc_Status          = (if t_sDPaySelPayCode.tc_Status = "":U
                                                  then "C":U
                                                  else t_sDPaySelPayCode.tc_Status).    

/* delete those not used attributes */
 if can-find(first tDPaySelPayCodeRef)
 then do:
    for each t_sDPaySelPayCode where
             not can-find(first tDPaySelPayCodeRef where
                                tDPaySelPayCodeRef.PayFormatGroup_ID = t_sDPaySelPayCode.PayFormatGroup_ID):
        assign t_sDPaySelPayCode.tc_Status = "D":U.
end. /* then do */    

 * Setup payment attribute value and payment format code ID as follows:
 *      If attribute value is blank set code ID to zero.
 *      If attribute value is not blank search for existing attribute value:
 *          If existing record found then assign code ID from found record
 *          If existing record not found then assign code ID to zero
for each t_sDPaySelPayCode where
         t_sDPaySelPayCode.tc_status = "N":U or 
         t_sDPaySelPayCode.tc_status = "C":U:
    if t_sDPaySelPayCode.tcPayFormatCode <> ? and 
       t_sDPaySelPayCode.tcPayFormatCode <> "":U
    then do:
        <Q-88 run PayFormatCodebyGroupID (all) (Read) (NoCache)
           (input ?, (PayFormatCodeID)
            input t_sDPaySelPayCode.tcPayFormatCode, (PayFormatCode)
            input t_sDPaySelPayCode.PayFormatGroup_ID, (PayFormatGroupID)
            output dataset tqPayFormatCodebyGroupID) in BPaymentFormat>

        find first tqPayFormatCodebyGroupID no-error.

        if available tqPayFormatCodebyGroupID
        then assign t_sDPaySelPayCode.PayFormatCode_ID   = tqPayFormatCodebyGroupID.tiPayFormatCode_ID.                        
        else assign t_sDPaySelPayCode.PayFormatCode_ID   = 0.