Stores selected objects (invoices/prepayments) for this selection
iiDPaySel_ID | input | integer | PaySel ID |
tDIncSelLine | input | temp-table | |
tDIncSelLineStage | input | temp-table | |
icGLCode | input | character | |
icDPaySelStatus | input | character | Status of the payment selection |
icTargetPaySelCode | input | character | If there are records cancelled from this payment selection they will be added to the target Payments Selection (or new created) |
iiTargetPaySel_ID | input | integer | If there are records cancelled from this payment selection they will be added to the target Payments Selection (or new created) |
tDPaySelRefID | output | temp-table | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program4/bdpaymentselection.p)
find first tDPaySel where
tDPaySel.DPaySel_ID = iiDPaySel_ID
assign viCollRowid = 0.
empty temp-table tRemovedDIncSelLine.
empty temp-table tRemovedDIncSelLineStg.
if not available tDPaySel
then do:
<M-11 run SetMessage
(input #T-7'The specified payment selection ID ($1) is not defined in the system or is invalid. No record was found with this ID.':100(2996)T-7# (icMessage),
input string(iiDPaySel_ID) (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-655283':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
vcCurrentDPaySelRowID = tDPaySel.tc_Rowid
vcCurrentDPaySelCode = tDPaySel.DPaySelCode
vlIsCurrentPaySelExecuted = tDPaySel.tlPaySelIsExecuted.
/* Get header bank number */
if icGlCode <> "":U and
icGlCode <> ?
then do:
<Q-77 run GLPrim (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input tDPaySel.Company_ID, (CompanyId)
input icGlCode, (GLCode)
input ?, (GLId)
output dataset tqGLPrim) in BGL>
find first tqGLPrim
if icGlCode = "":U or
icGlCode = ? or
not available tqGLPrim
then do:
<M-53 run SetMessage
(input trim(#T-85'The specified bank account code $1 is invalid.':80(2997)T-85#) (icMessage),
input icGlCode (icArguments),
input 'tDPaySel.tcGLCode':U (icFieldName),
input tDPaySel.tcGLCode (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-699217':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
<M-54 run CalculateDPaySelLine
(input yes (ilPrepaymentOnly),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
empty temp-table tDInvoiceToUpdate.
empty temp-table tDInvoiceStageToUpdate.
empty temp-table tDPaySelRefID.
/* new records */
for each tDIncSelLine where
tDIncSelLine.tc_ParentRowid = tDPaySel.tc_Rowid and
( tDIncSelLine.tc_Status = "N":U or ( tDIncSelLine.tc_Status = "C":U and vlIsCurrentPaySelExecuted = false ) )
and tDIncSelLine.tlIsSelected on error undo, throw:
/* for every selected incsel line create PaySelLine in inital mode */
then do:
if tDIncSelLine.tc_status = "N":U or tDIncSelLine.tc_status = "C":U
then do:
/* Check if the paysel line already exist in the instance */
for first tDPaySelLine
where tDPaySelLine.tc_parentrowid = tDPaySel.tc_Rowid
and tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineParentObject_ID = tDIncSelLine.tiDInvoiceId:
if tDIncSelLine.tc_status = "C":U and not available tDPaySelLine
then do:
assign vcMessage = substitute(#T-68'The payment line for invoice &1 does not exist in the system.':255(139775052)T-68#, tDIncSelLine.tcInvoiceNumber).
<M-45 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-817124':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
end. /* if tDIncSelLine.tc_status = "N":U or tDIncSelLine.tc_status = "C":U */
if tDIncSelLine.tc_status = "N":U
then do:
if not available tDPaySelLine
then do:
<M-58 run AddDetailLine
(input 'DPaySelLine':U (icTable),
input tDPaySel.tc_Rowid (icParentRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or
oiReturnStatus = 0
then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then return.
end. /* end create payselline */
tDPaySelLine.tc_Status = "N"
tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineParentObject_ID = tDIncSelLine.tiDInvoiceId
tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineObjectType = tDIncSelLine.tcInvoiceType
tDPaySelLine.tlIsSelected = tDIncSelLine.tlIsSelected
tDPaySelLine.BankNumber_ID = tDIncSelLine.tiBankNumberId
tDPaySelLine.tcDInvoiceNumber = tDIncSelLine.tcInvoiceNumber
tDPaySelLine.tcDebtorCode = tDIncSelLine.tcDebtorCode
tDPaySelLine.tcBusinessRelationCode = tDIncSelLine.tcBusinessRelationCode
tDPaySelLine.tcCurrencyCode = tDIncSelLine.tcInvoiceCurrencyCode
tDPaySelLine.tcInvoiceCrDt = tDIncSelLine.tcInvoiceAmountCrDt
tDPaySelLine.tcPaymentCrDt = tDIncSelLine.tcIncSelLineAmountCrDt
tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineStatus = tDIncSelLine.tcIncSelLineStatus.
/* create the tDPaySelPayRef Record which will store bankpayment details for this staged
record - only create if not staged payment */
then do:
for first tDPaySelPayRef
where tDPaySelPayRef.tc_ParentRowid = tDPaySelLine.tc_Rowid
and tDPaySelPayRef.DPaySelLine_ID = tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLine_ID
and tDPaySelPayRef.DPaySelLineStg_id = 0:
if not available tDPaySelPayRef
then do:
<M-57 run AddDetailLine
(input 'DPaySelPayRef':U (icTable),
input tDPaySelLine.tc_Rowid (icParentRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or
oiReturnStatus = 0
then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then return.
tDPaySelPayRef.DPaySelLine_ID = tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLine_ID
tDPaySelPayRef.DPaySelLineStg_id = 0
/* Pad the Number with leading zeros */
tDPaySelPayRef.DPaySelPayRefCode = string(tDPaySelPayRef.DPaySelPayRef_ID,"9999999999").
end. /* if tDIncSelLine.tcPaymentConditionPayType = {PAYMENTCONDITIONPAYMENTTYPE-NORMAL} */
/* Get the diskette format in order to split the collections */
if tDPaySelLine.BankNumber_ID <> ? and
tDPaySelLine.BankNumber_ID <> 0 and
tDPaySelLine.BankNumber_ID <> -999999
then do:
<Q-69 run BankNumberPrim (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input tDPaySelLine.BankNumber_ID, (BankNumberId)
input ?, (ParentObjectId)
input '':U, (BankNumber)
input '':U, (BankNumberExtension)
input ?, (BankPayFormatID)
output dataset tqBankNumberPrim) in BBankNumber>
find first tqBankNumberPrim where tqBankNumberPrim.tiBankNumber_ID = tDPaySelLine.BankNumber_ID no-error.
if available tqBankNumberPrim and
tqBankNumberPrim.tiBankPayFormat_ID <> ? and
tqBankNumberPrim.tiBankPayFormat_ID <> 0
then do:
<Q-23 run BankPayFormatPrim (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input ?, (BankNumberId)
input tqBankNumberPrim.tiBankPayFormat_ID, (BankPayFormatId)
input ?, (PayFormatTypeCode)
output dataset tqBankPayFormatPrim) in BBankPayFormat>
for first tqBankPayFormatPrim:
assign tDPaySelLine.DPaySelPayFormatTypeCode = tqBankPayFormatPrim.tcPayFormatTypeCode.
end. /* for first tqBankPayFormatPrim */
end. /* if available tqBankNumberPrim */
end. /* if tDPaySelLine.BankNumber_ID <> ? */
end. /* if tDIncSelLine.tc_status = "N":U */
/* process the stage records - only want to include those lines which are being paid */
for each tDIncSelLineStage where
tDIncSelLineStage.tc_Status = 'N':U and
tDIncSelLineStage.tc_ParentRowid = tDIncSelLine.tc_Rowid and
tDIncSelLineStage.tdStagePaymentAmountTC > 0 on error undo, throw:
/* Check to make sure the paysel line doesn't already exist in the instance */
for first tDPaySelLineStg
where tDPaySelLineStg.tc_parentrowid = tDPaySelLine.tc_Rowid
and tDPaySelLineStg.DInvoiceStage_ID = tDIncSelLineStage.tiDInvoiceStageId:
if not available tDPaySelLineStg
then do:
<M-50 run AddDetailLine
(input 'DPaySelLineStg':U (icTable),
input tDPaySelLine.tc_rowid (icParentRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or oiReturnStatus = 0
then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then return.
tDPaySelLineStg.tc_Status = 'N'
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLine_ID = tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLine_ID
tDPaySelLineStg.DInvoiceStage_ID = tDIncSelLineStage.tiDInvoiceStageId
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgOrigAmtTC = tDIncSelLineStage.tdOriginalStageAmountTC
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgOpenAmtTC = tDIncSelLineStage.tdOpenStageAmountTC
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgStatus = tDIncSelLineStage.tcIncSelLineStageStatus.
/* create the tDPaySelPayRef Record which will store bankpayment details for this staged
record - only create if not staged payment */
for first tDPaySelPayRef
where tDPaySelPayRef.tc_ParentRowid = tDPaySelLine.tc_Rowid
and tDPaySelPayRef.DPaySelLine_ID = tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLine_ID
and tDPaySelPayRef.DPaySelLineStg_id = tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStg_id:
if not available tDPaySelPayRef
then do:
<M-79 run AddDetailLine
(input 'DPaySelPayRef':U (icTable),
input tDPaySelLine.tc_rowid (icParentRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or
oiReturnStatus = 0
then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then return.
tDPaySelPayRef.DPaySelLine_ID = tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLine_ID
tDPaySelPayRef.DPaySelLineStg_id = tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStg_id
/* Pad the Number with leading zeros */
tDPaySelPayRef.DPaySelPayRefCode = string(tDPaySelPayRef.DPaySelPayRef_ID,"9999999999").
end. /* for each tDIncSelLineStage */
end. /* if tDIncSelLine.tc_status = "N":U */
end. /* if status = initial */
end. /* for each tDIncSelLine */
for each tDIncSelLine where
tDIncSelLine.tc_ParentRowid = vcCurrentDPaySelRowID and
tDIncSelLine.tc_Status = "C":U or tDIncSelLine.tc_Status = "D":U or
tDIncSelLine.tc_Status = "N":U:
for first tDPaySelLine
where tDPaySelLine.tc_ParentRowid = vcCurrentDPaySelRowID and
tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineParentObject_ID = tDIncSelLine.tiDInvoiceId and
tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineObjectType = tDIncSelLine.tcInvoiceType:
if vlIsCurrentPaySelExecuted = false
then do:
tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineIntRate = tDIncSelLine.tdIncSelLineIntRate
tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineAmountTC = tDIncSelLine.tdIncSelLineAmountTC
tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineDiscountTC = tDIncSelLine.tdIncSelLineDiscountTC
tDPaySelLine.tc_status = tDIncSelLine.tc_Status.
else do:
tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineIntRate = tDIncSelLine.tdIncSelLineIntRate
tDPaySelLine.tc_status = "C":U.
/* check to see if the due date has changed */
if tDIncSelLine.ttDefaultDueDate <> tDIncSelLine.ttDueDate
then do:
find first tDInvoiceToUpdate
where tDInvoiceToUpdate.tiDInvoiceId = tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineParentObject_ID no-error.
if not available tDInvoiceToUpdate then
create tDInvoiceToUpdate.
tDInvoiceToUpdate.tiDInvoiceId = tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineParentObject_ID
tDInvoiceToUpdate.ttDueDate = tDIncSelLine.ttDueDate
tDInvoiceToUpdate.tlIsStageInvoice = if tDIncSelLine.tcPaymentConditionPayType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPAYMENTTYPE-STAGED} then true else false
tDInvoiceToUpdate.tlIsSelected = if (vlIsCurrentPaySelExecuted and tDIncSelLine.tcIncSelLineStatus = {&PAYSEL-LINE-STATUS-MODIFIED})
then ?
else if (tDIncSelLine.tc_Status = "N":U and tDIncSelLine.tcIncSelLineStatus = {&PAYSEL-LINE-STATUS-NEW})
then true
else if (tDIncSelLine.tc_Status = "D":U and tDIncSelLine.tcIncSelLineStatus <> {&PAYSEL-LINE-STATUS-MODIFIED})
then false
end. /* end of due date has changed */
/* find if any of the due dates have been modified, if so then we need to update the duedate and is selected
in one transaction so add all records to the StageToUpdate table
find first tDIncSelLineStage where tDIncSelLineStage.ttDefaultIncSelLineStageDueDat <> tDIncSelLineStage.ttStageDueDate no-error.
assign vlStageDueDateChanged = if available tDIncSelLineStage
then true else false.
/* Each Stage in Temp table */
/* if the stage is modified, the status will be D on executed as it will be deleted
from the current paysel and moved to the new paysel */
for each tDIncSelLineStage
where tDIncSelLineStage.tc_ParentRowid = tDIncSelLine.tc_Rowid
and tDIncSelLineStage.tc_Status = "D":U
or tDIncSelLineStage.tc_Status = "C":U
or tDIncSelLineStage.tc_Status = "N":U on error undo, throw:
/* For first stage Payment */
for first tDPaySelLineStg
where tDPaySelLineStg.DInvoiceStage_ID = tDIncSelLineStage.tiDInvoiceStageId and
tDPaySelLineStg.tc_ParentRowid = tDPaySelLine.tc_Rowid:
/* Non Executed */
if vlIsCurrentPaySelExecuted = false
then do:
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgIntRate = tDIncSelLineStage.tdIncSelLineStageIntRate
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgPaymAmtTC = tDIncSelLineStage.tdStagePaymentAmountTC
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgDiscAmtTC = tDIncSelLineStage.tdStageDiscountAmountTC
tDPaySelLineStg.tc_status = tDIncSelLineStage.tc_status.
else do: /* Executed */
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgIntRate = tDIncSelLineStage.tdIncSelLineStageIntRate
tDPaySelLineStg.tc_status = "C":U.
/* check to see if the due date has changed - if it's changed for any stage, create DInvoiceStateToUpdate record */
if tDIncSelLineStage.ttDefaultIncSelLineStageDueDat <> tDIncSelLineStage.ttStageDueDate or vlStageDueDateChanged
then do:
find first tDInvoiceStageToUpdate
where tDInvoiceStageToUpdate.tiDInvoiceStageId = tDPaySelLineStg.DInvoiceStage_ID no-error.
if not available tDInvoiceStageToUpdate then
create tDInvoiceStageToUpdate.
tDInvoiceStageToUpdate.tiDInvoiceId = tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineParentObject_ID
tDInvoiceStageToUpdate.tiDInvoiceStageId = tDPaySelLineStg.DInvoiceStage_ID
tDInvoiceStageToUpdate.ttDueDate = tDIncSelLineStage.ttStageDueDate
tDInvoiceStageToUpdate.tlIsSelected = if vlIsCurrentPaySelExecuted and tDIncSelLineStage.tcIncSelLineStageStatus = {&PAYSEL-LINE-STATUS-MODIFIED}
then ?
else if (tDIncSelLineStage.tc_Status = "N" and tDIncSelLineStage.tcIncSelLineStageStatus = {&PAYSEL-LINE-STATUS-NEW})
then true
else if (tDIncSelLineStage.tc_Status = "D" and tDIncSelLineStage.tcIncSelLineStageStatus <> {&PAYSEL-LINE-STATUS-MODIFIED})
then false
else ?.
/* if we have changed an invoice stage then also record the invoice itself. We will need
this to load the invoice into the instance later */
find first tDInvoiceToUpdate
where tDInvoiceToUpdate.tiDInvoiceId = tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineParentObject_ID no-error.
if not available tDInvoiceToUpdate
then do:
create tDInvoiceToUpdate.
tDInvoiceToUpdate.tiDInvoiceId = tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineParentObject_ID
tDInvoiceToUpdate.tlIsStageInvoice = if tDIncSelLine.tcPaymentConditionPayType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPAYMENTTYPE-STAGED}
then true else false
tDInvoiceToUpdate.tlIsSelected = if tDIncSelLine.tc_Status = "N"
then true
else if tDIncSelLine.tc_Status = "D"
then false
else ?. /* ? = no change */
end. /* no tDInvoiceToUpdate available */
end. /* due date on stage has changed */
end. /* for first tDPaySelLineStg */
end. /* for each tDIncSelLineStage */
/* if it's a staged payment, then if all the stages are deleted, set the line to D also */
then do:
for each tDIncSelLineStage where tDIncSelLineStage.tc_ParentRowid = tDIncSelLine.tc_Rowid:
if tDIncSelLineStage.tc_Status <> "D" then do:
assign vlallStagesDeleted = FALSE.
/*Are all stages flagged as delete, then set the payment line to delete also */
if (vlallStagesDeleted) then do:
assign tDPaySelLine.tc_status = "D".
end. /*if (allStagesDeleted) then do:*/
end. /*tDIncSelLine.tcPaymentConditionPayType= */
end. /* for first tDPaySelLine */
end. /* for each tIncSelLine */
/* For each payment line than is non-executed and marked as deleted */
for each tDIncSelLine where ((tDIncSelLine.tlIsCancelled = false) and
((tDIncSelLine.tc_Status = "D":U and vlIsCurrentPaySelExecuted = false) OR (tDIncSelLine.tlIsSelected = false))):
for first tDPaySelLine
where tDPaySelLine.tc_ParentRowid = vcCurrentDPaySelRowID and
tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineParentObject_ID = tDIncSelLine.tiDInvoiceId
and tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineObjectType = tDIncSelLine.tcInvoiceType:
/* Delete the payment line */
assign tDPaySelLine.tc_status = "D":U.
/* Ensure that a new payment selection has been specified */
/* if there is a cancellation in any line then create the new/modified
DPaySel instance */
if ((can-find
(first tDIncSelLine where
tDIncSelLine.tc_ParentRowid = tDPaySel.tc_Rowid and
tDIncSelLine.tc_Status = "D":U or
tDIncSelLine.tc_Status = "C":U)) and
vlIsCurrentPaySelExecuted )
then do:
tDPaySel.tc_Status = "C"
vdCurrentPaySelTotalAmountBC = tDPaySel.tdDPaySelTotalAmountBC
viCurrentGLID = tDPaySel.GL_ID
viCurrentBankPayFormatID = tDPaySel.BankPayFormat_ID.
/* has a new paysel code been entered ? */
if (icTargetPaySelCode = "":U or icTargetPaySelCode = ?)
then do:
assign vcMessage = #T-86'You attempted to cancel/modify an invoice from this payment selection. You must specify a target payment selection.':255(417273455)T-86#.
<M-44 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-333645':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
end. /* if (icTargetPaySelCode) */
/* is this a new or existing DPaySel */
<Q-73 run DPaySelPrim (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input ?, (CompanyId)
input ?, (DPaySelId)
input icTargetPaySelCode, (DPaySelCode)
output dataset tqDPaySelPrim) in BDPaymentSelection>
find first tqDPaySelPrim where tqDPaySelPrim.tcDPaySelCode = icTargetPaySelCode no-error.
if available tqDPaySelPrim
then do:
<M-92 run DataLoad
(input '':U (icRowids),
input tqDPaySelPrim.tiDPaySel_ID (icPkeys),
input '':U (icObjectIds),
input '':U (icFreeform),
input true (ilKeepPrevious),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0
then do:
assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if viFcReturnSuper < 0
then do:
assign vcMessage = trim(substitute(#T-60'&1 not available.':200(406)T-60#, "icPaySelIDs":U)) + chr(10) +
<M-81 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'E':u (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-168545':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
end. /* if viFcReturnSuper < 0 */
end. /* if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 */
find first tDPaySel where tDPaySel.DPaySel_ID = tqDPaySelPrim.tiDPaySel_ID.
if not available tDPaySel
then do:
oiReturnStatus = -1
vcMessage = trim(substitute(#T-70'Error occurred when load Customer Payment Selection &1':150(731089745)T-70#,
<M-98 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'E':u (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-168222':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
end. /* if not available tDPaySel */
<M-65 run CheckTargetPaymentSelection
(input viCurrentGLID (iiCurrentGLID),
input viCurrentBankPayFormatID (iiCurrentBankPayFormatID),
input tDPaySel.DPaySel_ID (iiTargetPaySelID),
input vcCurrentDPaySelCode (icCurrentDPaySelCode),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or oiReturnStatus = 0
then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then return.
vcTargetDPaySelRowID = tDPaySel.tc_Rowid
tDPaySel.tc_Status = "C".
end. /* if available tqDPaySelPrim */
else do:
<M-90 run AddDetailLine
(input 'DPaySel':U (icTable),
input '':U (icParentRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or oiReturnStatus = 0
then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then return.
find first bDPaySel where bDPaySel.DPaySel_ID = iiDPaySel_ID no-error.
if available bDPaySel
then do:
buffer-copy bDPaySel
to tDPaySel.
tDPaySel.DPaySelCode = icTargetPaySelCode
tDPaySel.DPaySelDate = today.
/* copy the header fields to the new paysel*/
for each bDPaySelPayCode where bDPaySelPayCode.DPaySel_ID = iiDPaySel_ID
on error undo, throw:
<M-96 run AddDetailLine
(input 'DPaySelPayCode':U (icTable),
input tDPaySel.tc_Rowid (icParentRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or oiReturnStatus = 0
then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then return.
buffer-copy bDPaySelPayCode
to tDPaySelPayCode.
tDPaySelPayCode.DPaySel_ID = tDPaySel.DPaySel_ID.
end. /* for each */
end. /* if available bDPaySel */
end. /* else do */
/* find lines to move to new selection */
vcTargetDPaySelRowID = tDPaySel.tc_Rowid
viTargetDPaySelID = tDPaySel.DPaySel_ID
vdtotalSumCR = 0
vdtotalSumDR = 0.
/* Do the moving for deleted and modified lines and stages */
for each tDIncSelLine where
tDIncSelLine.tc_ParentRowid = vcCurrentDPaySelRowID and
tDIncSelLine.tc_Status = "D":U on error undo, throw:
assign viSourceDPaySelLineID = 0.
/* get the tDPaySelLine Record */
find first tDPaySelLine where
tDPaySelLine.tc_ParentRowid = vcCurrentDPaySelRowID and
tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineParentObject_ID = tDIncSelLine.tiDInvoiceId and
tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineObjectType = tDIncSelLine.tcInvoiceType no-error.
if not available tDPaySelLine
then do:
assign vcMessage = #T-31'The specified payment selection line is not defined in the system or is invalid.':140(9847407)T-31#.
<M-75 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-533122':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
end. /* if available tDPaySelLine */
assign viSourceDPaySelLineID = tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLine_ID.
/* if the line had a status of cancelled, the user cannot change it */
if (tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineStatus = {&PAYSEL-LINE-STATUS-CANCEL} and
tDIncSelLine.tcIncSelLineStatus <> {&PAYSEL-LINE-STATUS-CANCEL})
then do:
assign vcMessage = trim(substitute(#T-520'You cannot change the status of a cancelled payment - invoice reference &1.':100(382984695)T-520#, tDPaySelLine.tcDInvoiceNumber)).
<M-9 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input tDIncSelLine.tcIncSelLineStatusTR (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-130156':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
if vlIsCurrentPaySelExecuted AND tDIncSelLine.tc_Status = "D":U
then do:
tDPaySelLine.tcCurrencyCode = tDIncSelLine.tcInvoiceCurrencyCode
tDPaySelLine.tcInvoiceCrDt = tDIncSelLine.tcInvoiceAmountCrDt
tDPaySelLine.tcPaymentCrDt = tDIncSelLine.tcIncSelLineAmountCrDt
tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineStatus = tDIncSelLine.tcIncSelLineStatus
tDPaySelLine.tc_ParentRowid = tDPaySel.tc_Rowid
tDPaySelLine.DPaySel_ID = tDPaySel.DPaySel_ID
tDPaySelLine.tc_Status = "C":U
tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineStatus = tDIncSelLine.tcIncSelLineStatus.
/* create a copy */
create tRemovedDIncSelLine.
buffer-copy tDIncSelLine to tRemovedDIncSelLine.
then do:
assign vdtotalSumDR = vdtotalSumDR + tDIncSelLine.tdIncSelLineAmountBC.
else do:
assign vdtotalSumCR = vdtotalSumCR + tDIncSelLine.tdIncSelLineAmountBC.
end. /* if tDIncSelLine.tc_Status = "D":U */
else if vlIsCurrentPaySelExecuted and tDIncSelLine.tcPaymentConditionPayType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPAYMENTTYPE-STAGED}
then do:
/* have any staged lines been cancelled - if so then update the amounts on the line */
if can-find(first tDIncSelLineStage where tDIncSelLineStage.tc_parentrowid = tDIncSelLine.tc_rowid and
tDIncSelLineStage .tc_Status = "D":U)
then do:
/* update the source line amounts as they have changed because of a staged payment being removed */
tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineAmountTC = tDIncSelLine.tdIncSelLineAmountTC
tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineDiscountTC = tDIncSelLine.tdIncSelLineDiscountTC
tDPaySelLine.tc_Status = "C":U.
create tRemovedDIncSelLine.
buffer-copy tDIncSelLine to tRemovedDIncSelLine.
end. /* if can-find */
for each tDIncSelLineStage where tDIncSelLineStage.tc_ParentRowid = tDIncSelLine.tc_Rowid and
(tDIncSelLineStage.tc_Status = "D":U or tDIncSelLineStage.tc_Status = "C":U) on error undo, throw:
/* find the DPaySelLineStg record */
find first tDPaySelLineStg where
tDPaySelLineStg.tc_ParentRowid = tDIncSelLine.tc_Rowid and
tDPaySelLineStg.tc_Status <> "D":U and
tDPaySelLineStg.DInvoiceStage_ID = tDIncSelLineStage.tiDInvoiceStageId no-error.
/* Find the stage in question */
if available tDPaySelLineStg
then do:
/* if the line stage had a status of cancelled, the user cannot change it */
if (tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgStatus = {&PAYSEL-LINE-STATUS-CANCEL} and
tDIncSelLineStage.tcIncSelLineStageStatus <> {&PAYSEL-LINE-STATUS-CANCEL})
then do:
assign vcMessage = trim(substitute(#T-40'You cannot change the status of a cancelled payment - invoice reference &1.':100(382984695)T-40#, tDPaySelLine.tcDInvoiceNumber)).
<M-37 run SetMessage
(input vcMessage (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input tDIncSelLineStage.tcIncSelLineStageStatusTR (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-262336':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
create tRemovedDIncSelLineStg.
buffer-copy tDIncSelLineStage to tRemovedDIncSelLineStg.
empty temp-table tDPaySelPayRefCopy.
/* take a copy of the tDPaySelPayRef record - before I create new one */
find first tDPaySelPayRef where
tDPaySelPayRef.DPaySelLineStg_ID = tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStg_ID and
tDPaySelPayRef.DPaySelLine_ID = tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLine_ID no-error.
create tDPaySelPayRefCopy.
if available tDPaySelPayRef
then do:
buffer-copy tDPaySelPayRef to tDPaySelPayRefCopy.
/* kyn - make sure the stage ref line is also deleted*/
tDPaySelPayRef.tc_Status = 'D':U.
create tDPaySelRefID.
assign tDPaySelRefID.tiObjectId = tDPaySelPayRef.DPaySelPayRef_ID.
end. /* if available tDPaySelPayRef */
/* does this line exist on the target DPaySel? */
find first bDPaySelLine where
bDPaySelLine.tc_ParentRowid = vcTargetDPaySelRowID and
bDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineParentObject_ID = tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineParentObject_ID no-error.
/* Payment Line already exists on target - just add the stage line*/
if available bDPaySelLine
then do:
/* only assign to C if it's not been created here */
if bDPaySelLine.tc_Status <> "N":U
then assign bDPaySelLine.tc_Status = "C":U.
/* Flag the orginial stage as deleted */
/* Need to flag the old stage on the source as deleted */
tDPaySelLineStg.tc_Status = 'D':U
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgStatus = tDIncSelLineStage.tcIncSelLineStageStatus.
/* Create new stage line (tc_status = āNā) on target pay sel line */
<M-34 run AddDetailLine
(input 'DPaySelLineStg':U (icTable),
input bDPaySelLine.tc_Rowid (icParentRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or oiReturnStatus = 0
then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then return.
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLine_ID = bDPaySelLine.DPaySelLine_ID
tDPaySelLineStg.DInvoiceStage_ID = tDIncSelLineStage.tiDInvoiceStageId
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgPaymAmtTC = tDIncSelLineStage.tdStagePaymentAmountTC
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgDiscAmtTC = tDIncSelLineStage.tdStageDiscountAmountTC
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgOrigAmtTC = tDIncSelLineStage.tdOriginalStageAmountTC
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgOpenAmtTC = tDIncSelLineStage.tdOpenStageAmountTC
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgStatus = tDIncSelLineStage.tcIncSelLineStageStatus
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgIntRate = tDIncSelLineStage.tdIncSelLineStageIntRate.
end. /* if available tDPaySelLine */
else do:
/* need to copy the line */
<M-76 run AddDetailLine
(input 'DPaySelLine':U (icTable),
input vcTargetDPaySelRowID (icParentRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or oiReturnStatus = 0
then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then return.
/* Find the current payment line */
find first bDPaySelLine where
bDPaySelLine.tc_ParentRowid = vcCurrentDPaySelRowID and
bDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineParentObject_ID = tDIncSelLine.tiDInvoiceId and
bDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineObjectType = tDIncSelLine.tcInvoiceType no-error.
if available bDPaySelLine
then do:
/* Copy the existing payment line */
buffer-copy bDPaySelLine
to tDPaySelLine.
tDPaySelLine.DPaySel_ID = viTargetDPaySelID
tDPaySelLine.tdInvoiceRate = tDIncSelLine.tdInvoiceRate
tDPaySelLine.tdInvoiceRateScale = tDIncSelLine.tdInvoiceRateScale.
end. /* if available bDPaySelLine */
/* Need to flag the old stage on the source as deleted */
tDPaySelLineStg.tc_Status = 'D':U
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgStatus = tDIncSelLineStage.tcIncSelLineStageStatus.
/* Create new stage line (tc_status = āNā) on target pay sel line */
<M-91 run AddDetailLine
(input 'DPaySelLineStg':U (icTable),
input tDPaySelLine.tc_Rowid (icParentRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or oiReturnStatus = 0
then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then return.
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLine_ID = tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLine_ID
tDPaySelLineStg.DInvoiceStage_ID = tDIncSelLineStage.tiDInvoiceStageId
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgPaymAmtTC = tDIncSelLineStage.tdStagePaymentAmountTC
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgDiscAmtTC = tDIncSelLineStage.tdStageDiscountAmountTC
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgOrigAmtTC = tDIncSelLineStage.tdOriginalStageAmountTC
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgOpenAmtTC = tDIncSelLineStage.tdOpenStageAmountTC
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgStatus = tDIncSelLineStage.tcIncSelLineStageStatus
tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStgIntRate = tDIncSelLineStage.tdIncSelLineStageIntRate.
end. /* else do */
<M-41 run AddDetailLine
(input 'DPaySelPayRef':U (icTable),
input tDPaySelLineStg.tc_ParentRowid (icParentRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or oiReturnStatus = 0
then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if oiReturnStatus < 0
then return.
tDPaySelPayRef.DPaySelLine_ID = tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLine_ID
tDPaySelPayRef.DPaySelLineStg_ID = tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStg_ID
tDPaySelPayRef.DPaySelPayRefBankRef = tDPaySelPayRefCopy.DPaySelPayRefBankRef
tDPaySelPayRef.DPaySelPayRefCode = tDPaySelPayRefCopy.DPaySelPayRefCode.
assign viTargetDPaySelLineID = tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLine_ID.
end. /* for each tDIncSelLineStage */
/* check to see if all the stages have been moved from a staged line */
find first tDPaySelLine where tDPaySelLine.DPaySel_ID = iiDPaySel_ID and tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLine_ID = viSourceDPaySelLineID.
if available tDPaySelLine
then do:
find first bDPaySelLineStg where
bDPaySelLineStg.tc_Status <> "D":U and
bDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLine_ID = viSourceDPaySelLineID and
bDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStg_ID <> tDPaySelLineStg.DPaySelLineStg_ID
if available bDPaySelLineStg then
assign tDPaySelLine.tc_Status = "C":U.
assign tDPaySelLine.tc_Status = "D":U.
end. /* if available bDPaySelLine */
end. /* if available */
/* calculate the line totals */
<M-2 run CalculateStagedLineAmounts
(input viTargetDPaySelLineID (iiDPaySelLineID),
input tDPaySel.tcBankCurrencyCode (icBankCurrencyCode),
input tDIncSelLine.tdBankRate (idBankExchangeRate),
input tDIncSelLine.tdBankRateScale (idBankExchangeRateScale),
output vdTotalNewLineBC (odTotalLineAmountBC),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
then do:
assign vdtotalSumDR = vdtotalSumDR + vdTotalNewLineBC.
else do:
assign vdtotalSumCR = vdtotalSumCR + vdTotalNewLineBC.
end. /* else do */
end. /* for each tDIncSelLine */
assign tDPaySel.tdDPaySelTotalAmountBC = vdtotalSumCR - vdtotalSumDR.
end. /* if (can-find */