project QadFinancials > class BDPaymentSelection > method AdditionalUpdatesDCollection


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BDPaymentSelection.AdditionalUpdates

program code (program1/bdpaymentselection.p)

    vdPaySelLineTotalTC = 0
    vdPaySelLineTotalLC = 0
    vdPaySelLineTotalCC = 0.

do on error undo, throw:
    if tDPaySel.DPaySelStatus <> {&DOCUMENTSTATUS-INIT} 
    then return.
    if tDPaySel.tc_Status = "N"
    then do: 
        find first tDCollectionPaySel 
             where tDCollectionPaySel.tcReference =  tDPaySel.tcPayFormatTypePayInstrument + {&DOCUMENTSUBTYPE-AUTO}
               and tDCollectionPaySel.tcGLCode = tDPaySel.tcGLCode no-error.
        if not available tDCollectionPaySel
        then do:
            create tDCollectionPaySel.
                viCollRowid = viCollRowid - 1
                tDCollectionPaySel.tcReference = tDPaySel.tcPayFormatTypePayInstrument + {&DOCUMENTSUBTYPE-AUTO}
                tDCollectionPaySel.tcGLCode = tDPaySel.tcGLCode
                tDCollectionPaySel.DPaySel_ID = tDPaySel.DPaySel_ID
                tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionBankFileFormat = tDPaySel.tcPayFormatTypeCode            
                tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionIsExecuted = false           
                tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionRequestedDate = tDPaySel.DPaySelDate
                tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionYear = year(tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionRequestedDate)
                tDCollectionPaySel.Company_ID = tDPaySel.Company_ID
                tDCollectionPaySel.GL_ID = tDPaySel.GL_ID
                tDCollectionPaySel.tc_rowid = string(viCollRowid).     
                tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionIsAutomatic = tDPaySel.tcPayFormatTypePayInstrument = {&PAYFORMATPAYINSTRUMENT-DIRECTDEBIT}.
                if viBDDocument9ID = 0 or
                   viBDDocument9ID = ?
                then do:
                    <I-12 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
                         &ADD-TO-TRANSACTION   = "true"
                         &CLASS                = "BDDocument"}>
                end. /* if viBBankNumber4ID = 0 or */
                else if not valid-handle(vhBDDocument9Inst)
                then do:
                    <I-17 {bFcOpenInstance
                         &CLASS           = "BDDocument"}>
                end. /* not if viDDocument9ID = 0 or */
                assign tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionName =   <M-61 GetDDocumentTypeTranslation  (input  tDPaySel.tcPayFormatTypePayInstrument (icType)) in BDDocument>
                 + " ":U + {&DOCUMENTSUBTYPE-AUTO-TR}.     
                if valid-handle(vhBDDocument9Inst)
                then do:
                    <I-18 {bFcCloseInstance
                         &CLASS           = "BDDocument"}>
                end. /* if valid-handle */             
        end.  /* if not available tDCollectionPaySel */
         /* ====================================================================================== *
         * Get company's exchange rate shared set ID                                              *
         * ====================================================================================== */
        <M-78 run StartCacher
           (output vhFcComponent (ohCacher), 
            output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
        if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or viLocalReturn = 0 then assign viLocalReturn = viFcReturnSuper.
        if viFcReturnSuper < 0 then return.
        <M-31 run GetIntegerValueFromSession
           (input  viSessionID (iiSessionId), 
            input  'SharedSetForEXCHANGERATE':U (icDataItemName), 
            output viExchangeRateSharedSetId (oiValue), 
            output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in Cacher>
        if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or viLocalReturn = 0 
        then assign viLocalReturn = viFcReturnSuper.
        if viFcReturnSuper < 0
        then do:
             assign vcMessage = #T-73'System cannot get ID of the Exchange Rate Shared Set.':255(588817158)T-73#.
             <M-40 run SetMessage
                (input  vcMessage (icMessage), 
                 input  '':U (icArguments), 
                 input  'viExchangeRateSharedSetId':U (icFieldName), 
                 input  viExchangeRateSharedSetId (icFieldValue), 
                 input  'S':U (icType), 
                 input  3 (iiSeverity), 
                 input  '' (icRowid), 
                 input  'qadfin-502181':U (icFcMsgNumber), 
                 input  '':U (icFcExplanation), 
                 input  '':U (icFcIdentification), 
                 input  '':U (icFcContext), 
                 output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
             leave paysel.
        end. /* if viFcReturnSuper < 0 */       
        if tDPaySel.DPaySelCode <> "":U and
           tDPaySel.DPaySelCode <> ?    and
           not can-do(tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionIncSelCodeList, tDPaySel.DPaySelCode)
        then do:
            if tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionIncSelCodeList <> "":U
            then assign tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionIncSelCodeList = tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionIncSelCodeList + ",":U.
            assign tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionIncSelCodeList = tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionIncSelCodeList + tDPaySel.DPaySelCode.
        end. /* if tDPaySel.DPaySelCode <> "" */                
        /* go through each pay sel line to build up the collection totals */
        for each tDPaySelLine 
           where tDPaySelline.tc_parentrowid = tDPaySel.tc_rowid on error undo, throw:              
           <M-56 run GetPaymentCurrencyAmounts
              (input  tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineParentObject_ID (iiInvoiceID), 
               input  viExchangeRateSharedSetId (iiExchangeRateSharedSetID), 
               input  tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineAmountTC (idPaymentAmountTC), 
               input  tDPaySel.tcBankCurrencyCode (icBankCurrencyCode), 
               input  0 (idBankRate), 
               input  0 (idBankRateScale), 
               output vdInvoiceCCTotal (odInvoiceCCTotal), 
               output vdInvoiceLCTotal (odInvoiceLCTotal), 
               output vdInvoiceBCTotal (odInvoiceBCTotal), 
               output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>                                    
            if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or viLocalReturn = 0 then assign viLocalReturn = viFcReturnSuper.
            if viFcReturnSuper < 0 then leave paysel.

           if tDPaySelLine.tcInvoiceCrDt = {&CREDITDEBITABBREVIATION-DEBIT}
                   vdPaySelLineTotalTC = vdPaySelLineTotalTC + tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineAmountTC
                   vdPaySelLineTotalLC = vdPaySelLineTotalLC + vdInvoiceLCTotal
                   vdPaySelLineTotalCC = vdPaySelLineTotalCC + vdInvoiceCCTotal.  
                   vdPaySelLineTotalTC = vdPaySelLineTotalTC - tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineAmountTC
                   vdPaySelLineTotalLC = vdPaySelLineTotalLC - vdInvoiceLCTotal
                   vdPaySelLineTotalCC = vdPaySelLineTotalCC - vdInvoiceCCTotal.  
        end. /* for each tDPaySelLine */
            tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionBalanceDebitTC = tDPaySel.tdDPaySelTotalAmountBC
            tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionBalanceDebitLC = vdPaySelLineTotalLC
            tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionBalanceDebitCC = vdPaySelLineTotalCC     
            tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionOrigDebitTC = tDPaySel.tdDPaySelTotalAmountBC
            tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionOrigDebitLC = vdPaySelLineTotalLC
            tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionOrigDebitCC = vdPaySelLineTotalCC.  

    end.   /* status = N  */        
    else if tDPaySel.tc_Status = "C" 
    then do:            
          /* find the Collection */
        <Q-81 run DCollectionByPaySel (all) (Read) (NoCache)
           (input tDPaySel.Company_ID, (CompanyId)
            input tDPaySel.DPaySel_ID, (PaySelId)
            input ?, (Executed)
            output dataset tqDCollectionByPaySel) in BDCollection>
        find first tqDCollectionByPaySel where tqDCollectionByPaySel.tiDPaySel_ID = tDPaySel.DPaySel_ID no-error.
        if not available tqDCollectionByPaySel         
        then do:
            assign viFcReturnSuper = -1.
            assign vcMessage = #T-77'System cannot find the payment collection associated with this selection':255(384486122)T-77#.
            <M-80 run SetMessage
               (input  vcMessage (icMessage), 
                input  ' ':U (icArguments), 
                input  'tDPaySel.DPaySelCode':U (icFieldName), 
                input  tDPaySel.DPaySelCode (icFieldValue), 
                input  'S':U (icType), 
                input  3 (iiSeverity), 
                input  ' ':U (icRowid), 
                input  'qadfin-223993':U (icFcMsgNumber), 
                input  ' ':U (icFcExplanation), 
                input  ' ':U (icFcIdentification), 
                input  ' ':U (icFcContext), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection>
                /*  leave paysel. */
        end. /*if not available */                           
        create tDCollectionPaySel.       
            viCollRowid                                 = viCollRowid - 1            
            tDCollectionPaySel.DCollection_ID           = tqDCollectionByPaySel.tiDCollection_ID
            tDCollectionPaySel.DPaySel_ID               = tDPaySel.DPaySel_ID
            tDCollectionPaySel.Company_ID               = tDPaySel.Company_ID
            tDCollectionPaySel.tc_rowid                 = string(viCollRowid).     
         /* ====================================================================================== *
         * If this tDPaySel is executed then it is the current DPaySel, if it is not executed      *
         * then it is the existing DPaySel that the cancelled DPaySelLines are being moved to      *
         * ====================================================================================== */
        if tDPaySel.tlPaySelIsExecuted
        then do:
            /* go through each of the removed lines to subtract from the collection totals */
                vdPaySelLineTotalTC = 0
                vdPaySelLineTotalLC = 0
                vdPaySelLineTotalCC = 0.

            for each tRemovedDIncSelLine 
                where tRemovedDIncSelLine.tc_ParentRowid = tDPaySel.tc_rowid on error undo, throw:    
                assign vdRemovedPaymentTC = 0.    
                /* get the amount - first check if stage */      
                if tRemovedDIncSelLine.tcPaymentConditionPayType = {&PAYMENTCONDITIONPAYMENTTYPE-STAGED}
                then do:
                    for each tRemovedDIncSelLineStg 
                        where tRemovedDIncSelLineStg.tc_ParentRowid = tRemovedDIncSelLine.tc_rowid on error undo, throw:                         
                        assign vdRemovedPaymentTC = vdRemovedPaymentTC + tRemovedDIncSelLineStg.tdStagePaymentAmountTC.                          
                    end. /* for each tRemovedDIncSelLineStg */                         
                end. /* if tRemovedDIncSelLine.tcPaymentConditionPayType */ 
                else do:
                    assign vdRemovedPaymentTC = tRemovedDIncSelLine.tdIncSelLineAmountTC.
                end. /* else */                          
                <M-39 run GetPaymentCurrencyAmounts
                   (input  tRemovedDIncSelLine.tiDInvoiceId (iiInvoiceID), 
                    input  viExchangeRateSharedSetId (iiExchangeRateSharedSetID), 
                    input  vdRemovedPaymentTC (idPaymentAmountTC), 
                    input  tDPaySel.tcBankCurrencyCode (icBankCurrencyCode), 
                    input  tRemovedDIncSelLine.tdBankRate (idBankRate), 
                    input  tRemovedDIncSelLine.tdBankRateScale (idBankRateScale), 
                    output vdInvoiceCCTotal (odInvoiceCCTotal), 
                    output vdInvoiceLCTotal (odInvoiceLCTotal), 
                    output vdInvoiceBCTotal (odInvoiceBCTotal), 
                    output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection> 
                if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or viLocalReturn = 0 then assign viLocalReturn = viFcReturnSuper.
                if viFcReturnSuper < 0 then leave paysel.
               if tRemovedDIncSelLine.tcInvoiceAmountCrDt = {&CREDITDEBITABBREVIATION-DEBIT}
                       vdPaySelLineTotalBC = vdPaySelLineTotalBC + vdInvoiceBCTotal
                       vdPaySelLineTotalLC = vdPaySelLineTotalLC + vdInvoiceLCTotal
                       vdPaySelLineTotalCC = vdPaySelLineTotalCC + vdInvoiceCCTotal.  
                       vdPaySelLineTotalBC = vdPaySelLineTotalTC - vdInvoiceBCTotal
                       vdPaySelLineTotalLC = vdPaySelLineTotalLC - vdInvoiceLCTotal
                       vdPaySelLineTotalCC = vdPaySelLineTotalCC - vdInvoiceCCTotal.  
            end. /* for each tRemovedDIncSelLines */           
                tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionBalanceDebitTC = vdPaySelLineTotalBC * -1
                tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionBalanceDebitLC = vdPaySelLineTotalLC * -1
                tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionBalanceDebitCC = vdPaySelLineTotalCC * -1    
                tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionOrigDebitTC = vdPaySelLineTotalBC * -1
                tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionOrigDebitLC = vdPaySelLineTotalLC * -1
                tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionOrigDebitCC = vdPaySelLineTotalCC * -1.
        end. /* if tDPaySel.tlPaySelIsExecuted */   
        if not tDPaySel.tlPaySelIsExecuted
        then do:
                vdPaySelLineTotalTC = 0
                vdPaySelLineTotalLC = 0
                vdPaySelLineTotalCC = 0.
            /* go through each of the removed lines to subtract from the collection totals */
            for each tDPaySelLine 
                where tDPaySelLine.tc_ParentRowid = tDPaySel.tc_rowid and
                tDPaySelLine.tc_Status = "C" on error undo, throw:              
                <M-2 run GetPaymentCurrencyAmounts
                   (input  tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineParentObject_ID (iiInvoiceID), 
                    input  viExchangeRateSharedSetId (iiExchangeRateSharedSetID), 
                    input  tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineAmountTC (idPaymentAmountTC), 
                    input  tDPaySelLine.tcCurrencyCode (icBankCurrencyCode), 
                    input  0 (idBankRate), 
                    input  0 (idBankRateScale), 
                    output vdInvoiceCCTotal (odInvoiceCCTotal), 
                    output vdInvoiceLCTotal (odInvoiceLCTotal), 
                    output vdInvoiceBCTotal (odInvoiceBCTotal), 
                    output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDPaymentSelection> 
                if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or viLocalReturn = 0 then assign viLocalReturn = viFcReturnSuper.
                if viFcReturnSuper < 0 then leave paysel.
                if tDPaySelLine.tcInvoiceCrDt = {&CREDITDEBITABBREVIATION-DEBIT}
                       vdPaySelLineTotalTC = vdPaySelLineTotalTC + tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineAmountTC
                       vdPaySelLineTotalLC = vdPaySelLineTotalLC + vdInvoiceLCTotal
                       vdPaySelLineTotalCC = vdPaySelLineTotalCC + vdInvoiceCCTotal.  
                       vdPaySelLineTotalTC = vdPaySelLineTotalTC - tDPaySelLine.DPaySelLineAmountTC
                       vdPaySelLineTotalLC = vdPaySelLineTotalLC - vdInvoiceLCTotal
                       vdPaySelLineTotalCC = vdPaySelLineTotalCC - vdInvoiceCCTotal.  
            end. /* for each tDPaySelLine */
                tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionBalanceDebitTC = tDPaySel.tdDPaySelTotalAmountBC
                tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionBalanceDebitLC = vdPaySelLineTotalLC
                tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionBalanceDebitCC = vdPaySelLineTotalCC     
                tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionOrigDebitTC    = tDPaySel.tdDPaySelTotalAmountBC
                tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionOrigDebitLC    = vdPaySelLineTotalLC
                tDCollectionPaySel.DCollectionOrigDebitCC    = vdPaySelLineTotalCC.        
        end. /* if not tDPaySel.tlPaySelIsExecuted */   
    end. /* status = C */    
end. /* do on error  */ 
assign oiReturnStatus = viLocalReturn.