project QadFinancials > class BDomain > business logic query DomainForInterCompany


DomainForInterCompany: query that returns the Interco G.L accounts for a certain domain.


iiDomainIDintegerDomain ID
icDomainCodecharacterDomain Code
iiCompanyIDintegerCompany id: redundant paramater that was auto-added by CB-tool and that corresponds with the SharedSet of the lined G/L

query condition

  each Domains where
Domains.Domain_ID = iiDomainID AND
Domains.DomainCode = icDomainCode

      each DomainProperty (inner-join) where
DomainProperty.Domain_ID = Domains.Domain_ID AND

          first Currency1 (inner-join) where
Currency1.Currency_ID = DomainProperty.Currency_ID AND

          first Currency2 (inner-join) where
Currency2.Currency_ID = DomainProperty.StatutoryCurrency_ID AND

          first GL5 (outer-join) where
GL5.SharedSet_Id = vi_GL_sharedset(iiCompanyId) AND
GL5.GL_ID = DomainProperty.IntercoJEGL_ID AND

          first GL1 (outer-join) where
GL1.SharedSet_Id = vi_GL_sharedset(iiCompanyId) AND
GL1.GL_ID = DomainProperty.IntercoAPGL_ID AND

          first GL2 (outer-join) where
GL2.SharedSet_Id = vi_GL_sharedset(iiCompanyId) AND
GL2.GL_ID = DomainProperty.IntercoARGL_ID AND

          first GL3 (outer-join) where
GL3.SharedSet_Id = vi_GL_sharedset(iiCompanyId) AND
GL3.GL_ID = DomainProperty.IntercoFAGL_ID AND

          first GL4 (outer-join) where
GL4.SharedSet_Id = vi_GL_sharedset(iiCompanyId) AND
GL4.GL_ID = DomainProperty.IntercoICGL_ID AND

query resultset tqDomainForInterCompany

field namedata typedb fielddescription
tcCurrencyCodecharacterCurrency1.CurrencyCodeCurrency Code
tcDomainPropertyCodePagecharacterDomainProperty.DomainPropertyCodePageDomain Code Page
tlDomainPropertyIsMaskCClogicalDomainProperty.DomainPropertyIsMaskCCCost Center COA Mask
tlDomainPropertyIsMaskCCAlllogicalDomainProperty.DomainPropertyIsMaskCCAllCost Center All-Range Mask By Default
tlDomainPropertyIsMaskDivlogicalDomainProperty.DomainPropertyIsMaskDivSub-Account COA Mask
tlDomainPropertyIsMaskDivAlllogicalDomainProperty.DomainPropertyIsMaskDivAllSub-Account All-Range Mask By Default
tlDomainPropertyIsMaskPrjAlllogicalDomainProperty.DomainPropertyIsMaskPrjAllProject All-Range Mask By Default
tlDomainPropertyIsMaskProjlogicalDomainProperty.DomainPropertyIsMaskProjProject COA Mask
tlDomainPropertyIsStatutorylogicalDomainProperty.DomainPropertyIsStatutoryStatutory Currency Enabled
tcDomainPropertySearchNamecharacterDomainProperty.DomainPropertySearchNameSearch Name
tiStatutoryCurrency_IDintegerCurrency2.Currency_IDRecord ID
tcStatutoryCurrencyCodecharacterCurrency2.CurrencyCodeCurrency Code
tiDomain_IDintegerDomains.Domain_IDRecord ID
tiCurrency_IDintegerDomainProperty.Currency_IDBase Currency
tiDomainProperty_IDintegerDomainProperty.DomainProperty_IDRecord ID
tiPrimaryCompany_IDintegerDomains.PrimaryCompany_IDPrimary Entity
tlDomainPropertyIsSetupCompllogicalDomainProperty.DomainPropertyIsSetupComplSetup Complete
tiIntercoAPGL_IDintegerDomainProperty.IntercoAPGL_IDAccount Payable GL Account
tcIntercoAPGLCodecharacterGL1.GLCodeA code identifying the GL account.
tlIntercoAPGLIsProjectAccountlogicalGL1.GLIsProjectAccountProject Analysis: This field will be calculated by the system based on the value of tcAnalysisType.
If the analysis type of the account is Project the value will be true.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tlIntercoAPGLIsIntercoAccountlogicalGL1.GLIsIntercoAccountIf the account is an intercompany account.

Its value is calculated by the system and is determined by the value of tcBusinessRelationInterco.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tlIntercoAPGLIsDivisionAccountlogicalGL1.GLIsDivisionAccountSet to true if the account has a sub-account.
Its value is calculated by the system and is determined by the value of tcDivisionProfileCode.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tlIntercoAPGLIsCostCentreAccountlogicalGL1.GLIsCostCentreAccountThis field will be calculated by the system based on the value of tcAnalysisType.

If the analysis type of the account is Project the value will be true.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tiIntercoAPCostCentreProfile_IDintegerGL1.CostCentreProfile_IDLink to Profile
tiIntercoAPDivisionProfile_IDintegerGL1.DivisionProfile_IDLink to Profile
tiIntercoAPProjectProfile_IDintegerGL1.ProjectProfile_IDLink to Profile
tiIntercoARGL_IDintegerDomainProperty.IntercoARGL_IDAccount Receivable GL Account
tcIntercoARGLCodecharacterGL2.GLCodeA code identifying the GL account.
tlIntercoARGLIsProjectAccountlogicalGL2.GLIsProjectAccountProject Analysis: This field will be calculated by the system based on the value of tcAnalysisType.
If the analysis type of the account is Project the value will be true.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tlIntercoARGLIsIntercoAccountlogicalGL2.GLIsIntercoAccountIf the account is an intercompany account.

Its value is calculated by the system and is determined by the value of tcBusinessRelationInterco.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tiIntercoARCostCentreProfile_IDintegerGL2.CostCentreProfile_IDLink to Profile
tiIntercoARDivisionProfile_IDintegerGL2.DivisionProfile_IDLink to Profile
tiIntercoARProjectProfile_IDintegerGL2.ProjectProfile_IDLink to Profile
tlIntercoARGLIsDivisionAccountlogicalGL2.GLIsDivisionAccountSet to true if the account has a sub-account.
Its value is calculated by the system and is determined by the value of tcDivisionProfileCode.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tlIntercoARGLIsCostCentreAccountlogicalGL2.GLIsCostCentreAccountThis field will be calculated by the system based on the value of tcAnalysisType.

If the analysis type of the account is Project the value will be true.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tiIntercoFAGL_IDintegerDomainProperty.IntercoFAGL_IDFixed Asset GL Account
tcIntercoFAGLCodecharacterGL3.GLCodeA code identifying the GL account.
tlIntercoFAGLIsCDivisionAccountlogicalGL3.GLIsDivisionAccountSet to true if the account has a sub-account.
Its value is calculated by the system and is determined by the value of tcDivisionProfileCode.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tlIntercoFAGLIsCostCentreAccountlogicalGL3.GLIsCostCentreAccountThis field will be calculated by the system based on the value of tcAnalysisType.

If the analysis type of the account is Project the value will be true.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tiIntercoFACostCentreProfile_IDintegerGL3.CostCentreProfile_IDLink to Profile
tiIntercoFADivisionProfile_IDintegerGL3.DivisionProfile_IDLink to Profile
tlIntercoFAGLIsProjectAccountlogicalGL3.GLIsProjectAccountProject Analysis: This field will be calculated by the system based on the value of tcAnalysisType.
If the analysis type of the account is Project the value will be true.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tiIntercoFAProjectProfile_IDintegerGL3.ProjectProfile_IDLink to Profile
tlIntercoFAGLIsIntercoAccountlogicalGL3.GLIsIntercoAccountIf the account is an intercompany account.

Its value is calculated by the system and is determined by the value of tcBusinessRelationInterco.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tiIntercoICGL_IDintegerDomainProperty.IntercoICGL_IDInter Company GL Account
tcIntercoICGLCodecharacterGL4.GLCodeA code identifying the GL account.
tiIntercoICCostCentreProfile_IDintegerGL4.CostCentreProfile_IDLink to Profile
tiIntercoICDivisionProfile_IDintegerGL4.DivisionProfile_IDLink to Profile
tiIntercoICProjectProfile_IDintegerGL4.ProjectProfile_IDLink to Profile
tlIntercoICGLIsProjectAccountlogicalGL4.GLIsProjectAccountProject Analysis: This field will be calculated by the system based on the value of tcAnalysisType.
If the analysis type of the account is Project the value will be true.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tlIntercoICGLIsIntercoAccountlogicalGL4.GLIsIntercoAccountIf the account is an intercompany account.

Its value is calculated by the system and is determined by the value of tcBusinessRelationInterco.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tlIntercoICGLIsDivisionAccountlogicalGL4.GLIsDivisionAccountSet to true if the account has a sub-account.
Its value is calculated by the system and is determined by the value of tcDivisionProfileCode.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tlIntercoICGLIsCostCentreAccountlogicalGL4.GLIsCostCentreAccountThis field will be calculated by the system based on the value of tcAnalysisType.

If the analysis type of the account is Project the value will be true.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tiIntercoJEGL_IDintegerDomainProperty.IntercoJEGL_IDManual Journal Entry GL Account
tcIntercoJEGLCodecharacterGL5.GLCodeA code identifying the GL account.
tiIntercoJECostCentreProfile_IDintegerGL5.CostCentreProfile_IDLink to Profile
tiIntercoJEDivisionProfile_IDintegerGL5.DivisionProfile_IDLink to Profile
tiIntercoJEProjectProfile_IDintegerGL5.ProjectProfile_IDLink to Profile
tlIntercoJEGLIsProjectAccountlogicalGL5.GLIsProjectAccountProject Analysis: This field will be calculated by the system based on the value of tcAnalysisType.
If the analysis type of the account is Project the value will be true.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tlIntercoJEGLIsIntercoAccountlogicalGL5.GLIsIntercoAccountIf the account is an intercompany account.

Its value is calculated by the system and is determined by the value of tcBusinessRelationInterco.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tlIntercoJEGLIsDivisionAccountlogicalGL5.GLIsDivisionAccountSet to true if the account has a sub-account.
Its value is calculated by the system and is determined by the value of tcDivisionProfileCode.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
tlIntercoJEGLIsCostCentreAccountlogicalGL5.GLIsCostCentreAccountThis field will be calculated by the system based on the value of tcAnalysisType.

If the analysis type of the account is Project the value will be true.
api annotation:This field can be left blank as it will be calculated by the system.
ti_sequenceintegercalculatedprimary index
tc_rowidcharactercalculated = rowid(Domains),rowid(DomainProperty),rowid(Currency1),rowid(Currency2),rowid(GL5),rowid(GL1),rowid(GL2),rowid(GL3),rowid(GL4)

Internal usage

method BAPMatching.AdditionalUpdatesAll
method BCInvoice.CreateCInvoiceMovementsCrossCy
method BCInvoice.CreateCInvoiceMovementsCrossCyExt
method BCompanyProperty.AdditionalUpdates
method BCompanyProperty.CreateInterCoAccounts
method BDInvoice.CreateDInvoiceMovementsCrossCy
method BDInvoice.CreateDInvoiceMovementsCrossCyExt
method BDInvoice.UpdateDeductionDetailPosting
method BDomain.Calculate
method BJournalEntry.PostingLineUpdateCrossCy
method BJournalEntryMultiCy.GetIntercompanyJEGLAccount