Add code here to initialize the calculated fields of a 'new' record (= a record that must be created in the application database) in a class temp-table.
icTableName | input | character | Name of the database table of which a record is created in the class temp-table. |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | |
Internal usage
program code (program/bdomain.p)
if icTableName = "domains":U
then do:
assign tDomains.DomainIsActive = yes.
create tDomainPropertyRefer.
assign tDomainPropertyRefer.Domain_ID = tDomains.Domain_ID
tDomainPropertyRefer.DomainPropertyCodePage = "ISO8859-1":U
tDomainPropertyRefer.DomainPropertyIsWHT = false
tDomainPropertyRefer.DomainPropertyIsTaxValid = false
/* previous value of CodePage was SESSION:cpinternal - this was changed on demand of Helen Ernst */
tDomainPropertyRefer.tc_status = "N":U
tDomainPropertyRefer.tc_Rowid = tDomains.tc_Rowid
tDomainPropertyRefer.tc_ParentRowid = tDomains.tc_Rowid
tDomainPropertyRefer.DomainPropertyIsStatutory = false
tDomainPropertyRefer.DomainPropertyIsChronolNr = false
tDomainPropertyRefer.DomainPropertyIsConsecutNr = false
tDomainPropertyRefer.DomainPropertyIsPopupInvNr = false
tDomainPropertyRefer.DomainPropertyIsPIBFLogEnabled = false
tDomainPropertyRefer.DomainPropertyNonChronErr = {&NONCHRONOLOGICAL-BLANK}
tDomainPropertyRefer.DomainPropertyWHTDueMoment = {&DOCUMENTSTATUS-PAID}.
end. /* if icTableName = "domains":U */