project QadFinancials > class BDivision > business logic query DivisionForSSMProf
iiCompanyId | integer | Company id |
iiRedundantSharedSetId | integer | |
iiMasterSharedSetId | integer | |
query condition
each Division where
Division.SharedSet_Id = iiRedundantSharedSetId
each ProfileLink1 (inner-join) where
ProfileLink1.ProfileLinkObject_ID = Division.Division_ID AND
ProfileLink1.SharedSet_ID = Division.SharedSet_ID
first Profile (inner-join) where
Profile.Profile_ID = ProfileLink1.Profile_ID AND
each ProfileLink2 (inner-join) where
ProfileLink2.Profile_ID = Profile.Profile_ID AND
ProfileLink2.SharedSet_ID = iiMasterSharedSetId
first Division2 (inner-join) where
Division2.Division_ID = ProfileLink2.ProfileLinkObject_ID AND
Division2.SharedSet_ID = ProfileLink2.SharedSet_ID
query resultset tqDivisionForSSMProf
field name | data type | db field | description |
tiDivisionMasterSharedSet_ID | integer | Division2.SharedSet_ID | Link to SharedSet |
tcMasterDivisionCode | character | Division2.DivisionCode | Sub-Account |
tiMasterSharedSet_ID | integer | ProfileLink2.SharedSet_ID | Link to SharedSet |
tcProfileCode | character | Profile.ProfileCode | A code (maximum 20 characters) that identifies a profile. |
tcRedundantDivisionCode | character | Division.DivisionCode | Sub-Account |
tiRedundantSharedSet_ID | integer | Division.SharedSet_ID | Link to SharedSet |
Internal usage