project QadFinancials > class BDivision > method CalcAllSelectDivisionForCOAMaskAll

query calculated fields procedure


Assign a value to query calculated fields


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

query SelectDivisionForCOAMaskAll

program code (program1/bdivision.p)

/* Because of database structure and limitation of componenet builder, additional *
 * filtering of resulting records have to be done (this is related to outer join  */

/* For one sub-account more records can be retrieved. In result only one should be there */
/* the one which has linked COA Mask in the domain                                       */
/* Or one sub-account records with blank COA Mask, when Mask is not linked to subaccount in this domain */

/* Get Shared Set Id of the COA Mask CC */
assign vhFcComponent = vhCacher.
<M-1 run GetIntegerValueFromSession
   (input  viSessionID (iiSessionId), 
    input  'SharedSetForSUBACCOUNTCOAMASK':U (icDataItemName), 
    output viCOAMaskDivSharedSetId (oiValue), 
    output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in Cacher>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 then oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if viFcReturnSuper <  0 then return.

create query vhQuery in widget-pool "non-persistent".
vhQuery:query-prepare("for each ":U + ih_Buffer:table + " break by tcDivisionCode").
do while not vhQuery:query-off-end:
    do on error undo, return:    
        /* if this is the first record of Division, set flag indicating whether *
         * any Division record is retrieved or not */
        if vhQuery:first-of(1)
        then assign vlExactMatchFound = false.

        /* if this record has linked any COA Mask profile link but not valid for this *
         * domain, clear out also id of the Profile Link Id                           */
        if {&tiProfLnkCOADivSharedSet_ID} <> 0 and
           {&tiProfLnkCOADivSharedSet_ID} <> ? and
           {&tiProfLnkCOADivSharedSet_ID} <> viCOAMaskDivSharedSetId and
           ({&tcCOAMaskDivCode} = ? or
            {&tcCOAMaskDivCode} = "":U)
        then assign {&tiProfLnkCOADivSharedSet_ID} = ?.
        /* If still not any Division records have been found (the one with linked COA mask in Domain) then  *
         * the last one (with not linked COA Mask  is retrieved                                         */
        if vhQuery:last-of(1) and
           not vlExactMatchFound
        then leave RECORD_BLOCK.
        /* If this is exact match, just keep record, otherwise selete it */
        if {&tcCOAMaskDivCode} <> ? and
           {&tcCOAMaskDivCode} <> "":U
        then assign vlExactMatchFound = true.
        else ih_Buffer:buffer-delete().
    end. /* RECORD_BLOCK: */

delete object vhQuery.