project QadFinancials > class BDInvoice > business logic query GetDInvoiceIDByBusinessKeys
iiCompanyId | integer | Company id |
icCompanyCode | character | |
iiDInvoiceVoucher | integer | |
iiPostingYear | integer | |
icJournalCode | character | |
query condition
each DInvoice where
DInvoice.Company_Id = iiCompanyId AND
DInvoice.DInvoicePostingYear = iiPostingYear AND
DInvoice.DInvoiceVoucher = iiDInvoiceVoucher
first Company (inner-join) where
Company.Company_Id = iiCompanyId AND
Company.Company_ID = DInvoice.Company_ID AND
Company.CompanyCode = icCompanyCode
each CompanySharedSet (inner-join) where
CompanySharedSet.Company_Id = iiCompanyId AND
CompanySharedSet.Company_ID = Company.Company_ID AND
first SharedSet1 (inner-join) where
SharedSet1.SharedSet_ID = CompanySharedSet.SharedSet_ID AND
SharedSet1.SharedSetTypeCode = 'JOURNAL'
first Journal (inner-join) where
Journal.Journal_ID = DInvoice.Journal_ID AND
Journal.JournalCode = icJournalCode AND
Journal.SharedSet_ID > 0
first SharedSet2 (inner-join) where
SharedSet2.SharedSet_ID = Journal.SharedSet_ID AND
query resultset tqGetDInvoiceIDByBusinessKeys
field name | data type | db field | description |
tiDInvoice_ID | integer | DInvoice.DInvoice_ID | Record ID |
Internal usage